1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Diagnostics;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
6 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.RealVectorEncoding;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Parameters;
9 | using HeuristicLab.PDPSimulation.DomainModel;
10 | using HeuristicLab.PDPSimulation.Operators;
11 | using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable;
12 |
13 | namespace HeuristicLab.PDPSimulation {
14 | [Item("PriorityDispatching", "")]
15 | [StorableClass]
16 | public sealed class PriorityDispatching : DynamicPDPOptimization {
17 |
18 | private bool IsIdle(Vehicle v) {
19 | return v.CurrentOrder == Guid.Empty;
20 | }
21 |
22 | protected override bool OptimizationRequired(ChangeInformation changeInformation) {
23 | // either there are vehicles waiting and there are orders to dispatch
24 | // or there are new orders and waiting vehicles
25 | return (GetVehicles().Any(x => IsIdle(x))
26 | && GetOrders().Any(x => x.AssignedVehicle == Guid.Empty || GetVehicles().Any(y => IsIdle(y) && x.AssignedVehicle == y.Id)));
27 | }
28 |
29 | public IValueLookupParameter<RealVector> WeightsParameter {
30 | get { return (IValueLookupParameter<RealVector>)Parameters["Weights"]; }
31 | }
32 |
33 | [StorableConstructor]
34 | private PriorityDispatching(bool deserializing) : base(deserializing) { }
35 | private PriorityDispatching(PriorityDispatching original, Cloner cloner) : base(original, cloner) { }
36 | public PriorityDispatching() {
37 | Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter<RealVector>("Weights", "The weights for the individual priorities."));
38 | WeightsParameter.Value = new RealVector(new double[] {
39 | 100.000, 100.000, 22.349, 74.573, 18.424, 28.913, 0.331, 91.323, 36.969, 44.992, 64.892, 30.736, 23.113, 36.458, 6.178, 99.065, 100.0, 100.0
40 | });
41 | }
42 |
43 | public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) {
44 | return new PriorityDispatching(this, cloner);
45 | }
46 |
47 | protected override bool PerformOptimization(DynamicPDProblemInstance instance, ChangeInformation changeInformation) {
48 | var waitingVehicles = GetVehicles().Where(x => IsIdle(x)).ToList();
49 | var waitingOrders = GetOrders().Where(x => x.AssignedVehicle == Guid.Empty).ToList();
50 |
51 | while (waitingVehicles.Any() && (waitingOrders.Any()
52 | || GetOrders().Any(x => x.OrderState == OrderState.PickedUp && waitingVehicles.Any(y => y.Id == x.AssignedVehicle)))) {
53 | var tmp = new Dictionary<Vehicle, Tuple<Order, double>>();
54 | foreach (var vehicle in waitingVehicles) {
55 | var pickedupOrders = GetOrders().Where(x => x.OrderState == OrderState.PickedUp && x.AssignedVehicle == vehicle.Id);
56 | var orders = waitingOrders.Concat(pickedupOrders);
57 | if (orders.Any()) {
58 | Order selectedOrder;
59 | double priority;
60 | GetHighestPriorityOrder((DynPDPProblemInstance)instance.StaticInstance, vehicle, orders, out selectedOrder, out priority);
61 | tmp[vehicle] = Tuple.Create(selectedOrder, priority);
62 | }
63 | }
64 | var assignment = tmp.GroupBy(x => x.Value.Item1, x => new { Vehicle = x.Key, Priority = x.Value.Item2 });
65 | foreach (var a in assignment) {
66 | var bestVehicle = a.MaxItems(x => x.Priority).Select(x => x.Vehicle).First();
67 | var order = a.Key;
68 |
69 | bool first = true;
70 |
71 | XY target;
72 | MoveVehicleAction action;
73 | if (order.OrderState == OrderState.Waiting) {
74 | target = new XY(order.PickupXCoord, order.PickupYCoord);
75 | action = new MoveVehicleAction(bestVehicle.Id, order.PickupXCoord, order.PickupYCoord, VehicleAction.Pickup, order, scenario.AllowDiversion, scenario.DistanceMeasure);
76 | } else {
77 | target = new XY(order.DeliveryXCoord, order.DeliveryYCoord);
78 | action = new MoveVehicleAction(bestVehicle.Id, order.DeliveryXCoord, order.DeliveryYCoord, VehicleAction.Deliver, order, scenario.AllowDiversion, scenario.DistanceMeasure);
79 | }
80 | var pickedupOrders = GetOrders().Where(x => x.OrderState == OrderState.PickedUp && x.AssignedVehicle == bestVehicle.Id);
81 | var pickedupOrdersAtDestination = pickedupOrders.Where(o => o.DeliveryXCoord == target.X && o.DeliveryYCoord == target.Y);
82 | List<MoveVehicleAction> deliveryActions = new List<MoveVehicleAction>();
83 | foreach (var pickedupOrder in pickedupOrdersAtDestination) {
84 | if (pickedupOrder != order) {
85 | MoveVehicleAction deliveryAction = new MoveVehicleAction(bestVehicle.Id, pickedupOrder.DeliveryXCoord, pickedupOrder.DeliveryYCoord, VehicleAction.Deliver, pickedupOrder, scenario.AllowDiversion, scenario.DistanceMeasure);
86 | if (first) {
87 | SetAction(deliveryAction);
88 | first = false;
89 | } else {
90 | AppendAction(deliveryAction);
91 | }
92 | waitingOrders.Remove(pickedupOrder);
93 | }
94 | }
95 |
96 | if (first) {
97 | SetAction(action);
98 | first = false;
99 | } else {
100 | AppendAction(action);
101 | }
102 | waitingVehicles.Remove(bestVehicle);
103 | waitingOrders.Remove(order);
104 |
105 | foreach (var assignedOrder in GetOrders().Where(o => o.AssignedVehicle == bestVehicle.Id && o.OrderState == OrderState.Waiting))
106 | assignedOrder.AssignedVehicle = Guid.Empty;
107 |
108 | order.AssignedVehicle = bestVehicle.Id;
109 | }
110 | }
111 | return true;
112 | }
113 |
114 | private void GetHighestPriorityOrder(DynPDPProblemInstance instance, Vehicle vehicle, IEnumerable<Order> orders, out Order order, out double priority) {
115 | var weights = WeightsParameter.Value;
116 | Order best = null;
117 | double bestPriority = double.MinValue;
118 | var pickupOrdersByLocation = (from o in orders
119 | where IsPickup(o, instance)
120 | group o by new { X = o.PickupXCoord, Y = o.PickupYCoord })
121 | .ToDictionary(x => new XY(x.Key.X, x.Key.Y), y => y.ToArray(), new XYEqComparer());
122 | var deliveryOrdersByLocation = (from o in orders
123 | where !IsPickup(o, instance) && o.Vehicle == vehicle.Id
124 | group o by new { X = o.DeliveryXCoord, Y = o.DeliveryYCoord })
125 | .ToDictionary(x => new XY(x.Key.X, x.Key.Y), y => y.ToArray(), new XYEqComparer());
126 | var destinations = deliveryOrdersByLocation.Keys.ToArray();
127 | foreach (var o in orders) {
128 | if (IsPickup(o, instance) && o.Demand > vehicle.Capacity) continue;
129 |
130 | double prio;
131 | if (!IsPickup(o, instance) && vehicle.TargetPositionX == o.DeliveryXCoord && vehicle.TargetPositionY == o.DeliveryYCoord) {
132 | prio = double.MaxValue;
133 | } else {
134 | var target = new XY(o.PickupXCoord, o.PickupYCoord);
135 | if (!IsPickup(o, instance)) target = new XY(o.DeliveryXCoord, o.DeliveryYCoord);
136 |
137 | var destinationDifference = destinations.Select(x => scenario.DistanceMeasure.GetDistance(target.X, target.Y, x.X, x.Y)).ToArray();
138 | var courierDifference = GetVehicles().Where(x => x != vehicle).Select(x => new XY(x.TargetPositionX, x.TargetPositionY))
139 | .Select(x => scenario.DistanceMeasure.GetDistance(target.X, target.Y, x.X, x.Y)).ToArray();
140 |
141 | var commonDestinations = orders.Where(x => !IsPickup(x, instance) && x.Vehicle == vehicle.Id &&
142 | x.DeliveryXCoord == o.PickupXCoord &&
143 | x.DeliveryYCoord == o.PickupYCoord);
144 |
145 | var variables = new Dictionary<string, double>();
146 | variables.Add("Distance", scenario.DistanceMeasure.GetDistance(vehicle.TargetPositionX, vehicle.TargetPositionY, target.X, target.Y));
147 | variables.Add("EarliestTimeOfArrival", vehicle.ReadyTime + variables["Distance"]);
148 | variables.Add("DueDate", o.DeliveryDueTime - GetSimulationTime());
149 | variables.Add("StartDate", IsPickup(o, instance) ? o.PickupReadyTime - GetSimulationTime() : 0);
150 | variables.Add("PickupOrdersAtTarget", pickupOrdersByLocation.ContainsKey(target) ? pickupOrdersByLocation[target].Count() : 0);
151 | variables.Add("PickupOrderItemsAtTarget", pickupOrdersByLocation.ContainsKey(target) ? pickupOrdersByLocation[target].Sum(x => x.Demand) : 0);
152 | variables.Add("DeliveryOrdersAtTarget", deliveryOrdersByLocation.ContainsKey(target) ? deliveryOrdersByLocation[target].Count() : 0);
153 | variables.Add("DeliveryOrderItemsAtTarget", deliveryOrdersByLocation.ContainsKey(target) ? deliveryOrdersByLocation[target].Sum(x => x.Demand) : 0);
154 | variables.Add("AverageDistanceToDestinations", destinationDifference.Any() ? destinationDifference.Average() : 0);
155 | variables.Add("MinimumDistanceToDestinations", destinationDifference.Any() ? destinationDifference.Min() : 0);
156 | variables.Add("MaximumDistanceToDestinations", destinationDifference.Any() ? destinationDifference.Max() : 0);
157 | variables.Add("NumberOfOtherCouriersToTarget", GetVehicles().Count > 2 ? GetVehicles().Where(x => x != vehicle).Count(x => target.X == x.TargetPositionX && target.Y == x.TargetPositionY) : 0);
158 | variables.Add("AverageDistanceToOtherCouriers", courierDifference.Any() ? courierDifference.Average() : 0);
159 | variables.Add("MinimumDistanceToOtherCouriers", courierDifference.Any() ? courierDifference.Min() : 0);
160 | variables.Add("MaximumDistanceToOtherCouriers", courierDifference.Any() ? courierDifference.Max() : 0);
161 | variables.Add("DemandSize", o.Demand);
162 | variables.Add("EDD", commonDestinations.Any() ? commonDestinations.Min(d => d.DeliveryDueTime
163 | - scenario.DistanceMeasure.GetDistance(vehicle.TargetPositionX, vehicle.TargetPositionY, d.DeliveryXCoord, d.DeliveryYCoord)
164 | - GetSimulationTime()) : 0);
165 | variables.Add("LeadTime", o.PickupReadyTime - GetSimulationTime());
166 |
167 | prio =
168 | weights[0] * variables["DueDate"]
169 | + weights[1] * variables["StartDate"]
170 | + weights[2] * variables["PickupOrdersAtTarget"]
171 | + weights[3] * variables["Distance"]
172 | + weights[4] * variables["AverageDistanceToDestinations"]
173 | + weights[5] * variables["MinimumDistanceToDestinations"]
174 | + weights[6] * variables["MaximumDistanceToDestinations"]
175 | + weights[7] * variables["NumberOfOtherCouriersToTarget"]
176 | + weights[8] * variables["AverageDistanceToOtherCouriers"]
177 | + weights[9] * variables["EarliestTimeOfArrival"]
178 | + weights[10] * variables["DeliveryOrdersAtTarget"]
179 | + weights[11] * variables["PickupOrderItemsAtTarget"]
180 | + weights[12] * variables["DeliveryOrderItemsAtTarget"]
181 | + weights[13] * variables["MinimumDistanceToOtherCouriers"]
182 | + weights[14] * variables["MaximumDistanceToOtherCouriers"]
183 | + weights[15] * variables["DemandSize"]
184 | + weights[16] * variables["EDD"]
185 | + weights[17] * variables["LeadTime"];
186 | }
187 |
188 | if (prio > bestPriority) {
189 | bestPriority = prio;
190 | best = o;
191 | }
192 | }
193 |
194 | order = best != null ? best : orders.First();
195 | priority = bestPriority;
196 | }
197 |
198 | private bool IsPickup(Order o, DynPDPProblemInstance instance) {
199 | return instance.Demand[Instance.GetStops(o.Id).First()] > 0;
200 | }
201 |
202 | private struct XY {
203 | public double X { get; private set; }
204 | public double Y { get; private set; }
205 |
206 | public XY(double x, double y) : this() {
207 | X = x;
208 | Y = y;
209 | }
210 | }
211 |
212 | private class XYEqComparer : EqualityComparer<XY> {
213 |
214 | public override bool Equals(XY x, XY y) {
215 | return x.X == y.X && x.Y == y.Y;
216 | }
217 |
218 | public override int GetHashCode(XY obj) {
219 | return obj.X.GetHashCode() ^ obj.Y.GetHashCode();
220 | }
221 | }
222 | }
223 | }