using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using HEAL.Attic; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; namespace HeuristicLab.JsonInterface { [StorableType("4333B6C0-26F7-41BA-A297-071AB50307F9")] public abstract class ConcreteRestrictedArrayJsonItem : ArrayJsonItem, IConcreteRestrictedJsonItem { public IEnumerable ConcreteRestrictedItems { get; set; } protected override ValidationResult Validate() { bool res = true; IList errors = new List(); if (ConcreteRestrictedItems == null) return ValidationResult.Successful(); foreach (var x in Value) { bool tmp = false; foreach (var restrictedItem in ConcreteRestrictedItems) { tmp = tmp || x.Equals(restrictedItem); //if one tmp is true, it stays true (match found) } if (!tmp) errors.Add($"[{Path}]: Value '{x}' is not one of the allowed values: " + $"'{ string.Join(",", ConcreteRestrictedItems.Select(s => s.ToString()).ToArray()) }'."); res = res && tmp; //if one tmp is false, res will set false } if (res) return ValidationResult.Successful(); else return ValidationResult.Faulty(errors); } public override void SetJObject(JObject jObject) { base.SetJObject(jObject); ConcreteRestrictedItems = (jObject[nameof(IConcreteRestrictedJsonItem.ConcreteRestrictedItems)]? .ToObject>()); } public ConcreteRestrictedArrayJsonItem() { } [StorableConstructor] protected ConcreteRestrictedArrayJsonItem(StorableConstructorFlag _) : base(_) { } } }