using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; namespace HeuristicLab.Calendar { public class DayView : Control { public DayView() { SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); scrollbar = new VScrollBar(); scrollbar.SmallChange = appointmentSlotHeight; scrollbar.LargeChange = appointmentSlotHeight * 2; scrollbar.Dock = DockStyle.Right; scrollbar.Visible = allowScroll; scrollbar.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(scrollbar_Scroll); AdjustScrollbar(); scrollbar.Value = (startHour * 2 * appointmentSlotHeight); this.Controls.Add(scrollbar); editbox = new TextBox(); editbox.Multiline = true; editbox.Visible = false; editbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; editbox.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(editbox_KeyUp); editbox.Margin = Padding.Empty; this.Controls.Add(editbox); drawTool = new DrawTool(); drawTool.DayView = this; selectionTool = new SelectionTool(); selectionTool.DayView = this; selectionTool.Complete += new EventHandler(selectionTool_Complete); activeTool = drawTool; UpdateWorkingHours(); this.Renderer = new Office12Renderer(); } #region " Private Fields " private TextBox editbox; private VScrollBar scrollbar; private DrawTool drawTool; private SelectionTool selectionTool; private int allDayEventsHeaderHeight = 20; private DateTime workStart; private DateTime workEnd; private int hourLabelWidth = 50; private int hourLabelIndent = 2; private int dayHeadersHeight = 20; private int appointmentGripWidth = 5; private int dayGripWidth = 5; private int horizontalAppointmentHeight = 20; private AppHeightDrawMode appHeightMode = AppHeightDrawMode.TrueHeightAll; private int appointmentSlotHeight = 24; private AbstractRenderer renderer; private bool ampmdisplay = false; private bool drawAllAppBorder = false; private bool minHalfHourApp = false; private int daysToShow = 1; private SelectionType selection; private DateTime startDate; private int startHour = 8; private Appointment selectedAppointment; private DateTime selectionStart; private DateTime selectionEnd; private ITool activeTool; private int workingHourStart = 8; private int workingMinuteStart = 30; private int workingHourEnd = 18; private int workingMinuteEnd = 30; private bool selectedAppointmentIsNew; private bool allowScroll = true; private bool allowInplaceEditing = true; private bool allowNew = true; private bool enableShadows = true; private bool enableRoundCorners = false; private bool enableTimeIndicator = false; private bool enableDurationDisplay = false; private AppointmentSlotDuration appointmentSlotDuration = AppointmentSlotDuration.ThirtyMinutes; internal System.Collections.Hashtable cachedAppointments = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); internal Dictionary appointmentViews = new Dictionary(); internal Dictionary longappointmentViews = new Dictionary(); #endregion #region Properties [Category("DailyView")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(5)] public int DayGripWidth { get { return dayGripWidth; } set { if (dayGripWidth == value) return; dayGripWidth = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(20)] public int DayHeadersHeight { get { return dayHeadersHeight; } set { if (dayHeadersHeight == value) return; dayHeadersHeight = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView")] public bool AmPmDisplay { get { return ampmdisplay; } set { if (ampmdisplay == value) return; ampmdisplay = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView")] public bool MinHalfHourApp { get { return minHalfHourApp; } set { if (minHalfHourApp == value) return; minHalfHourApp = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(1)] public int DaysToShow { get { return daysToShow; } set { if (daysToShow == value) return; daysToShow = value; if (this.CurrentlyEditing) FinishEditing(true); this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView")] public DateTime StartDate { get { return startDate; } set { if (startDate == value) return; startDate = value; startDate = startDate.Date; selectedAppointment = null; selectedAppointmentIsNew = false; selection = SelectionType.DateRange; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(8)] public int StartHour { get { return startHour; } set { startHour = value; OnStartHourChanged(); } } [Category("DailyView")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(8)] public int WorkingHourStart { get { return workingHourStart; } set { workingHourStart = value; UpdateWorkingHours(); } } [Category("DailyView")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(30)] public int WorkingMinuteStart { get { return workingMinuteStart; } set { workingMinuteStart = value; UpdateWorkingHours(); } } [Category("DailyView")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(18)] public int WorkingHourEnd { get { return workingHourEnd; } set { workingHourEnd = value; UpdateWorkingHours(); } } [Category("DailyView")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(30)] public int WorkingMinuteEnd { get { return workingMinuteEnd; } set { workingMinuteEnd = value; UpdateWorkingHours(); } } [Category("DailyView")] [DefaultValue(true)] public bool AllowScroll { get { return allowScroll; } set { if (allowScroll == value) return; allowScroll = value; this.scrollbar.Visible = this.AllowScroll; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView")] [DefaultValue(true)] public bool AllowInplaceEditing { get { return allowInplaceEditing; } set { allowInplaceEditing = value; } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(24)] public int AppointmentSlotHeight { get { return appointmentSlotHeight; } set { if (appointmentSlotHeight == value) return; appointmentSlotHeight = value; AdjustScrollbar(); this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(5)] public int AppointmentGripWidth { get { return appointmentGripWidth; } set { if (appointmentGripWidth == value) return; appointmentGripWidth = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] public bool DrawAllAppBorder { get { return drawAllAppBorder; } set { if (drawAllAppBorder == value) return; drawAllAppBorder = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(20)] public int HorizontalAppointmentHeight { get { return horizontalAppointmentHeight; } set { if (horizontalAppointmentHeight == value) return; horizontalAppointmentHeight = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] public AppHeightDrawMode AppointmentHeightMode { get { return appHeightMode; } set { appHeightMode = value; } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] [DefaultValue(true)] public bool AllowNew { get { return allowNew; } set { allowNew = value; } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] public bool EnableShadows { get { return enableShadows; } set { if (enableShadows == value) return; enableShadows = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] public bool EnableRoundedCorners { get { return enableRoundCorners; } set { if (enableRoundCorners == value) return; enableRoundCorners = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] public bool EnableTimeIndicator { get { return enableTimeIndicator; } set { if (value == enableTimeIndicator) return; enableTimeIndicator = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] public bool EnableDurationDisplay { get { return enableDurationDisplay; } set { if (value == enableDurationDisplay) return; enableDurationDisplay = value; this.Invalidate(); } } [Category("DailyView.Appointment")] [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(AppointmentSlotDuration.ThirtyMinutes)] public AppointmentSlotDuration AppointmentDuration { get { return appointmentSlotDuration; } set { if (appointmentSlotDuration == value) return; appointmentSlotDuration = value; this.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region " Property Overrides " [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public override Color BackColor { get { return base.BackColor; } set { base.BackColor = value; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public override string Text { get { return base.Text; } set { base.Text = value; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public override Image BackgroundImage { get { return base.BackgroundImage; } set { base.BackgroundImage = value; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout { get { return base.BackgroundImageLayout; } set { base.BackgroundImageLayout = value; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public override System.Drawing.Color ForeColor { get { return base.ForeColor; } set { base.ForeColor = value; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public override Font Font { get { return base.Font; } set { base.Font = value; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public override RightToLeft RightToLeft { get { return base.RightToLeft; } set { base.RightToLeft = value; } } #endregion #region " Private Properties " [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public DateTime SelectionStart { get { return selectionStart; } set { selectionStart = value; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public DateTime SelectionEnd { get { return selectionEnd; } set { selectionEnd = value; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public bool SelectedAppointmentIsNew { get { return selectedAppointmentIsNew; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public int VScrollBarWith { get { if (scrollbar.Visible) return scrollbar.Width; else return 0; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public ITool ActiveTool { get { return activeTool; } set { activeTool = value; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public bool CurrentlyEditing { get { return editbox.Visible; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public Appointment SelectedAppointment { get { return selectedAppointment; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] public SelectionType Selection { get { return selection; } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility(System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public AbstractRenderer Renderer { get { return renderer; } set { if (renderer == value) return; renderer = value; this.Font = renderer.BaseFont; this.Invalidate(); } } [System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)] private int HeaderHeight { get { return dayHeadersHeight + allDayEventsHeaderHeight; } } #endregion #region Event Handlers private void editbox_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { e.Handled = true; FinishEditing(true); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { e.Handled = true; FinishEditing(false); } } private void selectionTool_Complete(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (selectedAppointment != null) { System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new System.Threading.WaitCallback(EnterEditMode)); } } private void scrollbar_Scroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs e) { Invalidate(); //scroll text box too if (editbox.Visible) editbox.Top += e.OldValue - e.NewValue; } protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) { base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified); AdjustScrollbar(); } protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pevent) { // Flicker free } protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { // Capture focus this.Focus(); if (CurrentlyEditing) { FinishEditing(false); } if (selectedAppointmentIsNew) { RaiseNewAppointment(); } ITool newTool = null; Appointment appointment = GetAppointmentAt(e.X, e.Y); if (e.Y < HeaderHeight && e.Y > dayHeadersHeight && appointment == null) { if (selectedAppointment != null) { selectedAppointment = null; Invalidate(); } newTool = drawTool; selection = SelectionType.None; base.OnMouseDown(e); return; } if (appointment == null) { if (selectedAppointment != null) { selectedAppointment = null; Invalidate(); } newTool = drawTool; selection = SelectionType.DateRange; } else { newTool = selectionTool; selectedAppointment = appointment; selection = SelectionType.Appointment; Invalidate(); } if (activeTool != null) { activeTool.MouseDown(e); } if ((activeTool != newTool) && (newTool != null)) { newTool.Reset(); newTool.MouseDown(e); } activeTool = newTool; base.OnMouseDown(e); } protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { if (activeTool != null) activeTool.MouseMove(e); base.OnMouseMove(e); } protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { if (activeTool != null) activeTool.MouseUp(e); base.OnMouseUp(e); } protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseWheel(e); if (e.Delta < 0) {//mouse wheel scroll down ScrollMe(true); } else {//mouse wheel scroll up ScrollMe(false); } } protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e) { if ((allowNew) && char.IsLetterOrDigit(e.KeyChar)) { if ((this.Selection == SelectionType.DateRange)) { if (!selectedAppointmentIsNew) EnterNewAppointmentMode(e.KeyChar); } } } protected virtual void ResolveAppointments(ResolveAppointmentsEventArgs args) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Resolve app"); if (OnResolveAppointments != null) OnResolveAppointments(this, args); this.allDayEventsHeaderHeight = 0; // cache resolved appointments in hashtable by days. cachedAppointments.Clear(); if ((selectedAppointmentIsNew) && (selectedAppointment != null)) { if ((selectedAppointment.StartDate > args.StartDate) && (selectedAppointment.StartDate < args.EndDate)) { args.Appointments.Add(selectedAppointment); } } foreach (Appointment appointment in args.Appointments) { int key = -1; AppointmentList list; if (appointment.StartDate.Day == appointment.EndDate.Day && appointment.AllDayEvent == false) { key = appointment.StartDate.Day; } else { key = -1; } list = (AppointmentList)cachedAppointments[key]; if (list == null) { list = new AppointmentList(); cachedAppointments[key] = list; } list.Add(appointment); } } #endregion #region " Public Methods " public void ScrollMe(bool down) { if (this.AllowScroll == false) return; int newScrollValue; if (down) {//mouse wheel scroll down newScrollValue = this.scrollbar.Value + this.scrollbar.SmallChange; if (newScrollValue < this.scrollbar.Maximum) this.scrollbar.Value = newScrollValue; else this.scrollbar.Value = this.scrollbar.Maximum; } else {//mouse wheel scroll up newScrollValue = this.scrollbar.Value - this.scrollbar.SmallChange; if (newScrollValue > this.scrollbar.Minimum) this.scrollbar.Value = newScrollValue; else this.scrollbar.Value = this.scrollbar.Minimum; } this.Invalidate(); } public Rectangle GetTrueRectangle() { Rectangle truerect; truerect = this.ClientRectangle; truerect.X += hourLabelWidth + hourLabelIndent; truerect.Width -= VScrollBarWith + hourLabelWidth + hourLabelIndent; truerect.Y += this.HeaderHeight; truerect.Height -= this.HeaderHeight; return truerect; } public Rectangle GetFullDayApptsRectangle() { Rectangle fulldayrect; fulldayrect = this.ClientRectangle; fulldayrect.Height = this.HeaderHeight - dayHeadersHeight; fulldayrect.Y += dayHeadersHeight; fulldayrect.Width -= (hourLabelWidth + hourLabelIndent + this.VScrollBarWith); fulldayrect.X += hourLabelWidth + hourLabelIndent; return fulldayrect; } public void StartEditing() { if (!selectedAppointment.Locked && appointmentViews.ContainsKey(selectedAppointment)) { Rectangle editBounds = appointmentViews[selectedAppointment].Rectangle; editBounds.Inflate(-3, -3); editBounds.X += appointmentGripWidth - 2; editBounds.Width -= appointmentGripWidth - 5; editbox.Bounds = editBounds; editbox.Text = selectedAppointment.Subject; editbox.Visible = true; editbox.SelectionStart = editbox.Text.Length; editbox.SelectionLength = 0; editbox.Focus(); } } public void FinishEditing(bool cancel) { editbox.Visible = false; if (!cancel) { if (selectedAppointment != null) selectedAppointment.Subject = editbox.Text; } else { if (selectedAppointmentIsNew) { selectedAppointment = null; selectedAppointmentIsNew = false; } } Invalidate(); this.Focus(); } public DateTime GetTimeAt(int x, int y) { int dayWidth = (this.Width - (VScrollBarWith + hourLabelWidth + hourLabelIndent)) / daysToShow; int hour = (y - this.HeaderHeight + scrollbar.Value) / appointmentSlotHeight; x -= hourLabelWidth; DateTime date = startDate; date = date.Date; date = date.AddDays(x / dayWidth); if ((hour > 0) && (hour < 24 * 2)) date = date.AddMinutes((hour * 30)); return date; } public Appointment GetAppointmentAt(int x, int y) { foreach (AppointmentView view in appointmentViews.Values) if (view.Rectangle.Contains(x, y)) return view.Appointment; foreach (AppointmentView view in longappointmentViews.Values) if (view.Rectangle.Contains(x, y)) return view.Appointment; return null; } private Rectangle GetHourRangeRectangle(DateTime start, DateTime end, Rectangle baseRectangle) { Rectangle rect = baseRectangle; int startY; int endY; startY = (start.Hour * appointmentSlotHeight * 2) + ((start.Minute * appointmentSlotHeight) / 30); endY = (end.Hour * appointmentSlotHeight * 2) + ((end.Minute * appointmentSlotHeight) / 30); rect.Y = startY - scrollbar.Value + this.HeaderHeight; rect.Height = System.Math.Max(1, endY - startY); return rect; } #endregion #region " Private Methods " private void AdjustScrollbar() { scrollbar.Maximum = (2 * appointmentSlotHeight * 25) - this.Height + this.HeaderHeight; scrollbar.Minimum = 0; } protected virtual void OnStartHourChanged() { // Fix : if ((startHour * 2 * appointmentSlotHeight) > scrollbar.Maximum) //maximum is lower on larger forms { scrollbar.Value = scrollbar.Maximum; } else { scrollbar.Value = (startHour * 2 * appointmentSlotHeight); } Invalidate(); } private void UpdateWorkingHours() { workStart = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, workingHourStart, workingMinuteStart, 0); workEnd = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, workingHourEnd, workingMinuteEnd, 0); Invalidate(); } private void EnterNewAppointmentMode(char key) { Appointment appointment = new Appointment(); appointment.StartDate = selectionStart; appointment.EndDate = selectionEnd; appointment.Subject = key.ToString(); selectedAppointment = appointment; selectedAppointmentIsNew = true; activeTool = selectionTool; Invalidate(); System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new System.Threading.WaitCallback(EnterEditMode)); } private delegate void StartEditModeDelegate(object state); private void EnterEditMode(object state) { if (!allowInplaceEditing) return; if (this.InvokeRequired) { Appointment selectedApp = selectedAppointment; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); if (selectedApp == selectedAppointment) this.Invoke(new StartEditModeDelegate(EnterEditMode), state); } else { StartEditing(); } } #endregion #region " Method Overrides " protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { editbox.Dispose(); scrollbar.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } #endregion #region " Drawing Methods " protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; // resolve appointments on visible date range. ResolveAppointmentsEventArgs args = new ResolveAppointmentsEventArgs(this.StartDate, this.StartDate.AddDays(daysToShow)); ResolveAppointments(args); using (SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(renderer.BackColor)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, this.ClientRectangle); // Visible Rectangle Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width - VScrollBarWith, this.Height); DrawDays(ref e, rectangle); DrawHourLabels(ref e, rectangle); DrawDayHeaders(ref e, rectangle); } private void DrawDays(ref PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle rectangle) { Rectangle rect = rectangle; rect.X += hourLabelWidth + hourLabelIndent; rect.Y += this.HeaderHeight; rect.Width -= (hourLabelWidth + hourLabelIndent); if (e.ClipRectangle.IntersectsWith(rect) == false) return; int dayWidth = rect.Width / daysToShow; #region " Multi Day Appointments " AppointmentList longAppointments = (AppointmentList)cachedAppointments[-1]; AppointmentList drawnLongApps = new AppointmentList(); AppointmentView view; int y = dayHeadersHeight; bool intersect = false; List layers = new List(); if (longAppointments != null) { foreach (Appointment appointment in longAppointments) { appointment.Layer = 0; if (drawnLongApps.Count != 0) { foreach (Appointment app in drawnLongApps) if (!layers.Contains(app.Layer)) layers.Add(app.Layer); foreach (int lay in layers) { foreach (Appointment app in drawnLongApps) { if (app.Layer == lay) if (appointment.StartDate.Date >= app.EndDate.Date || appointment.EndDate.Date <= app.StartDate.Date) intersect = false; else { intersect = true; break; } appointment.Layer = lay; } if (!intersect) break; } if (intersect) appointment.Layer = layers.Count; } drawnLongApps.Add(appointment); // changed by Gimlei } foreach (Appointment app in drawnLongApps) if (!layers.Contains(app.Layer)) layers.Add(app.Layer); allDayEventsHeaderHeight = layers.Count * (horizontalAppointmentHeight + 5) + 5; Rectangle backRectangle = rect; backRectangle.Y = y; backRectangle.Height = allDayEventsHeaderHeight; renderer.DrawAllDayBackground(e.Graphics, backRectangle); foreach (Appointment appointment in longAppointments) { Rectangle appointmenRect = rect; int spanDays = appointment.EndDate.Subtract(appointment.StartDate).Days; if (appointment.EndDate.Day != appointment.StartDate.Day && appointment.EndDate.TimeOfDay < appointment.StartDate.TimeOfDay) spanDays += 1; appointmenRect.Width = dayWidth * spanDays - 5; appointmenRect.Height = horizontalAppointmentHeight; appointmenRect.X += (appointment.StartDate.Subtract(startDate).Days) * dayWidth; // changed by Gimlei appointmenRect.Y = y + appointment.Layer * (horizontalAppointmentHeight + 5) + 5; // changed by Gimlei view = new AppointmentView(); view.Rectangle = appointmenRect; view.Appointment = appointment; longappointmentViews[appointment] = view; Rectangle gripRect = appointmenRect; gripRect.Width = appointmentGripWidth; renderer.DrawAppointment(e.Graphics, appointmenRect, appointment, appointment == selectedAppointment, gripRect, EnableShadows, EnableRoundedCorners); } } #endregion DateTime time = startDate; Rectangle rectangle2 = rect; rectangle2.Width = dayWidth; rectangle2.Y += allDayEventsHeaderHeight; rectangle2.Height -= allDayEventsHeaderHeight; appointmentViews.Clear(); layers.Clear(); for (int day = 0; day < daysToShow; day++) { DrawDay(ref e, rectangle2, time); rectangle2.X += dayWidth; time = time.AddDays(1); } } private void DrawHourLabels(ref PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle rectangle) { Rectangle rect = rectangle; rect.Y += this.HeaderHeight; e.Graphics.SetClip(rect); int hourlabelheight = (int)AppointmentDuration * AppointmentSlotHeight; for (int m_Hour = 0; m_Hour < 24; m_Hour++) { Rectangle hourRectangle = rect; hourRectangle.Y = rect.Y + (m_Hour * 2 * appointmentSlotHeight) - scrollbar.Value; hourRectangle.X += hourLabelIndent; hourRectangle.Width = hourLabelWidth; hourRectangle.Height = hourlabelheight; if (hourRectangle.Y > this.HeaderHeight / 2) renderer.DrawHourLabel(e.Graphics, hourRectangle, m_Hour, this.AmPmDisplay, EnableTimeIndicator); } e.Graphics.ResetClip(); } private void DrawDayHeaders(ref PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle rectangle) { Rectangle rect = rectangle; rect.X += hourLabelWidth + hourLabelIndent; rect.Width -= (hourLabelWidth + hourLabelIndent); rect.Height = dayHeadersHeight; if (e.ClipRectangle.IntersectsWith(rect) == false) return; int dayWidth = rect.Width / daysToShow; //one day header rectangle Rectangle dayHeaderRectangle = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, dayWidth, rect.Height); DateTime headerDate = startDate; for (int day = 0; day < daysToShow; day++) { renderer.DrawDayHeader(e.Graphics, dayHeaderRectangle, headerDate); dayHeaderRectangle.X += dayWidth; headerDate = headerDate.AddDays(1); } Rectangle scrollrect = rectangle; if (this.AllowScroll == false) { scrollrect.X = rect.Width + hourLabelWidth + hourLabelIndent; scrollrect.Width = VScrollBarWith; using (SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(renderer.BackColor)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, scrollrect); } } private void DrawDay(ref PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle rect, DateTime time) { Rectangle workingHoursRectangle = GetHourRangeRectangle(workStart, workEnd, rect); if (workingHoursRectangle.Y < this.HeaderHeight) { // Fix : workingHoursRectangle.Height -= this.HeaderHeight - workingHoursRectangle.Y; workingHoursRectangle.Y = this.HeaderHeight; } if (!((time.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday) || (time.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday))) //weekends off -> no working hours renderer.DrawHourRange(e.Graphics, workingHoursRectangle, false, false); if ((selection == SelectionType.DateRange) && (time.Day == selectionStart.Day)) { Rectangle selectionRectangle = GetHourRangeRectangle(selectionStart, selectionEnd, rect); if (selectionRectangle.Top + 1 > this.HeaderHeight) renderer.DrawHourRange(e.Graphics, selectionRectangle, false, true); } e.Graphics.SetClip(rect); for (int hour = 0; hour < 24 * 2; hour++) { int y = rect.Top + (hour * appointmentSlotHeight) - scrollbar.Value; using (Pen pen = new Pen(((hour % 2) == 0 ? renderer.HalfHourSeperatorColor : renderer.HourSeperatorColor))) e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, rect.Left, y, rect.Right, y); if (y > rect.Bottom) break; } renderer.DrawDayGripper(e.Graphics, rect, dayGripWidth); e.Graphics.ResetClip(); AppointmentList appointments = (AppointmentList)cachedAppointments[time.Day]; if (appointments != null) { List groups = new List(); foreach (Appointment app in appointments) if (!groups.Contains(app.Group)) groups.Add(app.Group); Rectangle rect2 = rect; rect2.Width = rect2.Width / groups.Count; //groups.Sort(); foreach (string group in groups) { DrawAppointments(ref e, rect2, time, group); rect2.X += rect2.Width; } } } private void DrawAppointments(ref PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle rect, DateTime time, string group) { DateTime timeStart = time.Date; DateTime timeEnd = timeStart.AddHours(24); timeEnd = timeEnd.AddSeconds(-1); AppointmentList appointments = (AppointmentList)cachedAppointments[time.Day]; if (appointments != null) { HalfHourLayout[] layout = GetMaxParalelAppointments(appointments); List drawnItems = new List(); for (int halfHour = 0; halfHour < 24 * 2; halfHour++) { HalfHourLayout hourLayout = layout[halfHour]; if ((hourLayout != null) && (hourLayout.Count > 0)) { for (int appIndex = 0; appIndex < hourLayout.Count; appIndex++) { Appointment appointment = hourLayout.Appointments[appIndex]; if (appointment.Group != group) continue; if (drawnItems.IndexOf(appointment) < 0) { Rectangle appRect = rect; int appointmentWidth; AppointmentView view; appointmentWidth = rect.Width / appointment.conflictCount; int lastX = 0; foreach (Appointment app in hourLayout.Appointments) { if ((app != null) && (app.Group == appointment.Group) && (appointmentViews.ContainsKey(app))) { view = appointmentViews[app]; if (lastX < view.Rectangle.X) lastX = view.Rectangle.X; } } if ((lastX + (appointmentWidth * 2)) > (rect.X + rect.Width)) lastX = 0; appRect.Width = appointmentWidth - 5; if (lastX > 0) appRect.X = lastX + appointmentWidth; DateTime appstart = appointment.StartDate; DateTime append = appointment.EndDate; // Draw the appts boxes depending on the height display mode // If small appts are to be drawn in half-hour blocks if (this.AppointmentHeightMode == AppHeightDrawMode.FullHalfHourBlocksShort && appointment.EndDate.Subtract(appointment.StartDate).TotalMinutes < 30) { // Round the start/end time to the last/next halfhour appstart = appointment.StartDate.AddMinutes(-appointment.StartDate.Minute); append = appointment.EndDate.AddMinutes(30 - appointment.EndDate.Minute); // Make sure we've rounded it to the correct halfhour :) if (appointment.StartDate.Minute >= 30) appstart = appstart.AddMinutes(30); if (appointment.EndDate.Minute > 30) append = append.AddMinutes(30); } // This is basically the same as previous mode, but for all appts else if (this.AppointmentHeightMode == AppHeightDrawMode.FullHalfHourBlocksAll) { appstart = appointment.StartDate.AddMinutes(-appointment.StartDate.Minute); if (appointment.EndDate.Minute != 0 && appointment.EndDate.Minute != 30) append = appointment.EndDate.AddMinutes(30 - appointment.EndDate.Minute); else append = appointment.EndDate; if (appointment.StartDate.Minute >= 30) appstart = appstart.AddMinutes(30); if (appointment.EndDate.Minute > 30) append = append.AddMinutes(30); } // Based on previous code else if (this.AppointmentHeightMode == AppHeightDrawMode.EndHalfHourBlocksShort && appointment.EndDate.Subtract(appointment.StartDate).TotalMinutes < 30) { // Round the end time to the next halfhour append = appointment.EndDate.AddMinutes(30 - appointment.EndDate.Minute); // Make sure we've rounded it to the correct halfhour :) if (appointment.EndDate.Minute > 30) append = append.AddMinutes(30); } else if (this.AppointmentHeightMode == AppHeightDrawMode.EndHalfHourBlocksAll) { // Round the end time to the next halfhour if (appointment.EndDate.Minute != 0 && appointment.EndDate.Minute != 30) append = appointment.EndDate.AddMinutes(30 - appointment.EndDate.Minute); else append = appointment.EndDate; // Make sure we've rounded it to the correct halfhour :) if (appointment.EndDate.Minute > 30) append = append.AddMinutes(30); } appRect = GetHourRangeRectangle(appstart, append, appRect); view = new AppointmentView(); view.Rectangle = appRect; view.Appointment = appointment; appointmentViews[appointment] = view; e.Graphics.SetClip(rect); if (this.DrawAllAppBorder) appointment.DrawBorder = true; // Procedure for gripper rectangle is always the same Rectangle gripRect = appRect; gripRect.Width = appointmentGripWidth; renderer.DrawAppointment(e.Graphics, appRect, appointment, appointment == selectedAppointment, gripRect, this.EnableShadows, this.enableRoundCorners); e.Graphics.ResetClip(); drawnItems.Add(appointment); } } } } } } private static HalfHourLayout[] GetMaxParalelAppointments(List appointments) { HalfHourLayout[] appLayouts = new HalfHourLayout[24 * 2]; foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments) { appointment.conflictCount = 1; } foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments) { int firstHalfHour = appointment.StartDate.Hour * 2 + (appointment.StartDate.Minute / 30); int lastHalfHour = appointment.EndDate.Hour * 2 + (appointment.EndDate.Minute / 30); // Added to allow small parts been displayed if (lastHalfHour == firstHalfHour) { if (lastHalfHour < 24 * 2) lastHalfHour++; else firstHalfHour--; } for (int halfHour = firstHalfHour; halfHour < lastHalfHour; halfHour++) { HalfHourLayout layout = appLayouts[halfHour]; if (layout == null) { layout = new HalfHourLayout(); layout.Appointments = new Appointment[20]; appLayouts[halfHour] = layout; } layout.Appointments[layout.Count] = appointment; layout.Count++; List groups = new List(); foreach (Appointment app2 in layout.Appointments) { if ((app2 != null) && (!groups.Contains(app2.Group))) groups.Add(app2.Group); } layout.Groups = groups; // update conflicts foreach (Appointment app2 in layout.Appointments) { if ((app2 != null) && (app2.Group == appointment.Group)) if (app2.conflictCount < layout.Count) app2.conflictCount = layout.Count - (layout.Groups.Count - 1); } } } return appLayouts; } #endregion #region " Internal Utility Classes " internal class HalfHourLayout { public int Count; public List Groups; public Appointment[] Appointments; } internal class AppointmentView { public Appointment Appointment; public Rectangle Rectangle; } internal class AppointmentList : List { } #endregion #region " Events " public event EventHandler OnSelectionChanged; public event EventHandler OnResolveAppointments; public event EventHandler OnNewAppointment; public event EventHandler OnAppointmentMove; internal void RaiseNewAppointment() { NewAppointmentEventArgs args = new NewAppointmentEventArgs(selectedAppointment.Subject, selectedAppointment.StartDate, selectedAppointment.EndDate); if (OnNewAppointment != null) { OnNewAppointment(this, args); } selectedAppointment = null; selectedAppointmentIsNew = false; Invalidate(); } internal void RaiseSelectionChanged(EventArgs e) { if (OnSelectionChanged != null) OnSelectionChanged(this, e); } internal void RaiseAppointmentMove(AppointmentEventArgs e) { if (OnAppointmentMove != null) OnAppointmentMove(this, e); } #endregion } }