1 | using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Glmnet;
2 | using HeuristicLab.Data;
3 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis;
4 | using System;
5 | using System.Collections.Generic;
6 | using System.Linq;
7 | using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
8 |
9 | [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("UnitTests")]
10 | namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.FastFunctionExtraction {
11 | // utility functions for creating Basis Functions
12 | internal static class BFUtils {
13 | public static IEnumerable<IBasisFunction> CreateBasisFunctions(IRegressionProblemData data, Approach approach) {
14 | var exponents = approach.AllowExp ? approach.Exponents : new HashSet<double> { 1 };
15 | var funcs = approach.AllowNonlinFuncs ? approach.NonlinFuncs : new HashSet<NonlinearOperator> { NonlinearOperator.None };
16 | var simpleBasisFuncs = CreateSimpleBases(data, exponents, funcs);
17 |
18 | if (approach.AllowHinge) {
19 | // only allow hinge functions for features with exponent = 1 (deemed too complex otherwise)
20 | var linearSimpleBasisFuncs = simpleBasisFuncs.Where(simpleBf => simpleBf.Exponent == 1);
21 | simpleBasisFuncs = simpleBasisFuncs.Concat(CreateHingeBases(data, linearSimpleBasisFuncs, approach.MinHingeThr, approach.MaxHingeThr, approach.NumHingeThrs));
22 | }
23 |
24 | IEnumerable<IBasisFunction> functions = simpleBasisFuncs;
25 |
26 | if (approach.AllowInter) {
27 | var multivariateBases = CreateMultivariateBases(data, simpleBasisFuncs.ToArray());
28 | functions = functions.Concat(multivariateBases);
29 | }
30 |
31 | if (approach.AllowDenom) {
32 | var denominatorBases = CreateDenominatorBases(functions);
33 | functions = functions.Concat(denominatorBases);
34 | }
35 | return functions;
36 | }
37 |
38 | public static IEnumerable<ISimpleBasisFunction> CreateSimpleBases(IRegressionProblemData problemData, HashSet<double> exponents, HashSet<NonlinearOperator> nonlinFuncs) {
39 | var simpleBasisFunctions = new List<ISimpleBasisFunction>();
40 | foreach (var variableName in problemData.AllowedInputVariables) {
41 | var vals = problemData.Dataset.GetDoubleValues(variableName).ToArray();
42 | var min = vals.Min();
43 | foreach (var exp in exponents) {
44 | var simpleBase = new SimpleBasisFunction(variableName, exp, NonlinearOperator.None);
45 | // if the basis function is not valid without any operator, then it won't be valid in combination with any nonlinear operator -> skip
46 | if (!Ok(simpleBase.Simulate(problemData))) continue;
47 |
48 | foreach (NonlinearOperator op in nonlinFuncs) {
49 | // ignore cases where op has no effect
50 | if (op.Equals(NonlinearOperator.Abs) && new[] { -2.0, 2.0 }.Contains(exp) && nonlinFuncs.Contains(NonlinearOperator.None)) continue;
51 | if (op.Equals(NonlinearOperator.Abs) && min >= 0) continue;
52 | var nonsimpleBase = (SimpleBasisFunction)simpleBase.DeepCopy();
53 | nonsimpleBase.Operator = op;
54 | if (!Ok(nonsimpleBase.Simulate(problemData))) continue;
55 | simpleBasisFunctions.Add(nonsimpleBase);
56 | }
57 | }
58 | }
59 | return simpleBasisFunctions;
60 | }
61 |
62 | public static IEnumerable<IBasisFunction> CreateMultivariateBases(IRegressionProblemData data, IList<ISimpleBasisFunction> univariateBases) {
63 | var orderedFuncs = OrderBasisFuncsByImportance(data, univariateBases).ToArray();
64 | var multivariateBases = new List<IBasisFunction>();
65 | int maxSize = 2 * orderedFuncs.Length;
66 | foreach (var bf in orderedFuncs) {
67 | // disallow bases with exponents
68 | if (bf.Exponent != 1) continue;
69 | multivariateBases.Add(new ProductBaseFunction(bf, bf, true));
70 | }
71 |
72 | for (int i = 0; i < orderedFuncs.Count(); i++) {
73 | var b_i = orderedFuncs.ElementAt(i);
74 | for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
75 | var b_j = orderedFuncs.ElementAt(j);
76 | if (b_j.Operator != NonlinearOperator.None) continue; // disallow op() * op(); deemed to complex
77 | var b_inter = new ProductBaseFunction(b_i, b_j, true);
78 | if (!Ok(b_inter.Simulate(data))) continue;
79 | multivariateBases.Add(b_inter);
80 | if (multivariateBases.Count() >= maxSize)
81 | return multivariateBases;
82 | }
83 | }
84 | return multivariateBases;
85 | }
86 |
87 | // order basis functions by importance (decr)
88 | // the importance of a basis function is measured by the absolute value of its coefficient when optimized on the data
89 | public static IEnumerable<ISimpleBasisFunction> OrderBasisFuncsByImportance(IRegressionProblemData data, IList<ISimpleBasisFunction> candidateFunctions) {
90 | var elnetData = PrepareData(Normalize(data), candidateFunctions);
91 | var coeff = ElasticNetLinearRegression.CalculateModelCoefficients(elnetData, 0, 0, out var trainNMSE, out var testNMSE); // LS-fit
92 | var intercept = coeff.Last();
93 | coeff = coeff.Take(coeff.Length - 1).ToArray();
94 | var order = Utils.Argsort(coeff);
95 | Array.Reverse(order);
96 | return order.Select(idx => candidateFunctions[idx]);
97 | }
98 |
99 | public static IList<ISimpleBasisFunction> CreateHingeBases(IRegressionProblemData data, IEnumerable<ISimpleBasisFunction> simple_bfs, double relative_start_thr = 0.0, double relative_end_thr = 1.0, int num_thrs = 3, IntRange trainingPartition = null) {
100 | var hingeBases = new List<ISimpleBasisFunction>();
101 |
102 | foreach (var simple_bf in simple_bfs) {
103 | hingeBases.AddRange(CreateHingeBases(data, simple_bf, relative_start_thr, relative_end_thr, num_thrs, trainingPartition));
104 | }
105 | return hingeBases;
106 | }
107 |
108 | private static IEnumerable<ISimpleBasisFunction> CreateHingeBases(IRegressionProblemData data, ISimpleBasisFunction simple_bf, double relative_start_thr, double relative_end_thr, int num_thrs, IntRange trainingPartition) {
109 | if (relative_start_thr >= relative_end_thr) throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(relative_start_thr)} must be smaller than {nameof(relative_end_thr)}.");
110 | var ans = new List<ISimpleBasisFunction>();
111 |
112 | var vals = simple_bf.Simulate(data);
113 | var temp = trainingPartition ?? data.TrainingPartition;
114 | double min = Double.MaxValue;
115 | double max = Double.MinValue;
116 | for (int i = temp.Start; i < temp.End; i++) {
117 | min = Math.Min(min, vals[i]);
118 | max = Math.Max(max, vals[i]);
119 | }
120 | if (max - min == 0) return ans;
121 | var full_range = max - min;
122 | var start_thr = min + relative_start_thr * full_range;
123 | var end_thr = min + relative_end_thr * full_range;
124 | var thresholds = Utils.Linspace(start_thr, end_thr, num_thrs);
125 |
126 | foreach (var thr in thresholds) {
127 | ans.Add(new SimpleBasisFunction(simple_bf.Feature, 1, NonlinearOperator.Gth, true, thr));
128 | ans.Add(new SimpleBasisFunction(simple_bf.Feature, 1, NonlinearOperator.Lth, true, thr));
129 | }
130 | return ans;
131 | }
132 |
133 | public static IEnumerable<IBasisFunction> CreateDenominatorBases(IEnumerable<IBasisFunction> basisFunctions) {
134 | List<IBasisFunction> ans = new List<IBasisFunction>();
135 | foreach (var bf in basisFunctions) {
136 | if (!bf.IsNominator) continue;
137 | var denomFunc = bf.DeepCopy();
138 | denomFunc.IsNominator = false;
139 | ans.Add(denomFunc);
140 | }
141 | return ans;
142 | }
143 |
144 | public static IRegressionProblemData PrepareData(IRegressionProblemData problemData, IEnumerable<IBasisFunction> basisFunctions) {
145 | int numRows = problemData.Dataset.Rows;
146 | int numCols = basisFunctions.Count();
147 | HashSet<string> allowedInputVars = new HashSet<string>();
148 | double[,] variableValues = new double[numRows, numCols + 1]; // +1 for target var
149 |
150 | int col = 0;
151 | foreach (var basisFunc in basisFunctions) {
152 | allowedInputVars.Add(basisFunc.ToString() + (!basisFunc.IsNominator ? " * " + problemData.TargetVariable : ""));
153 | var vals = basisFunc.Simulate(problemData);
154 | for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
155 | variableValues[i, col] = vals[i];
156 | }
157 | col++;
158 | }
159 |
160 | // add the unmodified target variable to the dataset
161 | var allVariables = new HashSet<string>(allowedInputVars);
162 | allVariables.Add(problemData.TargetVariable);
163 |
164 | var targetVals = problemData.TargetVariableValues.ToArray();
165 | for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
166 | variableValues[i, col] = targetVals[i];
167 | }
168 |
169 | var temp = new Dataset(allVariables, variableValues);
170 |
171 | IRegressionProblemData rpd = new RegressionProblemData(temp, allowedInputVars, problemData.TargetVariable);
172 | rpd.TrainingPartition.Start = problemData.TrainingPartition.Start;
173 | rpd.TrainingPartition.End = problemData.TrainingPartition.End;
174 | rpd.TestPartition.Start = problemData.TestPartition.Start;
175 | rpd.TestPartition.End = problemData.TestPartition.End;
176 | return rpd;
177 | }
178 |
179 | private static IRegressionProblemData Normalize(IRegressionProblemData data)
180 | => new RegressionProblemData(Normalize(data.Dataset), data.AllowedInputVariables, data.TargetVariable);
181 |
182 | // return a normalized version of IDataset ds
183 | private static IDataset Normalize(IDataset ds) {
184 | var doubleNames = ds.DoubleVariables.ToArray();
185 | if (ds.VariableNames.Count() != doubleNames.Length) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(ds));
186 | var variableVals = new List<List<double>>();
187 | foreach (var name in doubleNames) {
188 | var vals = Utils.Normalize(ds.GetDoubleValues(name).ToArray());
189 | variableVals.Add(vals.ToList());
190 | }
191 | return new Dataset(doubleNames, variableVals);
192 | }
193 |
194 | private static bool Ok(IEnumerable<double> data) => data.All(x => !double.IsNaN(x) && !double.IsInfinity(x));
195 | }
196 | }