--------------------------------- testset.c -- test qset.c and its use of mem.c The test sets are pointers to int. Normally a set is a pointer to a type (e.g., facetT, ridgeT, etc.). For consistency in notation, an "int" is typedef'd to i2T Functions and macros from qset.h. Counts occurrences in this test. Does not correspond to thoroughness. qh_setaddsorted -- 4 tests qh_setaddnth -- 1 test qh_setappend -- 7 tests qh_setappend_set -- 1 test qh_setappend2ndlast -- 1 test qh_setcheck -- lots of tests qh_setcompact -- 7 tests qh_setcopy -- 3 tests qh_setdel -- 1 tests qh_setdellast -- 1 tests qh_setdelnth -- 2 tests qh_setdelnthsorted -- 2 tests qh_setdelsorted -- 1 test qh_setduplicate -- not testable here qh_setequal -- 4 tests qh_setequal_except -- 2 tests qh_setequal_skip -- 2 tests qh_setfree -- 11+ tests qh_setfree2 -- not testable here qh_setfreelong -- 2 tests qh_setin -- 3 tests qh_setindex -- 4 tests qh_setlarger -- 1 test qh_setlast -- 2 tests qh_setnew -- 6 tests qh_setnew_delnthsorted qh_setprint -- tested elsewhere qh_setreplace -- 1 test qh_setsize -- 9+ tests qh_settemp -- 2 tests qh_settempfree -- 1 test qh_settempfree_all -- 1 test qh_settemppop -- 1 test qh_settemppush -- 1 test qh_settruncate -- 3 tests qh_setunique -- 3 tests qh_setzero -- 1 test FOREACHint_ -- 2 test FOREACHint4_ FOREACHint_i_ -- 1 test FOREACHintreverse_ FOREACHintreverse12_ FOREACHsetelement_ -- 1 test FOREACHsetelement_i_ -- 1 test FOREACHsetelementreverse_ -- 1 test FOREACHsetelementreverse12_ -- 1 test SETelem_ -- 3 tests SETelemaddr_ -- 2 tests SETelemt_ -- not tested (generic) SETempty_ -- 1 test SETfirst_ -- 4 tests SETfirstt_ -- 2 tests SETindex_ -- 2 tests SETref_ -- 2 tests SETreturnsize_ -- 2 tests SETsecond_ -- 1 test SETsecondt_ -- 2 tests SETtruncate_ -- 2 tests */ #include#include #include #include #include "qset.h" #include "mem.h" typedef int i2T; #define MAXerrorCount 100 /* quit after n errors */ #define FOREACHint_( ints ) FOREACHsetelement_( i2T, ints, i2) #define FOREACHint4_( ints ) FOREACHsetelement_( i2T, ints, i4) #define FOREACHint_i_( ints ) FOREACHsetelement_i_( i2T, ints, i2) #define FOREACHintreverse_( ints ) FOREACHsetelementreverse_( i2T, ints, i2) #define FOREACHintreverse12_( ints ) FOREACHsetelementreverse12_( i2T, ints, i2) enum { MAXint= 0x7fffffff, }; char prompt[]= "testqset N [M] -- Test qset.c and mem.c\n\ Test qsets of 0..N integers with a check every M iterations (default ~log10)\n\ Additional checking and logging if M is 1\n\ For example:\n\ testqset 10000\n\ "; int error_count= 0; /* Global error_count. checkSetContents() keeps its own error count. It exits on too many errors */ /* Macros normally defined in user.h */ #define qh_MEMalign ((int)(sizeof(void *))) #define qh_MEMbufsize 0x10000 /* allocate 64K memory buffers */ #define qh_MEMinitbuf 0x20000 /* initially allocate 128K buffer */ /* Macros normally defined in QhullSet.h */ /* Functions normally defined in usermem.h */ void qh_exit(int exitcode) { exit(exitcode); } /* exit */ void qh_free(void *mem) { free(mem); } /* free */ void *qh_malloc(size_t size) { return malloc(size); } /* malloc */ void qh_errexit(int exitcode, void *f, void *r) { f= r; /* unused */ qh_exit(exitcode); } void qh_fprintf(FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... ) { static int needs_cr= 0; /* True if qh_fprintf needs a CR */ size_t fmtlen= strlen(fmt); va_list args; if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "qh_fprintf: fp not defined for '%s'", fmt); qh_errexit(6232, NULL, NULL); } if(fmtlen>0){ if(fmt[fmtlen-1]=='\n'){ if(needs_cr && fmtlen>1){ fprintf(fp, "\n"); } needs_cr= 0; }else{ needs_cr= 1; } } if(msgcode>=6000 && msgcode<7000){ fprintf(fp, "Error TQ%d ", msgcode); } va_start(args, fmt); vfprintf(fp, fmt, args); va_end(args); } /* Defined below in order of use */ int main(int argc, char **argv); void readOptions(int argc, char **argv, const char *promptstr, int *numInts, int *checkEvery); void setupMemory(int tracelevel, int numInts, int **intarray); void testSetappendSettruncate(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery); void testSetdelSetadd(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery); void testSetappendSet(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery); void testSetcompactCopy(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery); void testSetequalInEtc(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery); void testSettemp(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery); void testSetlastEtc(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery); void testSetdelsortedEtc(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery); int log_i(setT *set, const char *s, int i, int numInts, int checkEvery); void checkSetContents(const char *name, setT *set, int count, int rangeA, int rangeB, int rangeC); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int *intarray= NULL; int numInts; int checkEvery= MAXint; int curlong, totlong; int tracelevel= 4; /* 4 normally. 5 for memory tracing */ readOptions(argc, argv, prompt, &numInts, &checkEvery); setupMemory(tracelevel, numInts, &intarray); testSetappendSettruncate(numInts, intarray, checkEvery); testSetdelSetadd(numInts, intarray, checkEvery); testSetappendSet(numInts, intarray, checkEvery); testSetcompactCopy(numInts, intarray, checkEvery); testSetequalInEtc(numInts, intarray, checkEvery); testSettemp(numInts, intarray, checkEvery); testSetlastEtc(numInts, intarray, checkEvery); testSetdelsortedEtc(numInts, intarray, checkEvery); printf("\n\nNot testing qh_setduplicate and qh_setfree2.\n These routines use heap-allocated set contents. See qhull tests.\n"); qh_memstatistics(stdout); qh_memfreeshort(&curlong, &totlong); if (curlong || totlong){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 8043, "qh_memfreeshort: did not free %d bytes of long memory(%d pieces)\n", totlong, curlong); error_count++; } if(error_count){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 8012, "testqset: %d errors\n\n", error_count); exit(1); }else{ printf("testqset: OK\n\n"); } return 0; }/*main*/ void readOptions(int argc, char **argv, const char *promptstr, int *numInts, int *checkEvery) { long numIntsArg; long checkEveryArg; char *endp; if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) { printf(promptstr); exit(0); } numIntsArg= strtol(argv[1], &endp, 10); if(numIntsArg<1){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6301, "First argument should be 1 or greater. Got '%s'\n", argv[1]); exit(1); } if(numIntsArg>MAXint){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6302, "qset does not currently support 64-bit ints. Maximum count is %d\n", MAXint); exit(1); } *numInts= (int)numIntsArg; if(argc>2){ checkEveryArg= strtol(argv[2], &endp, 10); if(checkEveryArg<1){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6321, "checkEvery argument should be 1 or greater. Got '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } if(checkEveryArg>MAXint){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6322, "qset does not currently support 64-bit ints. Maximum checkEvery is %d\n", MAXint); exit(1); } *checkEvery= (int)checkEveryArg; } }/*readOptions*/ void setupMemory(int tracelevel, int numInts, int **intarray) { int i; if(numInts<0 || numInts*(int)sizeof(int)<0){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6303, "qset does not currently support 64-bit ints. Integer overflow\n"); exit(1); } *intarray= qh_malloc(numInts * sizeof(int)); if(!*intarray){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6304, "Failed to allocate %d bytes of memory\n", numInts * sizeof(int)); exit(1); } for(i= 0; i =2){ isCheck= log_i(ints, "n", numInts/2, numInts, checkEvery); qh_settruncate(ints, numInts/2); checkSetContents("qh_settruncate by half", ints, numInts/2, 0, -1, -1); } isCheck= log_i(ints, "n", 0, numInts, checkEvery); qh_settruncate(ints, 0); checkSetContents("qh_settruncate", ints, 0, -1, -1, -1); qh_fprintf(stderr, 8003, "\n\nTesting qh_setappend2ndlast 0,0..%d. Test 0", numInts-1); qh_setfree(&ints); ints= qh_setnew(4); qh_setappend(&ints, intarray+0); for(i= 0; i =2){ isCheck= log_i(ints, "n", numInts/2, numInts, checkEvery); SETtruncate_(ints, numInts/2); checkSetContents("SETtruncate_ by half", ints, numInts/2, 0, -1, -1); } isCheck= log_i(ints, "n", 0, numInts, checkEvery); SETtruncate_(ints, 0); checkSetContents("SETtruncate_", ints, 0, -1, -1, -1); qh_setfree(&ints); }/*testSetappendSettruncate*/ void testSetdelSetadd(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery) { setT *ints=qh_setnew(1); int i,j, isCheck; qh_fprintf(stderr, 8003, "\n\nTesting qh_setdelnthsorted and qh_setaddnth 1..%d. Test", numInts-1); for(j=1; j 3){ qh_setdelsorted(ints, intarray+i/2); checkSetContents("qh_setdelsorted", ints, j-1, 0, i/2+1, -1); qh_setaddsorted(&ints, intarray+i/2); checkSetContents("qh_setaddsorted i/2", ints, j, 0, 0, -1); } qh_setdellast(ints); checkSetContents("qh_setdellast", ints, (j ? j-1 : 0), 0, -1, -1); if(j>0){ qh_setaddsorted(&ints, intarray+j-1); checkSetContents("qh_setaddsorted j-1", ints, j, 0, -1, -1); } if(j>4){ qh_setdelnthsorted(ints, i/2); if (checkEvery==1) checkSetContents("qh_setdelnthsorted", ints, j-1, 0, i/2+1, -1); /* FIXUP qh_setdelnth move-to-front */ qh_setdelsorted(ints, intarray+i/2+1); checkSetContents("qh_setdelsorted 2", ints, j-2, 0, i/2+2, -1); qh_setaddsorted(&ints, intarray+i/2+1); if (checkEvery==1) checkSetContents("qh_setaddsorted i/2+1", ints, j-1, 0, i/2+1, -1); qh_setaddsorted(&ints, intarray+i/2); checkSetContents("qh_setaddsorted i/2 again", ints, j, 0, -1, -1); } qh_setfree(&ints2); ints2= qh_setcopy(ints, 0); qh_setcompact(ints); qh_setcompact(ints2); checkSetContents("qh_setcompact", ints, j, 0, 0, -1); checkSetContents("qh_setcompact 2", ints2, j, 0, 0, -1); qh_setcompact(ints); checkSetContents("qh_setcompact 3", ints, j, 0, 0, -1); qh_setfree(&ints2); } } qh_setfreelong(&ints); if(ints){ qh_setfree(&ints); /* Was quick memory */ } }/*testSetdelsortedEtc*/ void testSetequalInEtc(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery) { setT *ints= NULL; setT *ints2= NULL; setT *ints3= NULL; int i,j,n; qh_fprintf(stderr, 8019, "\n\nTesting qh_setequal*, qh_setin*, qh_setdel, qh_setdelnth, and qh_setlarger 0..%d. Test", numInts-1); for(j=0; j 0){ if(qh_setequal(ints, ints2)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6324, "testSetequalInEtc: non-empty set equal to empty set\n", j); error_count++; } qh_setfree(&ints3); ints3= qh_setcopy(ints, 0); checkSetContents("qh_setreplace", ints3, j, 0, -1, -1); qh_setreplace(ints3, intarray+j/2, intarray+j/2+1); if(j==1){ checkSetContents("qh_setreplace 2", ints3, j, j/2+1, -1, -1); }else if(j==2){ checkSetContents("qh_setreplace 3", ints3, j, 0, j/2+1, -1); }else{ checkSetContents("qh_setreplace 3", ints3, j, 0, j/2+1, j/2+1); } if(qh_setequal(ints, ints3)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6325, "testSetequalInEtc: modified set equal to original set at %d/2\n", j); error_count++; } if(!qh_setequal_except(ints, intarray+j/2, ints3, intarray+j/2+1)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6326, "qh_setequal_except: modified set not equal to original set except modified\n", j); error_count++; } if(qh_setequal_except(ints, intarray+j/2, ints3, intarray)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6327, "qh_setequal_except: modified set equal to original set with wrong excepts\n", j); error_count++; } if(!qh_setequal_skip(ints, j/2, ints3, j/2)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6328, "qh_setequal_skip: modified set not equal to original set except modified\n", j); error_count++; } if(j>2 && qh_setequal_skip(ints, j/2, ints3, 0)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6329, "qh_setequal_skip: modified set equal to original set with wrong excepts\n", j); error_count++; } if(intarray+j/2+1!=qh_setdel(ints3, intarray+j/2+1)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6330, "qh_setdel: failed to find added element\n", j); error_count++; } checkSetContents("qh_setdel", ints3, j-1, 0, j-1, (j==1 ? -1 : j/2+1)); /* swaps last element with deleted element */ if(j>3){ qh_setdelnth(ints3, j/2); /* Delete at the same location as the original replace, for only one out-of-order element */ checkSetContents("qh_setdelnth", ints3, j-2, 0, j-2, (j==2 ? -1 : j/2+1)); } if(qh_setin(ints3, intarray+j/2)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6331, "qh_setin: found deleted element\n"); error_count++; } if(j>4 && !qh_setin(ints3, intarray+1)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6332, "qh_setin: did not find second element\n"); error_count++; } if(j>4 && !qh_setin(ints3, intarray+j-2)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6333, "qh_setin: did not find last element\n"); error_count++; } if(-1!=qh_setindex(ints2, intarray)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6334, "qh_setindex: found element in empty set\n"); error_count++; } if(-1!=qh_setindex(ints3, intarray+j/2)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6335, "qh_setindex: found deleted element in set\n"); error_count++; } if(0!=qh_setindex(ints, intarray)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6336, "qh_setindex: did not find first in set\n"); error_count++; } if(j-1!=qh_setindex(ints, intarray+j-1)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6337, "qh_setindex: did not find last in set\n"); error_count++; } } qh_setfree(&ints2); } } qh_setfree(&ints3); qh_setfreelong(&ints); if(ints){ qh_setfree(&ints); /* Was quick memory */ } }/*testSetequalInEtc*/ void testSetlastEtc(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery) { setT *ints= NULL; setT *ints2= NULL; int i,j,prepend; qh_fprintf(stderr, 8020, "\n\nTesting qh_setlast, qh_setnew_delnthsorted, qh_setunique, and qh_setzero 0..%d. Test", numInts-1); for(j=0; j 0){ if(intarray+j-1!=qh_setlast(ints)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6338, "qh_setlast: wrong last element\n"); error_count++; } prepend= (j<100 ? j/4 : 0); ints2= qh_setnew_delnthsorted(ints, qh_setsize(ints), j/2, prepend); if(qh_setsize(ints2)!=j+prepend-1){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6345, "qh_setnew_delnthsorted: Expecting %d elements, got %d\n", j+prepend-1, qh_setsize(ints2)); error_count++; } /* Define prepended elements. Otherwise qh_setdelnthsorted may fail */ for(i= 0; i 2){ qh_setzero(ints2, j/2, j-1); /* max size may be j-1 */ if(qh_setsize(ints2)!=j-1){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6342, "qh_setzero: Expecting %d elements, got %d\n", j, qh_setsize(ints2)); error_count++; } qh_setcompact(ints2); checkSetContents("qh_setzero", ints2, j/2, 0, -1, -1); } } qh_setfree(&ints2); } } qh_setfreelong(&ints); if(ints){ qh_setfree(&ints); /* Was quick memory */ } }/*testSetlastEtc*/ void testSettemp(int numInts, int *intarray, int checkEvery) { setT *ints= NULL; setT *ints2= NULL; setT *ints3= NULL; int i,j; qh_fprintf(stderr, 8021, "\n\nTesting qh_settemp* 0..%d. Test", numInts-1); for(j=0; j 0){ qh_settemppush(ints); ints3= qh_settemppop(); if(ints!=ints3){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6343, "qh_settemppop: didn't pop the push\n"); error_count++; } } qh_settempfree(&ints2); } } qh_setfreelong(&ints); if(ints){ qh_setfree(&ints); /* Was quick memory */ } }/*testSettemp*/ /* Check that a set contains count elements Ranges are consecutive (e.g., 1,2,3,...) starting with first, mid, and last Use -1 for missing ranges Returns -1 if should check results */ int log_i(setT *set, const char *s, int i, int numInts, int checkEvery) { int j= i; int scale= 1; int e= 0; int *i2, **i2p; if(*s || checkEvery==1){ if(i<10){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 8004, " %s%d", s, i); }else{ if(i==11 && checkEvery==1){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 8005, "\nResults after 10: "); FOREACHint_(set){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 8006, " %d", *i2); } qh_fprintf(stderr, 8007, " Continue"); } while((j= j/10)>=1){ scale *= 10; e++; } if(i==numInts-1){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 8008, " %s%d", s, i); }else if(i==scale){ if(i<=1000){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 8010, " %s%d", s, i); }else{ qh_fprintf(stderr, 8009, " %s1e%d", s, e); } } } } if(i<1000 || i%checkEvery==0 || i== scale || i==numInts-1){ return 1; } return 0; }/*log_i*/ /* Check that a set contains count elements Ranges are consecutive (e.g., 1,2,3,...) starting with first, mid, and last Use -1 for missing ranges */ void checkSetContents(const char *name, setT *set, int count, int rangeA, int rangeB, int rangeC) { i2T *i2, **i2p; int i2_i, i2_n; int prev= -1; /* avoid warning */ int i; int first= -3; int second= -3; int rangeCount=1; int actualSize= 0; qh_setcheck(set, name, 0); if(set){ SETreturnsize_(set, actualSize); /* normally used only when speed is critical */ if(*qh_setendpointer(set)!=NULL){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6344, "%s: qh_setendpointer(), 0x%x, is not NULL terminator of set 0x%x", name, qh_setendpointer(set), set); error_count++; } } if(actualSize!=qh_setsize(set)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6305, "%s: SETreturnsize_() returned %d while qh_setsize() returns %d\n", name, actualSize, qh_setsize(set)); error_count++; }else if(actualSize!=count){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6306, "%s: Expecting %d elements for set. Got %d elements\n", name, count, actualSize); error_count++; } if(SETempty_(set)){ if(count!=0){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6307, "%s: Got empty set instead of count %d, rangeA %d, rangeB %d, rangeC %d\n", name, count, rangeA, rangeB, rangeC); error_count++; } }else{ /* Must be first, otherwise trips msvc 8 */ i2T **p= SETaddr_(set, i2T); if(*p!=SETfirstt_(set, i2T)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6309, "%s: SETaddr_(set, i2t) [%p] is not the same as SETfirst_(set) [%p]\n", name, SETaddr_(set, i2T), SETfirst_(set)); error_count++; } first= *(int *)SETfirst_(set); if(SETfirst_(set)!=SETfirstt_(set, i2T)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6308, "%s: SETfirst_(set) [%p] is not the same as SETfirstt_(set, i2T [%p]\n", name, SETfirst_(set), SETfirstt_(set, i2T)); error_count++; } if(qh_setsize(set)>1){ second= *(int *)SETsecond_(set); if(SETsecond_(set)!=SETsecondt_(set, i2T)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6310, "%s: SETsecond_(set) [%p] is not the same as SETsecondt_(set, i2T) [%p]\n", name, SETsecond_(set), SETsecondt_(set, i2T)); error_count++; } } } /* Test first run of ints in set*/ i= 0; FOREACHint_(set){ if(i2!=SETfirst_(set) && *i2!=prev+1){ break; } prev= *i2; if(SETindex_(set, i2)!=i){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6311, "%s: Expecting SETIndex_(set, pointer-to-%d) to be %d. Got %d\n", name, *i2, i, SETindex_(set, i2)); error_count++;; } if(i2!=SETref_(i2)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6312, "%s: SETref_(i2) [%p] does not point to i2 (the %d'th element)\n", name, SETref_(i2), i); error_count++;; } i++; } FOREACHint_i_(set){ /* Must be first conditional, otherwise it trips up msvc 8 */ i2T **p= SETelemaddr_(set, i2_i, i2T); if(i2!=*p){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6320, "%s: SETelemaddr_(set, %d, i2T) [%p] does not point to i2\n", name, i2_i, SETelemaddr_(set, i2_i, int)); error_count++;; } if(i2_i==0){ if(first!=*i2){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6314, "%s: First element is %d instead of SETfirst %d\n", name, *i2, first); error_count++;; } if(rangeA!=*i2){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6315, "%s: starts with %d instead of rangeA %d\n", name, *i2, rangeA); error_count++;; } prev= rangeA; }else{ if(i2_i==1 && second!=*i2){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6316, "%s: Second element is %d instead of SETsecond %d\n", name, *i2, second); error_count++;; } if(prev+1==*i2){ prev++; }else{ if(*i2==rangeB){ prev= rangeB; rangeB= -1; rangeCount++; }else if(rangeB==-1 && *i2==rangeC){ prev= rangeC; rangeC= -1; rangeCount++; }else{ prev++; qh_fprintf(stderr, 6317, "%s: Expecting %d'th element to be %d. Got %d\n", name, i2_i, prev, *i2); error_count++; } } } if(i2!=SETelem_(set, i2_i)){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6318, "%s: SETelem_(set, %d) [%p] is not i2 [%p] (the %d'th element)\n", name, i2_i, SETelem_(set, i2_i), i2, i2_i); error_count++;; } if(SETelemt_(set, i2_i, i2T)!=SETelem_(set, i2_i)){ /* Normally SETelemt_ is used for generic sets */ qh_fprintf(stderr, 6319, "%s: SETelemt_(set, %d, i2T) [%p] is not SETelem_(set, %d) [%p] (the %d'th element)\n", name, i2_i, SETelemt_(set, i2_i, int), i2_i, SETelem_(set, i2_i), i2_i); error_count++;; } } if(error_count>=MAXerrorCount){ qh_fprintf(stderr, 8011, "testqset: Stop testing after %d errors\n", error_count); exit(1); } }/*checkSetContents*/