1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using System.Text;
5 | using SemWeb;
6 | using HeuristicLab.GP;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
8 | using HeuristicLab.GP.StructureIdentification;
9 | using System.IO;
10 | using HeuristicLab.Data;
11 | using SVM;
12 |
13 | namespace CedmaExporter {
14 | class CedmaExporter {
15 |
16 | public static void Export(string inputFileName, string outputFileName) {
17 |
18 | string rdfConnectionString = "sqlite:rdf:Data Source=\"" + inputFileName + "\"";
19 | using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(outputFileName)) {
20 | using (Store store = Store.Create(rdfConnectionString)) {
21 | WriteColumnHeaders(store, writer);
22 | WriteModels(store, writer, new ModelExporter(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFileName), true));
23 | }
24 | }
25 | }
26 |
27 | private static void WriteModels(Store store, StreamWriter writer, ModelExporter exporter) {
28 | var subjects = store.SelectSubjects(new Entity(Ontology.InstanceOf.Uri), new Entity(Ontology.TypeModel.Uri));
29 | int i = 0;
30 | foreach (var model in subjects) {
31 | writer.Write(i++); writer.Write("; ");
32 | string modelFileName = "model_" + i.ToString();
33 | writer.Write(modelFileName); writer.Write("; ");
34 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TargetVariable)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
35 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TrainingMeanSquaredError)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
36 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.ValidationMeanSquaredError)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
37 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TestMeanSquaredError)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
38 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TrainingCoefficientOfDetermination)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
39 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.ValidationCoefficientOfDetermination)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
40 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TestCoefficientOfDetermination)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
41 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TrainingMeanAbsolutePercentageError)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
42 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.ValidationMeanAbsolutePercentageError)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
43 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TestMeanAbsolutePercentageError)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
44 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TrainingMeanAbsolutePercentageOfRangeError)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
45 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.ValidationMeanAbsolutePercentageOfRangeError)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
46 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TestMeanAbsolutePercentageOfRangeError)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
47 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TrainingVarianceAccountedFor)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
48 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.ValidationVarianceAccountedFor)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
49 | writer.Write(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.TestVarianceAccountedFor)[0]).ToString()); writer.Write("; ");
50 | WriteVariableImpacts(writer, store, model);
51 | writer.WriteLine();
52 | var data = PersistenceManager.RestoreFromGZip(Convert.FromBase64String((string)LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.SerializedData)[0])));
53 | exporter.Export(modelFileName, data);
54 | }
55 | }
56 |
57 | private static void WriteVariableImpacts(StreamWriter writer, Store store, Entity model) {
58 | var inputVariables = store.SelectObjects(model, Ontology.HasInputVariable);
59 | Dictionary<string, List<double>> impacts = new Dictionary<string,List<double>>();
60 | foreach (Entity inputVariable in inputVariables) {
61 | var variableImpacts = new List<double>();
62 | impacts[inputVariable.ToString()] = variableImpacts;
63 | variableImpacts.Add((double)(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(inputVariable, Ontology.EvaluationImpact)[0])));
64 | variableImpacts.Add((double)(LiteralValue(store.SelectObjects(inputVariable, Ontology.QualityImpact)[0])));
65 | }
66 |
67 | foreach (string varName in impacts.Keys.OrderBy(x => x)) {
68 | writer.Write(impacts[varName][0]); writer.Write("; ");
69 | writer.Write(impacts[varName][1]); writer.Write("; ");
70 | }
71 | }
72 |
73 | private static void WriteColumnHeaders(Store store, StreamWriter writer) {
74 | writer.Write("Id; Filename; TargetVariable; " +
75 | "TrainingMSE; ValidationMSE; TestMSE; " +
76 | "TrainingR2; ValidationR2; TestR2; " +
77 | "TrainingMAPE; ValidationMAPE; TestMAPE; " +
78 | "TrainingMAPRE; ValidationMAPRE; TestMAPRE; " +
79 | "TrainingVAF; ValidationVAF; TestVAF; ");
80 |
81 | List<string> inputVarNames = new List<string>();
82 | Statement template = new Statement();
83 | template.Predicate = Ontology.HasInputVariable;
84 | var inputVars = store.Select(template).Select(x => x.Object);
85 | foreach (Entity inputVar in inputVars) {
86 | var inputVarName = ((Literal)store.SelectObjects(inputVar, Ontology.Name)[0]).Value;
87 | if (!inputVarNames.Contains(inputVarName)) inputVarNames.Add(inputVarName);
88 | }
89 | inputVarNames.Sort();
90 | foreach (string inputVarName in inputVarNames) {
91 | writer.Write(inputVarName); writer.Write(": EvaluationImpact; ");
92 | writer.Write(inputVarName); writer.Write(": QualityImpact; ");
93 | }
94 | writer.WriteLine();
95 | }
96 |
97 | private static object LiteralValue(Resource resource) {
98 | return ((Literal)resource).ParseValue();
99 | }
100 | }
101 |
102 | class ModelExporter {
103 | private string outputDir;
104 | private bool debugging;
105 | IFunctionTreeExporter treeExporter = new SymbolicExpressionExporter();
106 |
107 | public ModelExporter(string outputDir, bool debugging) {
108 | this.outputDir = outputDir;
109 | this.debugging = debugging;
110 | }
111 |
112 | public void Export(string modelFileName, IStorable model) {
113 | if (debugging) return;
114 | if (model is IFunctionTree) {
115 | using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(outputDir, modelFileName + ".gp.txt"))) {
116 | writer.Write(treeExporter.Export((IFunctionTree)model));
117 | }
118 | } else if (model is SVMModel) {
119 | SVMModel svmModel = (SVMModel)model;
120 | RangeTransform.Write(Path.Combine(outputDir, modelFileName + ".svm.transform.txt"), svmModel.RangeTransform);
121 | SVM.Model.Write(Path.Combine(outputDir, modelFileName + ".svm.model.txt"), svmModel.Model);
122 | } else throw new NotSupportedException("This type of model is not supported by the CedmaExporter: " + model);
123 | }
124 | }
125 | }