#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.Core; using HeuristicLab.Data; using HeuristicLab.Encodings.IntegerVectorEncoding; using HeuristicLab.Parameters; using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable; using HeuristicLab.Random; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.GeneralizedQuadraticAssignment { /// /// This is an implementation of the algorithm described in Mateus, G.R., Resende, M.G.C. & Silva, R.M.A. J Heuristics (2011) 17: 527. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10732-010-9144-0 /// [Item("GQAPPathRelinking", "Operator that performs path relinking between two solutions. It is described in Mateus, G., Resende, M., and Silva, R. 2011. GRASP with path-relinking for the generalized quadratic assignment problem. Journal of Heuristics 17, Springer Netherlands, pp. 527-565.")] [StorableClass] public class GQAPPathRelinking : GQAPCrossover, IQualitiesAwareGQAPOperator { public IScopeTreeLookupParameter QualityParameter { get { return (IScopeTreeLookupParameter)Parameters["Quality"]; } } public IScopeTreeLookupParameter EvaluationParameter { get { return (IScopeTreeLookupParameter)Parameters["Evaluation"]; } } public IValueParameter CandidateSizeFactorParameter { get { return (IValueParameter)Parameters["CandidateSizeFactor"]; } } public IValueLookupParameter GreedyParameter { get { return (IValueLookupParameter)Parameters["Greedy"]; } } [StorableConstructor] protected GQAPPathRelinking(bool deserializing) : base(deserializing) { } protected GQAPPathRelinking(GQAPPathRelinking original, Cloner cloner) : base(original, cloner) { } public GQAPPathRelinking() : base() { Parameters.Add(new ScopeTreeLookupParameter("Quality", "")); Parameters.Add(new ScopeTreeLookupParameter("Evaluation", GQAP.EvaluationDescription)); Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("CandidateSizeFactor", "(η) Determines the size of the set of feasible moves in each path-relinking step relative to the maximum size. A value of 50% means that only half of all possible moves are considered each step.", new PercentValue(0.5))); Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter("Greedy", "Whether to use a greedy selection strategy or a probabilistic one.", new BoolValue(true))); } public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) { return new GQAPPathRelinking(this, cloner); } public static GQAPSolution Apply(IRandom random, IntegerVector source, Evaluation sourceEval, IntegerVector target, Evaluation targetEval, GQAPInstance problemInstance, double candidateSizeFactor, out int evaluatedSolutions, bool greedy = true) { evaluatedSolutions = 0; var demands = problemInstance.Demands; var capacities = problemInstance.Capacities; var cmp = new IntegerVectorEqualityComparer(); var sFit = problemInstance.ToSingleObjective(sourceEval); var tFit = problemInstance.ToSingleObjective(targetEval); GQAPSolution pi_star = sFit < tFit ? new GQAPSolution((IntegerVector)source.Clone(), (Evaluation)sourceEval.Clone()) : new GQAPSolution((IntegerVector)target.Clone(), (Evaluation)targetEval.Clone()); // line 1 of Algorithm 4 double pi_star_Fit = problemInstance.ToSingleObjective(pi_star.Evaluation); // line 2 of Algorithm 4 var pi_prime = (IntegerVector)source.Clone(); // line 3 of Algorithm 4 //var fix = new bool[demands.Length]; // line 3 of Algorithm 4, note that according to the description it is not necessary to track the fixed equipments var nonFix = Enumerable.Range(0, demands.Length).ToList(); // line 3 of Algorithm 4 var phi = new List(IntegerVectorEqualityComparer.GetDifferingIndices(pi_prime, target)); // line 4 of Algorithm 4 var B = new List((int)Math.Ceiling(phi.Count * candidateSizeFactor)); var B_fit = new List(B.Capacity); while (phi.Count > 0) { // line 5 of Algorithm 4 B.Clear(); // line 6 of Algorithm 4 B_fit.Clear(); // line 6 of Algorithm 4 (B is split into two synchronized lists) foreach (var v in phi) { // line 7 of Algorithm 4 int oldLocation = pi_prime[v]; pi_prime[v] = target[v]; // line 8 of Algorithm 4 var pi_dash = MakeFeasible(random, pi_prime, v, nonFix, demands, capacities); // line 9 of Algorithm 4 pi_prime[v] = oldLocation; // not mentioned in Algorithm 4, but seems reasonable if (problemInstance.IsFeasible(pi_dash)) { // line 10 of Algorithm 4 var pi_dash_eval = problemInstance.Evaluate(pi_dash); evaluatedSolutions++; var pi_dash_fit = problemInstance.ToSingleObjective(pi_dash_eval); if (B.Any(x => cmp.Equals(x.Assignment, pi_dash))) continue; // cond. 2 of line 12 and cond. 1 of line 16 in Algorithm 4 if (B.Count >= candidateSizeFactor * phi.Count) { // line 11 of Algorithm 4 var replacement = B_fit.Select((val, idx) => new { Index = idx, Fitness = val }) .Where(x => x.Fitness >= pi_dash_fit) // cond. 1 in line 12 of Algorithm 4 .Select(x => new { x.Index, x.Fitness, Similarity = HammingSimilarityCalculator.CalculateSimilarity(B[x.Index].Assignment, pi_dash) }) .ToArray(); if (replacement.Length > 0) { var mostSimilar = replacement.MaxItems(x => x.Similarity).SampleRandom(random).Index; B[mostSimilar].Assignment = pi_dash; // line 13 of Algorithm 4 B[mostSimilar].Evaluation = pi_dash_eval; // line 13 of Algorithm 4 B_fit[mostSimilar] = pi_dash_fit; // line 13 of Algorithm 4 } } else { // line 16, condition has been checked above already B.Add(new GQAPSolution(pi_dash, pi_dash_eval)); // line 17 of Algorithm 4 B_fit.Add(pi_dash_fit); // line 17 of Algorithm 4 } } } if (B.Count > 0) { // line 21 of Algorithm 4 GQAPSolution pi; // line 22 of Algorithm 4 if (greedy) { pi = B.Select((val, idx) => new { Index = idx, Value = val }).MinItems(x => B_fit[x.Index]).SampleRandom(random).Value; } else { pi = B.SampleProportional(random, 1, B_fit.Select(x => 1.0 / x), false).First(); } var diff = IntegerVectorEqualityComparer.GetDifferingIndices(pi.Assignment, target); // line 23 of Algorithm 4 var I = phi.Except(diff); // line 24 of Algorithm 4 var i = I.SampleRandom(random); // line 25 of Algorithm 4 //fix[i] = true; // line 26 of Algorithm 4 nonFix.Remove(i); // line 26 of Algorithm 4 pi_prime = pi.Assignment; // line 27 of Algorithm 4 var fit = problemInstance.ToSingleObjective(pi.Evaluation); if (fit < pi_star_Fit) { // line 28 of Algorithm 4 pi_star_Fit = fit; // line 29 of Algorithm 4 pi_star = pi; // line 30 of Algorithm 4 } } else return pi_star; phi = new List(IntegerVectorEqualityComparer.GetDifferingIndices(pi_prime, target)); } return pi_star; } protected override IntegerVector Cross(IRandom random, ItemArray parents, GQAPInstance problemInstance) { var qualities = QualityParameter.ActualValue; var evaluations = EvaluationParameter.ActualValue; var betterParent = qualities[0].Value <= qualities[1].Value ? 0 : 1; var worseParent = 1 - betterParent; var source = parents[betterParent]; var target = parents[worseParent]; int evaluatedSolution; return Apply(random, source, evaluations[betterParent], target, evaluations[worseParent], problemInstance, CandidateSizeFactorParameter.Value.Value, out evaluatedSolution, GreedyParameter.ActualValue.Value).Assignment; } /// /// Relocates equipments in the same location as to other locations in case the location /// is overutilized. /// /// /// This method is performance critical, called very often and should run as fast as possible. /// /// The random number generator. /// The current solution. /// The equipment that was just assigned to a new location. /// The equipments that have not yet been fixed. /// The demands for all equipments. /// The capacities of all locations. /// The number of tries that should be done in relocating the equipments. /// A feasible or infeasible solution private static IntegerVector MakeFeasible(IRandom random, IntegerVector pi, int equipment, List nonFix, DoubleArray demands, DoubleArray capacities, int maximumTries = 1000) { int l = pi[equipment]; var slack = ComputeSlack(pi, demands, capacities); if (slack[l] >= 0) // line 1 of Algorithm 5 return (IntegerVector)pi.Clone(); // line 2 of Algorithm 5 IntegerVector pi_prime = null; int k = 0; // line 4 of Algorithm 5 var maxSlack = slack.Max(); // line 8-9 of Algorithm 5 var slack_prime = (double[])slack.Clone(); var maxSlack_prime = maxSlack; // note that FTL can be computed only once for all tries as all tries restart with the same solution var FTL = nonFix.Where(x => x != equipment && pi[x] == l && demands[x] <= maxSlack).ToList(); // line 8-9 of Algorithm 5 var FTLweight = FTL.Select(x => demands[x]).ToList(); while (k < maximumTries && slack_prime[l] < 0) { // line 5 of Algorithm 5 pi_prime = (IntegerVector)pi.Clone(); // line 6 of Algorithm 5 // set T can only shrink and not grow, thus it is created outside the loop and only updated inside var T = new List(FTL); // line 8-9 of Algorithm 5 var weightT = new List(FTLweight); do { // line 7 of Algorithm 5 if (T.Count > 0) { // line 10 of Algorithm 5 var idx = Enumerable.Range(0, T.Count).SampleProportional(random, 1, weightT, false, false).First(); // line 11 of Algorithm 5 int i = T[idx]; // line 11 of Algorithm 5 var j = Enumerable.Range(0, capacities.Length) .Where(x => slack_prime[x] >= demands[i]) // line 12 of Algorithm 5 .SampleRandom(random); // line 13 of Algorithm 5 pi_prime[i] = j; // line 14 of Algorithm 5 T.RemoveAt(idx); weightT.RemoveAt(idx); var recomputeMaxSlack = slack_prime[j] == maxSlack_prime; // efficiency improvement: recompute max slack only if we assign to a location whose slack equals maxSlack slack_prime[j] -= demands[i]; // line 14 of Algorithm 5 slack_prime[l] += demands[i]; // line 14 of Algorithm 5 if (recomputeMaxSlack) { maxSlack_prime = slack_prime.Max(); // T needs to be removed of equipments whose demand is higher than maxSlack only if maxSlack changes for (var h = 0; h < T.Count; h++) { var f = T[h]; if (demands[f] > maxSlack_prime) { T.RemoveAt(h); weightT.RemoveAt(h); h--; } } } } else break; // cond. 1 in line 16 of Algorithm 5 } while (slack_prime[l] < 0); // cond. 2 in line 16 of Algorithm 5 k++; // line 17 of Algorithm 5 if (slack_prime[l] < 0) { // reset Array.Copy(slack, slack_prime, slack.Length); maxSlack_prime = maxSlack; } } return pi_prime; // line 19-23 of Algorithm 5 } private static double[] ComputeSlack(IntegerVector assignment, DoubleArray demands, DoubleArray capacities) { var slack = capacities.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < assignment.Length; i++) { slack[assignment[i]] -= demands[i]; } return slack; } } }