using System; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public struct NativeInstruction { public byte OpCode; public ushort Arity; public ushort Length; public double Value; public IntPtr Data; public bool Optimize; } // proxy structure to pass information from Ceres back to the caller [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public struct OptimizationSummary { public double InitialCost; // value of the objective function before the optimization public double FinalCost; // value of the objective function after the optimization public int SuccessfulSteps; // number of minimizer iterations in which the step was accepted public int UnsuccessfulSteps; // number of minimizer iterations in which the step was rejected public int InnerIterationSteps; // number of times inner iterations were performed public int ResidualEvaluations; // number of residual only evaluations public int JacobianEvaluations; // number of Jacobian (and residual) evaluations }; public enum MinimizerType : int { LINE_SEARCH = 0, TRUST_REGION = 1 } public enum LinearSolverType : int { DENSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY = 0, DENSE_QR = 1, SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY = 2, DENSE_SCHUR = 3, SPARSE_SCHUR = 4, ITERATIVE_SCHUR = 5, CGNR = 6 } public enum TrustRegionStrategyType : int { LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT = 0, DOGLEG = 1 } public enum DoglegType : int { TRADITIONAL_DOGLEG = 0, SUBSPACE_DOGLEG = 1 } public enum LineSearchDirectionType : int { STEEPEST_DESCENT = 0, NONLINEAR_CONJUGATE_GRADIENT = 1, LBFGS = 2, BFSG = 3 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public struct SolverOptions { public int Iterations; public int UseNonmonotonicSteps; public int Minimizer; // type of minimizer (trust region or line search) public int LinearSolver; // type of linear solver public int TrustRegionStrategy; // levenberg-marquardt or dogleg public int Dogleg; // type of dogleg (traditional or subspace) public int LineSearchDirection; // line search direction type (BFGS, LBFGS, etc) public int Algorithm; }; public static class NativeWrapper { private const string x86zip = ""; private const string x64zip = ""; private const string x86dll = "hl-native-interpreter-x86.dll"; private const string x64dll = "hl-native-interpreter-x64.dll"; private readonly static bool is64; static NativeWrapper() { is64 = Environment.Is64BitProcess; //using (var zip = new FileStream(is64 ? x64zip : x86zip, FileMode.Open)) { // using (var archive = new ZipArchive(zip, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { // foreach (var entry in archive.Entries) { // if (File.Exists(entry.Name)) { // File.Delete(entry.Name); // } // } // ZipFileExtensions.ExtractToDirectory(archive, Environment.CurrentDirectory); // } //} } public static void GetValues(NativeInstruction[] code, int[] rows, double[] result, double[] target, SolverOptions options, ref OptimizationSummary summary) { if (is64) GetValues64(code, code.Length, rows, rows.Length, options, result, target, ref summary); else GetValues32(code, code.Length, rows, rows.Length, options, result, target, ref summary); } public static void GetValuesVarPro(NativeInstruction[] code, int[] termIndices, int[] rows, double[] coefficients, double[] result, double[] target, SolverOptions options, ref OptimizationSummary summary) { if (is64) GetValuesVarPro64(code, code.Length, termIndices, termIndices.Length, rows, rows.Length, coefficients, options, result, target, ref summary); else GetValuesVarPro32(code, code.Length, termIndices, termIndices.Length, rows, rows.Length, coefficients, options, result, target, ref summary); } // x86 [DllImport(x86dll, EntryPoint = "GetValues", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] internal static extern void GetValues32([In, Out] NativeInstruction[] code, int len, int[] rows, int nRows, SolverOptions options, [In, Out] double[] result, double[] target, ref OptimizationSummary summary); // x64 [DllImport(x64dll, EntryPoint = "GetValues", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] internal static extern void GetValues64([In, Out] NativeInstruction[] code, int len, int[] rows, int nRows, SolverOptions options, [In, Out] double[] result, double[] target, ref OptimizationSummary summary); [DllImport(x86dll, EntryPoint = "GetValuesVarPro", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] internal static extern void GetValuesVarPro32([In, Out] NativeInstruction[] code, int len, int[] termIndices, int nTerms, int[] rows, int nRows, [In, Out] double[] coefficients, SolverOptions options, [In, Out] double[] result, double[] target, ref OptimizationSummary summary); [DllImport(x64dll, EntryPoint = "GetValuesVarPro", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] internal static extern void GetValuesVarPro64([In, Out] NativeInstruction[] code, int len, int[] termIndices, int nTerms, int[] rows, int nRows, [In, Out] double[] coefficients, SolverOptions options, [In, Out] double[] result, double[] target, ref OptimizationSummary summary); } }