#region License Information
/* HeuristicLab
* Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
* This file is part of HeuristicLab.
* HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HeuristicLab. If not, see .
// 03/02/2020
// 1. Dynamic reference point strategy
// 2. Normalized fitness value strategy, desibility function.
// 3. HVC calculation should be definitely improved, at least in the 2D case.
// 4. multiple point strategy when $\lambda>1$
using HEAL.Attic;
using HeuristicLab.Analysis;
using HeuristicLab.Common;
using HeuristicLab.Core;
using HeuristicLab.Data;
using HeuristicLab.ExpressionGenerator;
using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
using HeuristicLab.Parameters;
using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis;
using HeuristicLab.Problems.TestFunctions.MultiObjective;
using HeuristicLab.Random;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using CancellationToken = System.Threading.CancellationToken;
namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.SMSEMOA {
[Item("SMSEMOAAlgorithmBase", "Base class for all SMSEMOA algorithm variants.")]
public abstract class SMSEMOAAlgorithmBase : BasicAlgorithm {
#region data members
protected enum NeighborType { NEIGHBOR, POPULATION }
// TCHE = Chebyshev (Tchebyshev)
// PBI = Penalty-based boundary intersection
// AGG = Weighted sum
public enum FunctionType { TCHE, PBI, AGG }
protected double[] IdealPoint { get; set; }
protected double[] NadirPoint { get; set; } // potentially useful for objective normalization
protected double[][] lambda_moead;
protected int[][] neighbourhood;
protected ISMSEMOASolution[] solutions;
protected FunctionType functionType;
protected ISMSEMOASolution[] population;
protected ISMSEMOASolution[] offspringPopulation;
protected ISMSEMOASolution[] jointPopulation;
protected int evaluatedSolutions;
protected ExecutionContext executionContext;
protected IScope globalScope;
protected ExecutionState previousExecutionState;
protected ExecutionState executionState;
private DoubleArray ReferencePoint {
get {
if (Problem is MultiObjectiveTestFunctionProblem) {
var problem = (MultiObjectiveTestFunctionProblem)Problem;
return problem.ReferencePoint;
else {
return null;
#region parameters
private const string SeedParameterName = "Seed";
private const string SetSeedRandomlyParameterName = "SetSeedRandomly";
private const string PopulationSizeParameterName = "PopulationSize";
private const string ResultPopulationSizeParameterName = "ResultPopulationSize";
private const string CrossoverProbabilityParameterName = "CrossoverProbability";
private const string CrossoverParameterName = "Crossover";
private const string MutationProbabilityParameterName = "MutationProbability";
private const string MutatorParameterName = "Mutator";
private const string MaximumEvaluatedSolutionsParameterName = "MaximumEvaluatedSolutions";
private const string RandomParameterName = "Random";
private const string AnalyzerParameterName = "Analyzer";
// MOEA-D parameters
//private const string NeighbourSizeParameterName = "NeighbourSize";
//private const string NeighbourhoodSelectionProbabilityParameterName = "NeighbourhoodSelectionProbability";
//private const string MaximumNumberOfReplacedSolutionsParameterName = "MaximumNumberOfReplacedSolutions";
//private const string FunctionTypeParameterName = "FunctionType";
// private const string NormalizeObjectivesParameterName = "NormalizeObjectives";
// SMS-EMOA parameters:
private const string LambdaParameterName = "Lambda"; // The number of offspring size
// "Parameters" are defined in "HeuristicLab.Parameters"
// Contains: generic parameters of every class/algorithm/instance,
// It seems that "I***ValueParameter" is declared in "Heuristic.core", where "***ValueParameter" are defined in "HeuristicLab.Parameter"
// The function of "I***ValueParameter" is to bridge current scripts to "HeuristicLab.Parameter".
public IValueParameter AnalyzerParameter {
get { return (ValueParameter)Parameters[AnalyzerParameterName]; }
//public IConstrainedValueParameter FunctionTypeParameter
// get { return (IConstrainedValueParameter)Parameters[FunctionTypeParameterName]; }
//public IFixedValueParameter NeighbourSizeParameter
// get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[NeighbourSizeParameterName]; }
//public IFixedValueParameter NormalizeObjectivesParameter
// get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[NormalizeObjectivesParameterName]; }
//public IFixedValueParameter MaximumNumberOfReplacedSolutionsParameter
// get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[MaximumNumberOfReplacedSolutionsParameterName]; }
//public IFixedValueParameter NeighbourhoodSelectionProbabilityParameter
// get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[NeighbourhoodSelectionProbabilityParameterName]; }
public IFixedValueParameter SeedParameter {
get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[SeedParameterName]; }
public IFixedValueParameter SetSeedRandomlyParameter {
get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[SetSeedRandomlyParameterName]; }
private IValueParameter PopulationSizeParameter {
get { return (IValueParameter)Parameters[PopulationSizeParameterName]; }
private IValueParameter LambdaParameter {
get { return (IValueParameter)Parameters[LambdaParameterName]; }
private IValueParameter ResultPopulationSizeParameter {
get { return (IValueParameter)Parameters[ResultPopulationSizeParameterName]; }
public IValueParameter CrossoverProbabilityParameter {
get { return (IValueParameter)Parameters[CrossoverProbabilityParameterName]; }
public IConstrainedValueParameter CrossoverParameter {
get { return (IConstrainedValueParameter)Parameters[CrossoverParameterName]; }
public IValueParameter MutationProbabilityParameter {
get { return (IValueParameter)Parameters[MutationProbabilityParameterName]; }
public IConstrainedValueParameter MutatorParameter {
get { return (IConstrainedValueParameter)Parameters[MutatorParameterName]; }
public IValueParameter MaximumEvaluatedSolutionsParameter {
get { return (IValueParameter)Parameters[MaximumEvaluatedSolutionsParameterName]; }
public IValueParameter RandomParameter {
get { return (IValueParameter)Parameters[RandomParameterName]; }
#region parameter properties
public new IMultiObjectiveHeuristicOptimizationProblem Problem {
get { return (IMultiObjectiveHeuristicOptimizationProblem)base.Problem; }
set { base.Problem = value; }
public int Seed {
get { return SeedParameter.Value.Value; }
set { SeedParameter.Value.Value = value; }
public bool SetSeedRandomly {
get { return SetSeedRandomlyParameter.Value.Value; }
set { SetSeedRandomlyParameter.Value.Value = value; }
public IntValue PopulationSize {
get { return PopulationSizeParameter.Value; }
set { PopulationSizeParameter.Value = value; }
public IntValue Lambda {
get { return LambdaParameter.Value; }
set { LambdaParameter.Value = value; }
public IntValue ResultPopulationSize {
get { return ResultPopulationSizeParameter.Value; }
set { ResultPopulationSizeParameter.Value = value; }
public PercentValue CrossoverProbability {
get { return CrossoverProbabilityParameter.Value; }
set { CrossoverProbabilityParameter.Value = value; }
public ICrossover Crossover {
get { return CrossoverParameter.Value; }
set { CrossoverParameter.Value = value; }
public PercentValue MutationProbability {
get { return MutationProbabilityParameter.Value; }
set { MutationProbabilityParameter.Value = value; }
public IManipulator Mutator {
get { return MutatorParameter.Value; }
set { MutatorParameter.Value = value; }
public MultiAnalyzer Analyzer {
get { return AnalyzerParameter.Value; }
set { AnalyzerParameter.Value = value; }
public IntValue MaximumEvaluatedSolutions {
get { return MaximumEvaluatedSolutionsParameter.Value; }
set { MaximumEvaluatedSolutionsParameter.Value = value; }
#region constructors
public SMSEMOAAlgorithmBase() {
// Add or define or specify the parameters that may be use in SMS-EMOA.
// ***("Name", "Description", "Value")
// Name Type Description
// FixedValueParameter: ANY Not changed???
// ValueParameter: Changable??? What is the difference between "ValueParameter" and "FixedVlaueParameter"?????
// types:
// IntValue
// BoolValue
// DoubleValue
// PercentValue
// ICrossover:
// IManipulator:
// IRandom:
// MultiAnalyzer:
// ---------
Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter(SeedParameterName, "The random seed used to initialize the new pseudo random number generator.", new IntValue(0)));
Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter(SetSeedRandomlyParameterName, "True if the random seed should be set to a random value, otherwise false.", new BoolValue(true)));
Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter(PopulationSizeParameterName, "The size of the population of solutions.", new IntValue(100)));
Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter(ResultPopulationSizeParameterName, "The size of the population of solutions.", new IntValue(100)));
Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter(CrossoverProbabilityParameterName, "The probability that the crossover operator is applied.", new PercentValue(0.9)));
Parameters.Add(new ConstrainedValueParameter(CrossoverParameterName, "The operator used to cross solutions."));
Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter(MutationProbabilityParameterName, "The probability that the mutation operator is applied on a solution.", new PercentValue(0.25)));
Parameters.Add(new ConstrainedValueParameter(MutatorParameterName, "The operator used to mutate solutions."));
Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter("Analyzer", "The operator used to analyze each generation.", new MultiAnalyzer()));
Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter(MaximumEvaluatedSolutionsParameterName, "The maximum number of evaluated solutions (approximately).", new IntValue(100_000)));
Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter(RandomParameterName, new FastRandom()));
// SMS-EMOA, kf
Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter(LambdaParameterName, "The size of the offsprings. Now, it only works when lambda = 1", new IntValue(1)));
protected SMSEMOAAlgorithmBase(SMSEMOAAlgorithmBase original, Cloner cloner) : base(original, cloner) {
functionType = original.functionType;
evaluatedSolutions = original.evaluatedSolutions;
previousExecutionState = original.previousExecutionState;
if (original.IdealPoint != null) {
IdealPoint = (double[])original.IdealPoint.Clone();
if (original.NadirPoint != null) {
NadirPoint = (double[])original.NadirPoint.Clone();
if (original.lambda_moead != null) {
lambda_moead = (double[][])original.lambda_moead.Clone();
if (original.neighbourhood != null) {
neighbourhood = (int[][])original.neighbourhood.Clone();
if (original.solutions != null) {
solutions = original.solutions.Select(cloner.Clone).ToArray();
if (original.population != null) {
population = original.population.Select(cloner.Clone).ToArray();
if (original.offspringPopulation != null) {
offspringPopulation = original.offspringPopulation.Select(cloner.Clone).ToArray();
if (original.jointPopulation != null) {
jointPopulation = original.jointPopulation.Select(x => cloner.Clone(x)).ToArray();
if (original.executionContext != null) {
executionContext = cloner.Clone(original.executionContext);
if (original.globalScope != null) {
globalScope = cloner.Clone(original.globalScope);
protected SMSEMOAAlgorithmBase(StorableConstructorFlag deserializing) : base(deserializing) { }
private void InitializePopulation(ExecutionContext executionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IRandom random, bool[] maximization) {
// creator: how to create the initilized population. "UniformRandom" is used here.
// TODO: LHS, latin hypercube sampling? Exisit???
var creator = Problem.SolutionCreator;
var evaluator = Problem.Evaluator;
// dimensions: objective space
var dimensions = maximization.Length;
var populationSize = PopulationSize.Value;
population = new ISMSEMOASolution[populationSize];
var parentScope = executionContext.Scope;
// first, create all individuals
for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; ++i) {
var childScope = new Scope(i.ToString()) { Parent = parentScope };
ExecuteOperation(executionContext, cancellationToken, executionContext.CreateChildOperation(creator, childScope));
for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; ++i) {
var childScope = parentScope.SubScopes[i];
ExecuteOperation(executionContext, cancellationToken, executionContext.CreateChildOperation(evaluator, childScope));
var qualities = (DoubleArray)childScope.Variables["Qualities"].Value;
// solution: a method, contains a decision vector and objecitve values
// solution.Qualities: objective values, fitness values
// solution.Individual: decision vector
var solution = new SMSEMOASolution(childScope, dimensions, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < dimensions; ++j) {
// TODO: convert maximization problems into minimization problems.
solution.Qualities[j] = maximization[j] ? 1 - qualities[j] : qualities[j];
// population is a collection of solution.
population[i] = solution;
// kf, SMS-EMOA
population[i].HypervolumeContribution[0] = -0;
population[i].NondominanceRanking[0] = -0;
protected void InitializeAlgorithm(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Type of random operator, "FastRandom" in this script.
// RandomParameter <-- Parameters in "HeuristicLab.Core.ParameterizedNameItem",
var rand = RandomParameter.Value;
// Initialize random seed
// If random seed exist, get it; otherwise,
if (SetSeedRandomly) Seed = RandomSeedGenerator.GetSeed();
// Call
bool[] maximization = ((BoolArray)Problem.MaximizationParameter.ActualValue).CloneAsArray();
// dimensions: the dimension in an objective space
var dimensions = maximization.Length;
var populationSize = PopulationSize.Value;
InitializePopulation(executionContext, cancellationToken, rand, maximization);
IdealPoint = new double[dimensions];
NadirPoint = Enumerable.Repeat(double.MinValue, dimensions).ToArray();
//NadirPoint = new double[dimensions];
evaluatedSolutions = populationSize;
protected override void Initialize(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
globalScope = new Scope("Global Scope");
executionContext = new ExecutionContext(null, this, globalScope);
// set the execution context for parameters to allow lookup
foreach (var parameter in Problem.Parameters.OfType()) {
// we need all of these in order for the wiring of the operators to work
globalScope.Variables.Add(new Variable(parameter.Name, parameter.Value));
globalScope.Variables.Add(new Variable("Results", Results)); // make results available as a parameter for analyzers etc.
public override bool SupportsPause => true;
// Mate Selection.
// Randomly select a specific number of individuals for later operators.
// Inputs:
// 1. random: Random number generate method
// 2. numberOfSolutionToSelect: The number of selection
// Outputs:
// 1. listOfSolutions: The selection individuals
protected List MatingSelection(IRandom random, int numberOfSolutionsToSelect) {
int populationSize = PopulationSize.Value;
var listOfSolutions = new List(numberOfSolutionsToSelect);
while (listOfSolutions.Count < numberOfSolutionsToSelect) {
var selectedSolution = random.Next(populationSize);
bool flag = true;
foreach (int individualId in listOfSolutions) {
if (individualId == selectedSolution) {
flag = false;
if (flag) {
return listOfSolutions;
// Select/Discard the individual(s) according to HVC
protected void SmetricSelection(int lambda) {
var qualities = jointPopulation.Select(x => x.Qualities).ToArray();
var maximization = Enumerable.Repeat(false, IdealPoint.Length).ToArray(); // Minimization or maximization ????
var pf2 = DominationCalculator.CalculateAllParetoFronts(jointPopulation, qualities, maximization, out int[] ranking);
int numberOfLayer; // number of layers in PF
int numberOfLastLayer; // number of discarded points in PF (the number of points in the last layer)
pf2.RemoveAt(pf2.Count() - 1);
numberOfLayer = pf2.Count();
numberOfLastLayer = pf2[numberOfLayer - 1].Count();
double[] hvc = new double[numberOfLastLayer];
int discardIndex;
if (numberOfLastLayer > lambda) {
double tempHV;
double smetric;
var lastLayer = pf2.Last();
// TODO: This can be use for dynamic reference point strategy later. Kaifeng , 02/2020
// smetric = Hypervolume.Calculate(lastLayer.Select(x => x.Item2), Enumerable.Repeat(11d, NadirPoint.Length).ToArray(), maximization);
var reference = Enumerable.Repeat(double.MaxValue, maximization.Length).ToArray();
if (ReferencePoint is null) { // KF, 20200217 -- fix no reference point on real-world applications. If No reference points in Algorithms, use 1.1 \times max objective values as the reference point
for (int i = 0; i < reference.Length; i++) {
reference[i] = 1.1 * reference[i];
if (reference[i] > 10000) {
reference[i] = 9999; // set a upper bound for the reference point
else {
reference = ReferencePoint.ToArray();
//var reference = ReferencePoint.ToArray();
var nondominated = NonDominatedSelect.GetDominatingVectors(lastLayer.Select(x => x.Item2), reference, maximization, false);
smetric = nondominated.Any() ? Hypervolume.Calculate(nondominated, reference, maximization) : int.MinValue;
for (int ii = 0; ii < lastLayer.Count; ++ii) {
try { // TODO: This can be use for dynamic reference point strategy later. Kaifeng , 02/2020
// tempHV = Hypervolume.Calculate(indices.Where(idx => idx != ii).Select(idx => lastLayer[idx].Item2), Enumerable.Repeat(11d, NadirPoint.Length).ToArray(), maximization);
tempHV = Hypervolume.Calculate(Enumerable.Range(0, lastLayer.Count).Where(idx => idx != ii).Select(idx => lastLayer[idx].Item2), reference, maximization);
catch {
tempHV = int.MinValue;
hvc[ii] = smetric - tempHV;
tempHV = 0;
discardIndex = Array.IndexOf(hvc, hvc.Min());
pf2[numberOfLayer - 1].RemoveAt(discardIndex);
else {
// TODO: This should be updated when $lambda > 1$
pf2.RemoveAt(pf2.Count() - 1);
numberOfLayer = numberOfLayer - 1;
population = pf2.SelectMany(x => x.Select(y => y.Item1)).ToArray();
// Update the Pareto-front approximation set and scatter the solutions in PF approximation set.
protected void UpdateParetoFronts() {
//var qualities = population.Select(x => Enumerable.Range(0, NadirPoint.Length).Select(i => x.Qualities[i] / NadirPoint[i]).ToArray()).ToArray();
var qualities = population.Select(x => x.Qualities).ToArray();
var maximization = Enumerable.Repeat(false, IdealPoint.Length).ToArray(); // SMSEMOA minimizes everything internally
var pf = DominationCalculator.CalculateBestParetoFront(population, qualities, maximization);
var pf2 = DominationCalculator.CalculateAllParetoFronts(population, qualities, maximization, out int[] ranking);
var n = (int)EnumerableExtensions.BinomialCoefficient(IdealPoint.Length, 2);
// Struture hypervolume
// [0,0]: Value of HV
// [0,1]: PF size, $|PF|$
var hypervolumes = new DoubleMatrix(n == 1 ? 1 : n + 1, 2) { ColumnNames = new[] { "PF hypervolume", "PF size" } };
// HV calculation
// pf.Select(x => x.Item2): the "Item2" in var "pd"
// Enumerable.Repeat(1d, NadirPoint.Length).ToArray(): reference point
// maximization: type of optimization problem:
// True: maximization problem
// False: minimization problem
var reference = Enumerable.Repeat(double.MaxValue, maximization.Length).ToArray();
if (ReferencePoint is null) { // KF, 20200217 -- fix no reference point on real-world applications. If No reference points in Algorithms, use 1.1 \times max objective values as the reference point
for (int i = 0; i < reference.Length; i++) {
reference[i] = 1.1 * reference[i];
if (reference[i] > 10000) {
reference[i] = 9999; // set a upper bound for the reference point
else {
reference = ReferencePoint.ToArray();
//var reference = ReferencePoint.ToArray() ?? Enumerable.Repeat(double.MaxValue, maximization.Length).ToArray();
//var reference = ReferencePoint.ToArray();
var nondominated = NonDominatedSelect.GetDominatingVectors(pf.Select(x => x.Item2), reference, maximization, false);
hypervolumes[0, 0] = nondominated.Any() ? Hypervolume.Calculate(nondominated, reference, maximization) : int.MinValue;
//hypervolumes[0, 0] = Hypervolume.Calculate(pf.Select(x => x.Item2), reference, maximization);
hypervolumes[0, 1] = pf.Count;
Console.WriteLine("Current HV is", hypervolumes[0, 0]);
var elementNames = new List() { "Pareto Front" };
ResultCollection results;
if (Results.ContainsKey("Hypervolume Analysis")) {
results = (ResultCollection)Results["Hypervolume Analysis"].Value;
else {
results = new ResultCollection();
Results.AddOrUpdateResult("Hypervolume Analysis", results);
ScatterPlot sp;
if (IdealPoint.Length == 2) {
var points = pf.Select(x => new Point2D(x.Item2[0], x.Item2[1]));
var r = OnlinePearsonsRCalculator.Calculate(points.Select(x => x.X), points.Select(x => x.Y), out OnlineCalculatorError error);
if (error != OnlineCalculatorError.None) { r = double.NaN; }
var resultName = "Pareto Front Analysis ";
if (!results.ContainsKey(resultName)) {
sp = new ScatterPlot() {
VisualProperties = {
XAxisMinimumAuto = false, XAxisMinimumFixedValue = 0d, XAxisMaximumAuto = false, XAxisMaximumFixedValue = 1d,
YAxisMinimumAuto = false, YAxisMinimumFixedValue = 0d, YAxisMaximumAuto = false, YAxisMaximumFixedValue = 1d
sp.Rows.Add(new ScatterPlotDataRow(resultName, "", points) { VisualProperties = { PointSize = 8 } });
results.AddOrUpdateResult(resultName, sp);
else {
sp = (ScatterPlot)results[resultName].Value;
sp.Name = $"Dimensions [0, 1], correlation: {r.ToString("N2")}";
else if (IdealPoint.Length > 2) {
var indices = Enumerable.Range(0, IdealPoint.Length).ToArray();
var visualProperties = new ScatterPlotDataRowVisualProperties { PointSize = 8, Color = Color.LightGray };
var combinations = indices.Combinations(2).ToArray();
var maximization2d = new[] { false, false };
var solutions2d = pf.Select(x => x.Item1).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < combinations.Length; ++i) {
var c = combinations[i].ToArray();
// calculate the hypervolume in the 2d coordinate space
var reference2d = new[] { 1d, 1d };
var qualities2d = pf.Select(x => new[] { x.Item2[c[0]], x.Item2[c[1]] }).ToArray();
var pf2d = DominationCalculator.CalculateBestParetoFront(solutions2d, qualities2d, maximization2d);
hypervolumes[i + 1, 0] = pf2d.Count > 0 ? Hypervolume.Calculate(pf2d.Select(x => x.Item2), reference2d, maximization2d) : 0d;
hypervolumes[i + 1, 1] = pf2d.Count;
var resultName = $"Pareto Front Analysis [{c[0]}, {c[1]}]";
var points = pf.Select(x => new Point2D(x.Item2[c[0]], x.Item2[c[1]]));
var pf2dPoints = pf2d.Select(x => new Point2D(x.Item2[0], x.Item2[1]));
if (!results.ContainsKey(resultName)) {
sp = new ScatterPlot() {
VisualProperties = {
XAxisMinimumAuto = false, XAxisMinimumFixedValue = 0d, XAxisMaximumAuto = false, XAxisMaximumFixedValue = 1d,
YAxisMinimumAuto = false, YAxisMinimumFixedValue = 0d, YAxisMaximumAuto = false, YAxisMaximumFixedValue = 1d
sp.Rows.Add(new ScatterPlotDataRow("Pareto Front", "", points) { VisualProperties = visualProperties });
sp.Rows.Add(new ScatterPlotDataRow($"Pareto Front [{c[0]}, {c[1]}]", "", pf2dPoints) { VisualProperties = { PointSize = 10, Color = Color.OrangeRed } });
results.AddOrUpdateResult(resultName, sp);
else {
sp = (ScatterPlot)results[resultName].Value;
sp.Rows["Pareto Front"].Points.Replace(points);
sp.Rows[$"Pareto Front [{c[0]}, {c[1]}]"].Points.Replace(pf2dPoints);
var r = OnlinePearsonsRCalculator.Calculate(points.Select(x => x.X), points.Select(x => x.Y), out OnlineCalculatorError error);
var r2 = r * r;
sp.Name = $"Pareto Front [{c[0]}, {c[1]}], correlation: {r2.ToString("N2")}";
hypervolumes.RowNames = elementNames;
results.AddOrUpdateResult("Hypervolumes", hypervolumes);
#region operator wiring and events
protected void ExecuteOperation(ExecutionContext executionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IOperation operation) {
Stack executionStack = new Stack();
while (executionStack.Count > 0) {
IOperation next = executionStack.Pop();
if (next is OperationCollection) {
OperationCollection coll = (OperationCollection)next;
for (int i = coll.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (coll[i] != null) executionStack.Push(coll[i]);
else if (next is IAtomicOperation) {
IAtomicOperation op = (IAtomicOperation)next;
next = op.Operator.Execute((IExecutionContext)op, cancellationToken);
if (next != null) executionStack.Push(next);
private void UpdateAnalyzers() {
if (Problem != null) {
foreach (IAnalyzer analyzer in Problem.Operators.OfType()) {
foreach (IScopeTreeLookupParameter param in analyzer.Parameters.OfType())
param.Depth = 1;
Analyzer.Operators.Add(analyzer, analyzer.EnabledByDefault);
private void UpdateCrossovers() {
ICrossover oldCrossover = CrossoverParameter.Value;
ICrossover defaultCrossover = Problem.Operators.OfType().FirstOrDefault();
foreach (ICrossover crossover in Problem.Operators.OfType().OrderBy(x => x.Name))
if (oldCrossover != null) {
ICrossover crossover = CrossoverParameter.ValidValues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType() == oldCrossover.GetType());
if (crossover != null) CrossoverParameter.Value = crossover;
else oldCrossover = null;
if (oldCrossover == null && defaultCrossover != null)
CrossoverParameter.Value = defaultCrossover;
private void UpdateMutators() {
IManipulator oldMutator = MutatorParameter.Value;
IManipulator defaultMutator = Problem.Operators.OfType().FirstOrDefault();
foreach (IManipulator mutator in Problem.Operators.OfType().OrderBy(x => x.Name))
if (oldMutator != null) {
IManipulator mutator = MutatorParameter.ValidValues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType() == oldMutator.GetType());
if (mutator != null) MutatorParameter.Value = mutator;
else oldMutator = null;
if (oldMutator == null && defaultMutator != null)
MutatorParameter.Value = defaultMutator;
protected override void OnProblemChanged() {
protected override void OnExecutionStateChanged() {
previousExecutionState = executionState;
executionState = ExecutionState;
public void ClearState() {
solutions = null;
population = null;
offspringPopulation = null;
jointPopulation = null;
lambda_moead = null;
neighbourhood = null;
if (executionContext != null && executionContext.Scope != null) {
protected override void OnStopped() {