#region License Information
/* HeuristicLab
* Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
* This file is part of HeuristicLab.
* HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HeuristicLab. If not, see .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
using HeuristicLab.Random;
using HeuristicLab.Core;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using ExecutionContext = HeuristicLab.Core.ExecutionContext;
using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression;
namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Tests {
public class SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionCrossoverTest {
private const int PopulationSize = 10000;
private const int MaxTreeDepth = 10;
private const int MaxTreeLength = 100;
private const int Rows = 1000;
private const int Columns = 50;
///Gets or sets the test context which provides
///information about and functionality for the current test run.
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
public void SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionSemanticSimilarityCrossoverPerformanceTest() {
public void SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionProbabilisticFunctionalCrossoverPerformanceTest() {
public void SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionDeterministicBestCrossoverPerformanceTest() {
public void SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionContextAwareCrossoverPerformanceTest() {
public void SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionDepthConstrainedCrossoverPerformanceTest() {
private static void DepthConstrainedCrossoverPerformanceTest() {
var twister = new MersenneTwister(31415);
var dataset = Util.CreateRandomDataset(twister, Rows, Columns);
var grammar = new FullFunctionalExpressionGrammar();
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
grammar.MaximumFunctionArguments = 0;
grammar.MaximumFunctionDefinitions = 0;
grammar.MinimumFunctionArguments = 0;
grammar.MinimumFunctionDefinitions = 0;
var trees = Util.CreateRandomTrees(twister, dataset, grammar, PopulationSize, 1, MaxTreeLength, 0, 0);
foreach (ISymbolicExpressionTree tree in trees) {
Util.InitTree(tree, twister, new List(dataset.VariableNames));
var problemData = new RegressionProblemData(dataset, dataset.VariableNames, dataset.VariableNames.Last());
var problem = new SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveProblem();
problem.ProblemData = problemData;
var crossover = problem.OperatorsParameter.Value.OfType>().First();
//crossover.DepthRange.Value = "HighLevel";
//crossover.DepthRange.Value = "Standard";
crossover.DepthRange.Value = "LowLevel";
var globalScope = new Scope("Global Scope");
globalScope.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable("Random", twister));
var context = new ExecutionContext(null, problem, globalScope);
context = new ExecutionContext(context, crossover, globalScope);
for (int i = 0; i != PopulationSize; ++i) {
var parent0 = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)trees.SelectRandom(twister).Clone();
var scopeParent0 = new Scope();
scopeParent0.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable(crossover.ParentsParameter.ActualName, parent0));
var parent1 = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)trees.SelectRandom(twister).Clone();
var scopeParent1 = new Scope();
scopeParent1.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable(crossover.ParentsParameter.ActualName, parent1));
crossover.Execute(context, new CancellationToken());
context.Scope.SubScopes.Remove(scopeParent0); // clean the scope in preparation for the next iteration
context.Scope.SubScopes.Remove(scopeParent1); // clean the scope in preparation for the next iteration
double msPerCrossover = 2 * stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)PopulationSize;
Console.WriteLine("DepthConstrainedCrossover: " + Environment.NewLine +
msPerCrossover + " ms per crossover (~" + Math.Round(1000.0 / (msPerCrossover)) + " crossover operations / s)");
foreach (var tree in trees)
private static void SemanticSimilarityCrossoverPerformanceTest() {
var twister = new MersenneTwister(31415);
var dataset = Util.CreateRandomDataset(twister, Rows, Columns);
var grammar = new FullFunctionalExpressionGrammar();
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
grammar.MaximumFunctionArguments = 0;
grammar.MaximumFunctionDefinitions = 0;
grammar.MinimumFunctionArguments = 0;
grammar.MinimumFunctionDefinitions = 0;
var trees = Util.CreateRandomTrees(twister, dataset, grammar, PopulationSize, 1, MaxTreeLength, 0, 0);
foreach (ISymbolicExpressionTree tree in trees) {
Util.InitTree(tree, twister, new List(dataset.VariableNames));
var problemData = new RegressionProblemData(dataset, dataset.VariableNames, dataset.VariableNames.Last());
var problem = new SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveProblem();
problem.ProblemData = problemData;
var interpreter = problem.SymbolicExpressionTreeInterpreter;
var crossover = problem.OperatorsParameter.Value.OfType>().First();
var globalScope = new Scope("Global Scope");
globalScope.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable("Random", twister));
var context = new ExecutionContext(null, problem, globalScope);
context = new ExecutionContext(context, crossover, globalScope);
for (int i = 0; i != PopulationSize; ++i) {
var parent0 = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)trees.SelectRandom(twister).Clone();
var scopeParent0 = new Scope();
scopeParent0.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable(crossover.ParentsParameter.ActualName, parent0));
var parent1 = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)trees.SelectRandom(twister).Clone();
var scopeParent1 = new Scope();
scopeParent1.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable(crossover.ParentsParameter.ActualName, parent1));
crossover.Execute(context, new CancellationToken());
context.Scope.SubScopes.Remove(scopeParent0); // clean the scope in preparation for the next iteration
context.Scope.SubScopes.Remove(scopeParent1); // clean the scope in preparation for the next iteration
double msPerCrossover = 2 * stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)PopulationSize;
Console.WriteLine("SemanticSimilarityCrossover: " + Environment.NewLine +
interpreter.EvaluatedSolutions + " evaluations" + Environment.NewLine +
msPerCrossover + " ms per crossover (~" + Math.Round(1000.0 / (msPerCrossover)) + " crossover operations / s)");
foreach (var tree in trees)
private static void ProbabilisticFunctionalCrossoverPerformanceTest() {
var twister = new MersenneTwister(31415);
var dataset = Util.CreateRandomDataset(twister, Rows, Columns);
var grammar = new FullFunctionalExpressionGrammar();
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
grammar.MaximumFunctionArguments = 0;
grammar.MaximumFunctionDefinitions = 0;
grammar.MinimumFunctionArguments = 0;
grammar.MinimumFunctionDefinitions = 0;
var trees = Util.CreateRandomTrees(twister, dataset, grammar, PopulationSize, 1, MaxTreeLength, 0, 0);
foreach (ISymbolicExpressionTree tree in trees) {
Util.InitTree(tree, twister, new List(dataset.VariableNames));
var problemData = new RegressionProblemData(dataset, dataset.VariableNames, dataset.VariableNames.Last());
var problem = new SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveProblem();
problem.ProblemData = problemData;
var interpreter = problem.SymbolicExpressionTreeInterpreter;
var crossover = problem.OperatorsParameter.Value.OfType>().First();
var globalScope = new Scope("Global Scope");
globalScope.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable("Random", twister));
var context = new ExecutionContext(null, problem, globalScope);
context = new ExecutionContext(context, crossover, globalScope);
for (int i = 0; i != PopulationSize; ++i) {
var parent0 = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)trees.SelectRandom(twister).Clone();
var scopeParent0 = new Scope();
scopeParent0.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable(crossover.ParentsParameter.ActualName, parent0));
var parent1 = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)trees.SelectRandom(twister).Clone();
var scopeParent1 = new Scope();
scopeParent1.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable(crossover.ParentsParameter.ActualName, parent1));
crossover.Execute(context, new CancellationToken());
context.Scope.SubScopes.Remove(scopeParent0); // clean the scope in preparation for the next iteration
context.Scope.SubScopes.Remove(scopeParent1); // clean the scope in preparation for the next iteration
double msPerCrossover = 2 * stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)PopulationSize;
Console.WriteLine("ProbabilisticFunctionalCrossover: " + Environment.NewLine +
interpreter.EvaluatedSolutions + " evaluations" + Environment.NewLine +
msPerCrossover + " ms per crossover (~" + Math.Round(1000.0 / (msPerCrossover)) + " crossover operations / s)");
foreach (var tree in trees)
private static void DeterministicBestCrossoverPerformanceTest() {
var twister = new MersenneTwister(31415);
var dataset = Util.CreateRandomDataset(twister, Rows, Columns);
var grammar = new FullFunctionalExpressionGrammar();
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
grammar.MaximumFunctionArguments = 0;
grammar.MaximumFunctionDefinitions = 0;
grammar.MinimumFunctionArguments = 0;
grammar.MinimumFunctionDefinitions = 0;
var trees = Util.CreateRandomTrees(twister, dataset, grammar, PopulationSize, 1, MaxTreeLength, 0, 0);
foreach (ISymbolicExpressionTree tree in trees) {
Util.InitTree(tree, twister, new List(dataset.VariableNames));
var problemData = new RegressionProblemData(dataset, dataset.VariableNames, dataset.VariableNames.Last());
var problem = new SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveProblem();
problem.ProblemData = problemData;
var interpreter = problem.SymbolicExpressionTreeInterpreter;
var crossover = problem.OperatorsParameter.Value.OfType>().First();
var globalScope = new Scope("Global Scope");
globalScope.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable("Random", twister));
var context = new ExecutionContext(null, problem, globalScope);
context = new ExecutionContext(context, crossover, globalScope);
for (int i = 0; i != PopulationSize; ++i) {
var parent0 = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)trees.SelectRandom(twister).Clone();
var scopeParent0 = new Scope();
scopeParent0.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable(crossover.ParentsParameter.ActualName, parent0));
var parent1 = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)trees.SelectRandom(twister).Clone();
var scopeParent1 = new Scope();
scopeParent1.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable(crossover.ParentsParameter.ActualName, parent1));
crossover.Execute(context, new CancellationToken());
context.Scope.SubScopes.Remove(scopeParent0); // clean the scope in preparation for the next iteration
context.Scope.SubScopes.Remove(scopeParent1); // clean the scope in preparation for the next iteration
double msPerCrossover = 2 * stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)PopulationSize;
Console.WriteLine("DeterministicBestCrossover: " + Environment.NewLine +
interpreter.EvaluatedSolutions + " evaluations" + Environment.NewLine +
msPerCrossover + " ms per crossover (~" + Math.Round(1000.0 / (msPerCrossover)) + " crossover operations / s)");
foreach (var tree in trees)
private static void ContextAwareCrossoverPerformanceTest() {
var twister = new MersenneTwister(31415);
var dataset = Util.CreateRandomDataset(twister, Rows, Columns);
var grammar = new FullFunctionalExpressionGrammar();
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
grammar.MaximumFunctionArguments = 0;
grammar.MaximumFunctionDefinitions = 0;
grammar.MinimumFunctionArguments = 0;
grammar.MinimumFunctionDefinitions = 0;
var trees = Util.CreateRandomTrees(twister, dataset, grammar, PopulationSize, 1, MaxTreeLength, 0, 0);
foreach (ISymbolicExpressionTree tree in trees) {
Util.InitTree(tree, twister, new List(dataset.VariableNames));
var problemData = new RegressionProblemData(dataset, dataset.VariableNames, dataset.VariableNames.Last());
var problem = new SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveProblem();
problem.ProblemData = problemData;
var interpreter = problem.SymbolicExpressionTreeInterpreter;
var crossover = problem.OperatorsParameter.Value.OfType>().First();
var globalScope = new Scope("Global Scope");
globalScope.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable("Random", twister));
var context = new ExecutionContext(null, problem, globalScope);
context = new ExecutionContext(context, crossover, globalScope);
for (int i = 0; i != PopulationSize; ++i) {
var parent0 = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)trees.SelectRandom(twister).Clone();
var scopeParent0 = new Scope();
scopeParent0.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable(crossover.ParentsParameter.ActualName, parent0));
var parent1 = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)trees.SelectRandom(twister).Clone();
var scopeParent1 = new Scope();
scopeParent1.Variables.Add(new Core.Variable(crossover.ParentsParameter.ActualName, parent1));
crossover.Execute(context, new CancellationToken());
context.Scope.SubScopes.Remove(scopeParent0); // clean the scope in preparation for the next iteration
context.Scope.SubScopes.Remove(scopeParent1); // clean the scope in preparation for the next iteration
double msPerCrossover = 2 * stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)PopulationSize;
Console.WriteLine("ContextAwareCrossover: " + Environment.NewLine +
interpreter.EvaluatedSolutions + " evaluations" + Environment.NewLine +
msPerCrossover + " ms per crossover (~" + Math.Round(1000.0 / (msPerCrossover)) + " crossover operations / s)");
foreach (var tree in trees)