/******************************************************************************* * You may amend and distribute as you like, but don't remove this header! * * EPPlus provides server-side generation of Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets. * See http://www.codeplex.com/EPPlus for details. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Källman * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be viewed at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php * If you unfamiliar with this license or have questions about it, here is an http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html * * All code and executables are provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied. * The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that this product may cause. * * Code change notes: * * Author Change Date * ****************************************************************************** * Jan Källman Initial Release 2009-10-01 * Jan Källman License changed GPL-->LGPL 2011-12-27 * Eyal Seagull Add "CreateComplexNode" 2012-04-03 * Eyal Seagull Add "DeleteTopNode" 2012-04-13 *******************************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using OfficeOpenXml.Style; using System.IO.Packaging; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; namespace OfficeOpenXml { /// /// Help class containing XML functions. /// Can be Inherited /// public abstract class XmlHelper { internal delegate int ChangedEventHandler(StyleBase sender, Style.StyleChangeEventArgs e); internal XmlHelper(XmlNamespaceManager nameSpaceManager) { TopNode = null; NameSpaceManager = nameSpaceManager; } internal XmlHelper(XmlNamespaceManager nameSpaceManager, XmlNode topNode) { TopNode = topNode; NameSpaceManager = nameSpaceManager; } //internal bool ChangedFlag; internal XmlNamespaceManager NameSpaceManager { get; set; } internal XmlNode TopNode { get; set; } string[] _schemaNodeOrder = null; /// /// Schema order list /// internal string[] SchemaNodeOrder { get { return _schemaNodeOrder; } set { _schemaNodeOrder = value; } } internal XmlNode CreateNode(string path) { if (path == "") return TopNode; else return CreateNode(path, false); } internal XmlNode CreateNode(string path, bool insertFirst) { XmlNode node = TopNode; XmlNode prependNode = null; foreach (string subPath in path.Split('/')) { XmlNode subNode = node.SelectSingleNode(subPath, NameSpaceManager); if (subNode == null) { string nodeName; string nodePrefix; string nameSpaceURI = ""; string[] nameSplit = subPath.Split(':'); if (SchemaNodeOrder != null && subPath[0] != '@') { insertFirst = false; prependNode = GetPrependNode(subPath, node); } if (nameSplit.Length > 1) { nodePrefix = nameSplit[0]; if (nodePrefix[0] == '@') nodePrefix = nodePrefix.Substring(1, nodePrefix.Length - 1); nameSpaceURI = NameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace(nodePrefix); nodeName = nameSplit[1]; } else { nodePrefix = ""; nameSpaceURI = ""; nodeName = nameSplit[0]; } if (subPath.StartsWith("@")) { XmlAttribute addedAtt = node.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(subPath.Substring(1, subPath.Length - 1), nameSpaceURI); //nameSpaceURI node.Attributes.Append(addedAtt); } else { if (nodePrefix == "") { subNode = node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(nodeName, nameSpaceURI); } else { if (nodePrefix == "" || (node.OwnerDocument != null && node.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement != null && node.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI == nameSpaceURI && node.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement.Prefix == "")) { subNode = node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(nodeName, nameSpaceURI); } else { subNode = node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(nodePrefix, nodeName, nameSpaceURI); } } if (prependNode != null) { node.InsertBefore(subNode, prependNode); prependNode = null; } else if (insertFirst) { node.PrependChild(subNode); } else { node.AppendChild(subNode); } } } node = subNode; } return node; } /// /// Options to insert a node in the XmlDocument /// internal enum eNodeInsertOrder { /// /// Insert as first node of "topNode" /// First, /// /// Insert as the last child of "topNode" /// Last, /// /// Insert after the "referenceNode" /// After, /// /// Insert before the "referenceNode" /// Before, /// /// Use the Schema List to insert in the right order. If the Schema list /// is null or empty, consider "Last" as the selected option /// SchemaOrder } /// /// Create a complex node. Insert the node according to SchemaOrder /// using the TopNode as the parent /// /// /// internal XmlNode CreateComplexNode( string path) { return CreateComplexNode( TopNode, path, eNodeInsertOrder.SchemaOrder, null); } /// /// Create a complex node. Insert the node according to the /// using the as the parent /// /// /// /// internal XmlNode CreateComplexNode( XmlNode topNode, string path) { return CreateComplexNode( topNode, path, eNodeInsertOrder.SchemaOrder, null); } /// /// Creates complex XML nodes /// /// /// 1. "d:conditionalFormatting" /// 1.1. Creates/find the first "conditionalFormatting" node /// /// 2. "d:conditionalFormatting/@sqref" /// 2.1. Creates/find the first "conditionalFormatting" node /// 2.2. Creates (if not exists) the @sqref attribute /// /// 3. "d:conditionalFormatting/@id='7'/@sqref='A9:B99'" /// 3.1. Creates/find the first "conditionalFormatting" node /// 3.2. Creates/update its @id attribute to "7" /// 3.3. Creates/update its @sqref attribute to "A9:B99" /// /// 4. "d:conditionalFormatting[@id='7']/@sqref='X1:X5'" /// 4.1. Creates/find the first "conditionalFormatting" node with @id=7 /// 4.2. Creates/update its @sqref attribute to "X1:X5" /// /// 5. "d:conditionalFormatting[@id='7']/@id='8'/@sqref='X1:X5'/d:cfRule/@id='AB'" /// 5.1. Creates/find the first "conditionalFormatting" node with @id=7 /// 5.2. Set its @id attribute to "8" /// 5.2. Creates/update its @sqref attribute and set it to "X1:X5" /// 5.3. Creates/find the first "cfRule" node (inside the node) /// 5.4. Creates/update its @id attribute to "AB" /// /// 6. "d:cfRule/@id=''" /// 6.1. Creates/find the first "cfRule" node /// 6.1. Remove the @id attribute /// /// /// /// /// /// The last node creates/found internal XmlNode CreateComplexNode( XmlNode topNode, string path, eNodeInsertOrder nodeInsertOrder, XmlNode referenceNode) { // Path is obrigatory if ((path == null) || (path == string.Empty)) { return topNode; } XmlNode node = topNode; string nameSpaceURI = string.Empty; //TODO: BUG: when the "path" contains "/" in an attrribue value, it gives an error. // Separate the XPath to Nodes and Attributes foreach (string subPath in path.Split('/')) { // The subPath can be any one of those: // nodeName // x:nodeName // nodeName[find criteria] // x:nodeName[find criteria] // @attribute // @attribute='attribute value' // Check if the subPath has at least one character if (subPath.Length > 0) { // Check if the subPath is an attribute (with or without value) if (subPath.StartsWith("@")) { // @attribute --> Create attribute // @attribute='' --> Remove attribute // @attribute='attribute value' --> Create attribute + update value string[] attributeSplit = subPath.Split('='); string attributeName = attributeSplit[0].Substring(1, attributeSplit[0].Length - 1); string attributeValue = null; // Null means no attribute value // Check if we have an attribute value to set if (attributeSplit.Length > 1) { // Remove the ' or " from the attribute value attributeValue = attributeSplit[1].Replace("'", "").Replace("\"", ""); } // Get the attribute (if exists) XmlAttribute attribute = (XmlAttribute)(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem(attributeName)); // Remove the attribute if value is empty (not null) if (attributeValue == string.Empty) { // Only if the attribute exists if (attribute != null) { node.Attributes.Remove(attribute); } } else { // Create the attribue if does not exists if (attribute == null) { // Create the attribute attribute = node.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute( attributeName); // Add it to the current node node.Attributes.Append(attribute); } // Update the attribute value if (attributeValue != null) { node.Attributes[attributeName].Value = attributeValue; } } } else { // nodeName // x:nodeName // nodeName[find criteria] // x:nodeName[find criteria] // Look for the node (with or without filter criteria) XmlNode subNode = node.SelectSingleNode(subPath, NameSpaceManager); // Check if the node does not exists if (subNode == null) { string nodeName; string nodePrefix; string[] nameSplit = subPath.Split(':'); nameSpaceURI = string.Empty; // Check if the name has a prefix like "d:nodeName" if (nameSplit.Length > 1) { nodePrefix = nameSplit[0]; nameSpaceURI = NameSpaceManager.LookupNamespace(nodePrefix); nodeName = nameSplit[1]; } else { nodePrefix = string.Empty; nameSpaceURI = string.Empty; nodeName = nameSplit[0]; } // Check if we have a criteria part in the node name if (nodeName.IndexOf("[") > 0) { // remove the criteria from the node name nodeName = nodeName.Substring(0, nodeName.IndexOf("[")); } if (nodePrefix == string.Empty) { subNode = node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(nodeName, nameSpaceURI); } else { if (node.OwnerDocument != null && node.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement != null && node.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI == nameSpaceURI && node.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement.Prefix == string.Empty) { subNode = node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement( nodeName, nameSpaceURI); } else { subNode = node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement( nodePrefix, nodeName, nameSpaceURI); } } // Check if we need to use the "SchemaOrder" if (nodeInsertOrder == eNodeInsertOrder.SchemaOrder) { // Check if the Schema Order List is empty if ((SchemaNodeOrder == null) || (SchemaNodeOrder.Length == 0)) { // Use the "Insert Last" option when Schema Order List is empty nodeInsertOrder = eNodeInsertOrder.Last; } else { // Find the prepend node in order to insert referenceNode = GetPrependNode(nodeName, node); if (referenceNode != null) { nodeInsertOrder = eNodeInsertOrder.Before; } else { nodeInsertOrder = eNodeInsertOrder.Last; } } } switch (nodeInsertOrder) { case eNodeInsertOrder.After: node.InsertAfter(subNode, referenceNode); referenceNode = null; break; case eNodeInsertOrder.Before: node.InsertBefore(subNode, referenceNode); referenceNode = null; break; case eNodeInsertOrder.First: node.PrependChild(subNode); break; case eNodeInsertOrder.Last: node.AppendChild(subNode); break; } } // Make the newly created node the top node when the rest of the path // is being evaluated. So newly created nodes will be the children of the // one we just created. node = subNode; } } } // Return the last created/found node return node; } /// /// return Prepend node /// /// name of the node to check /// Topnode to check children /// private XmlNode GetPrependNode(string nodeName, XmlNode node) { int pos = GetNodePos(nodeName); if (pos < 0) { return null; } XmlNode prependNode = null; foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes) { int childPos = GetNodePos(childNode.Name); if (childPos > -1) //Found? { if (childPos > pos) //Position is before { prependNode = childNode; break; } } } return prependNode; } private int GetNodePos(string nodeName) { int ix = nodeName.IndexOf(":"); if (ix > 0) { nodeName = nodeName.Substring(ix + 1, nodeName.Length - (ix + 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < _schemaNodeOrder.Length; i++) { if (nodeName == _schemaNodeOrder[i]) { return i; } } return -1; } internal void DeleteAllNode(string path) { string[] split = path.Split('/'); XmlNode node = TopNode; foreach (string s in split) { node = node.SelectSingleNode(s, NameSpaceManager); if (node != null) { if (node is XmlAttribute) { (node as XmlAttribute).OwnerElement.Attributes.Remove(node as XmlAttribute); } else { node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); } } else { break; } } } internal void DeleteNode(string path) { var node = TopNode.SelectSingleNode(path, NameSpaceManager); if (node != null) { if (node is XmlAttribute) { var att = (XmlAttribute)node; att.OwnerElement.Attributes.Remove(att); } else { node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); } } } internal void DeleteTopNode() { TopNode.ParentNode.RemoveChild(TopNode); } internal void SetXmlNodeString(string path, string value) { SetXmlNodeString(TopNode, path, value, false, false); } internal void SetXmlNodeString(string path, string value, bool removeIfBlank) { SetXmlNodeString(TopNode, path, value, removeIfBlank, false); } internal void SetXmlNodeString(XmlNode node, string path, string value) { SetXmlNodeString(node, path, value, false, false); } internal void SetXmlNodeString(XmlNode node, string path, string value, bool removeIfBlank) { SetXmlNodeString(node, path, value, removeIfBlank, false); } internal void SetXmlNodeString(XmlNode node, string path, string value, bool removeIfBlank, bool insertFirst) { if (node == null) { return; } if (value == "" && removeIfBlank) { DeleteAllNode(path); } else { XmlNode nameNode = node.SelectSingleNode(path, NameSpaceManager); if (nameNode == null) { CreateNode(path, insertFirst); nameNode = node.SelectSingleNode(path, NameSpaceManager); } //if (nameNode.InnerText != value) HasChanged(); nameNode.InnerText = value; } } internal void SetXmlNodeBool(string path, bool value) { SetXmlNodeString(TopNode, path, value ? "1" : "0", false, false); } internal void SetXmlNodeBool(string path, bool value, bool removeIf) { if (value == removeIf) { var node = TopNode.SelectSingleNode(path, NameSpaceManager); if (node != null) { if (node is XmlAttribute) { var elem = (node as XmlAttribute).OwnerElement; elem.ParentNode.RemoveChild(elem); } else { TopNode.RemoveChild(node); } } } else { SetXmlNodeString(TopNode, path, value ? "1" : "0", false, false); } } internal bool ExistNode(string path) { if (TopNode == null || TopNode.SelectSingleNode(path, NameSpaceManager) == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } internal bool? GetXmlNodeBoolNullable(string path) { var value = GetXmlNodeString(path); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { return null; } return GetXmlNodeBool(path); } internal bool GetXmlNodeBool(string path) { return GetXmlNodeBool(path, false); } internal bool GetXmlNodeBool(string path, bool blankValue) { string value = GetXmlNodeString(path); if (value == "1" || value == "-1" || value == "True") { return true; } else if (value == "") { return blankValue; } else { return false; } } internal int GetXmlNodeInt(string path) { int i; if (int.TryParse(GetXmlNodeString(path), out i)) { return i; } else { return int.MinValue; } } internal int? GetXmlNodeIntNull(string path) { int i; string s = GetXmlNodeString(path); if (s!="" && int.TryParse(s, out i)) { return i; } else { return null; } } internal decimal GetXmlNodeDecimal(string path) { decimal d; if (decimal.TryParse(GetXmlNodeString(path), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out d)) { return d; } else { return 0; } } internal double? GetXmlNodeDoubleNull(string path) { string s = GetXmlNodeString(path); if (s == "") { return null; } else { double v; if (double.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out v)) { return v; } else { return null; } } } internal double GetXmlNodeDouble(string path) { string s = GetXmlNodeString(path); if (s == "") { return double.NaN; } else { double v; if (double.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out v)) { return v; } else { return double.NaN; } } } internal string GetXmlNodeString(XmlNode node, string path) { if (node == null) { return ""; } XmlNode nameNode = node.SelectSingleNode(path, NameSpaceManager); if (nameNode != null) { if (nameNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute) { return nameNode.Value != null ? nameNode.Value : ""; } else { return nameNode.InnerText; } } else { return ""; } } internal string GetXmlNodeString(string path) { return GetXmlNodeString(TopNode, path); } internal static Uri GetNewUri(Package package, string sUri) { return GetNewUri(package, sUri, 1); } internal static Uri GetNewUri(Package package, string sUri, int id) { Uri uri; do { uri = new Uri(string.Format(sUri, id++), UriKind.Relative); } while (package.PartExists(uri)); return uri; } /// /// Insert the new node before any of the nodes in the comma separeted list /// /// Parent node /// comma separated list containing nodes to insert after. Left to right order /// The new node to be inserterd internal void InserAfter(XmlNode parentNode, string beforeNodes, XmlNode newNode) { string[] nodePaths = beforeNodes.Split(','); foreach (string nodePath in nodePaths) { XmlNode node = parentNode.SelectSingleNode(nodePath, NameSpaceManager); if (node != null) { parentNode.InsertAfter(newNode, node); return; } } parentNode.InsertAfter(newNode, null); } internal static void LoadXmlSafe(XmlDocument xmlDoc, Stream stream) { XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); //Disable entity parsing (to aviod xmlbombs, External Entity Attacks etc). settings.ProhibitDtd = true; XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, settings); xmlDoc.Load(reader); } internal static void LoadXmlSafe(XmlDocument xmlDoc, string xml, Encoding encoding) { var stream = new MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes(xml)); LoadXmlSafe(xmlDoc, stream); } } }