/************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Sergey Bochkanov (ALGLIB project). >>> SOURCE LICENSE >>> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (www.fsf.org); either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses >>> END OF LICENSE >>> *************************************************************************/ using System; namespace alglib { public class mlpbase { public struct multilayerperceptron { public int[] structinfo; public double[] weights; public double[] columnmeans; public double[] columnsigmas; public double[] neurons; public double[] dfdnet; public double[] derror; public double[] x; public double[] y; public double[,] chunks; public double[] nwbuf; }; public const int mlpvnum = 7; public const int nfieldwidth = 4; public const int chunksize = 32; /************************************************************************* Creates neural network with NIn inputs, NOut outputs, without hidden layers, with linear output layer. Network weights are filled with small random values. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreate0(int nin, int nout, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; layerscount = 1+2; // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network); } /************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreate0, but with one hidden layer (NHid neurons) with non-linear activation function. Output layer is linear. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreate1(int nin, int nhid, int nout, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; layerscount = 1+3+2; // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network); } /************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreate0, but with two hidden layers (NHid1 and NHid2 neurons) with non-linear activation function. Output layer is linear. $ALL -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreate2(int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; layerscount = 1+3+3+2; // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid2, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network); } /************************************************************************* Creates neural network with NIn inputs, NOut outputs, without hidden layers with non-linear output layer. Network weights are filled with small random values. Activation function of the output layer takes values: (B, +INF), if D>=0 or (-INF, B), if D<0. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreateb0(int nin, int nout, double b, double d, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; int i = 0; layerscount = 1+3; if( (double)(d)>=(double)(0) ) { d = 1; } else { d = -1; } // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(3, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network); // // Turn on ouputs shift/scaling. // for(i=nin; i<=nin+nout-1; i++) { network.columnmeans[i] = b; network.columnsigmas[i] = d; } } /************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateB0 but with non-linear hidden layer. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreateb1(int nin, int nhid, int nout, double b, double d, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; int i = 0; layerscount = 1+3+3; if( (double)(d)>=(double)(0) ) { d = 1; } else { d = -1; } // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(3, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network); // // Turn on ouputs shift/scaling. // for(i=nin; i<=nin+nout-1; i++) { network.columnmeans[i] = b; network.columnsigmas[i] = d; } } /************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateB0 but with two non-linear hidden layers. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreateb2(int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, double b, double d, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; int i = 0; layerscount = 1+3+3+3; if( (double)(d)>=(double)(0) ) { d = 1; } else { d = -1; } // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid2, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(3, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network); // // Turn on ouputs shift/scaling. // for(i=nin; i<=nin+nout-1; i++) { network.columnmeans[i] = b; network.columnsigmas[i] = d; } } /************************************************************************* Creates neural network with NIn inputs, NOut outputs, without hidden layers with non-linear output layer. Network weights are filled with small random values. Activation function of the output layer takes values [A,B]. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreater0(int nin, int nout, double a, double b, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; int i = 0; layerscount = 1+3; // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network); // // Turn on outputs shift/scaling. // for(i=nin; i<=nin+nout-1; i++) { network.columnmeans[i] = 0.5*(a+b); network.columnsigmas[i] = 0.5*(a-b); } } /************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateR0, but with non-linear hidden layer. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreater1(int nin, int nhid, int nout, double a, double b, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; int i = 0; layerscount = 1+3+3; // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network); // // Turn on outputs shift/scaling. // for(i=nin; i<=nin+nout-1; i++) { network.columnmeans[i] = 0.5*(a+b); network.columnsigmas[i] = 0.5*(a-b); } } /************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateR0, but with two non-linear hidden layers. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreater2(int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, double a, double b, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; int i = 0; layerscount = 1+3+3+3; // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid2, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, false, ref network); // // Turn on outputs shift/scaling. // for(i=nin; i<=nin+nout-1; i++) { network.columnmeans[i] = 0.5*(a+b); network.columnsigmas[i] = 0.5*(a-b); } } /************************************************************************* Creates classifier network with NIn inputs and NOut possible classes. Network contains no hidden layers and linear output layer with SOFTMAX- normalization (so outputs sums up to 1.0 and converge to posterior probabilities). -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreatec0(int nin, int nout, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nout>=2, "MLPCreateC0: NOut<2!"); layerscount = 1+2+1; // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout-1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addzerolayer(ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, true, ref network); } /************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateC0, but with one non-linear hidden layer. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreatec1(int nin, int nhid, int nout, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nout>=2, "MLPCreateC1: NOut<2!"); layerscount = 1+3+2+1; // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout-1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addzerolayer(ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, true, ref network); } /************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateC0, but with two non-linear hidden layers. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcreatec2(int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int[] lsizes = new int[0]; int[] ltypes = new int[0]; int[] lconnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lconnlast = new int[0]; int layerscount = 0; int lastproc = 0; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nout>=2, "MLPCreateC2: NOut<2!"); layerscount = 1+3+3+2+1; // // Allocate arrays // lsizes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; ltypes = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnfirst = new int[layerscount-1+1]; lconnlast = new int[layerscount-1+1]; // // Layers // addinputlayer(nin, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nhid2, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addactivationlayer(1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addbiasedsummatorlayer(nout-1, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); addzerolayer(ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, ref lastproc); // // Create // mlpcreate(nin, nout, ref lsizes, ref ltypes, ref lconnfirst, ref lconnlast, layerscount, true, ref network); } /************************************************************************* Copying of neural network INPUT PARAMETERS: Network1 - original OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Network2 - copy -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpcopy(ref multilayerperceptron network1, ref multilayerperceptron network2) { int i = 0; int ssize = 0; int ntotal = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; int i_ = 0; // // Unload info // ssize = network1.structinfo[0]; nin = network1.structinfo[1]; nout = network1.structinfo[2]; ntotal = network1.structinfo[3]; wcount = network1.structinfo[4]; // // Allocate space // network2.structinfo = new int[ssize-1+1]; network2.weights = new double[wcount-1+1]; if( mlpissoftmax(ref network1) ) { network2.columnmeans = new double[nin-1+1]; network2.columnsigmas = new double[nin-1+1]; } else { network2.columnmeans = new double[nin+nout-1+1]; network2.columnsigmas = new double[nin+nout-1+1]; } network2.neurons = new double[ntotal-1+1]; network2.chunks = new double[3*ntotal+1, chunksize-1+1]; network2.nwbuf = new double[Math.Max(wcount, 2*nout)-1+1]; network2.dfdnet = new double[ntotal-1+1]; network2.x = new double[nin-1+1]; network2.y = new double[nout-1+1]; network2.derror = new double[ntotal-1+1]; // // Copy // for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++) { network2.structinfo[i] = network1.structinfo[i]; } for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { network2.weights[i_] = network1.weights[i_]; } if( mlpissoftmax(ref network1) ) { for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++) { network2.columnmeans[i_] = network1.columnmeans[i_]; } for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++) { network2.columnsigmas[i_] = network1.columnsigmas[i_]; } } else { for(i_=0; i_<=nin+nout-1;i_++) { network2.columnmeans[i_] = network1.columnmeans[i_]; } for(i_=0; i_<=nin+nout-1;i_++) { network2.columnsigmas[i_] = network1.columnsigmas[i_]; } } for(i_=0; i_<=ntotal-1;i_++) { network2.neurons[i_] = network1.neurons[i_]; } for(i_=0; i_<=ntotal-1;i_++) { network2.dfdnet[i_] = network1.dfdnet[i_]; } for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++) { network2.x[i_] = network1.x[i_]; } for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++) { network2.y[i_] = network1.y[i_]; } for(i_=0; i_<=ntotal-1;i_++) { network2.derror[i_] = network1.derror[i_]; } } /************************************************************************* Serialization of MultiLayerPerceptron strucure INPUT PARAMETERS: Network - original OUTPUT PARAMETERS: RA - array of real numbers which stores network, array[0..RLen-1] RLen - RA lenght -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 29.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpserialize(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[] ra, ref int rlen) { int i = 0; int ssize = 0; int ntotal = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; int sigmalen = 0; int offs = 0; int i_ = 0; int i1_ = 0; // // Unload info // ssize = network.structinfo[0]; nin = network.structinfo[1]; nout = network.structinfo[2]; ntotal = network.structinfo[3]; wcount = network.structinfo[4]; if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) ) { sigmalen = nin; } else { sigmalen = nin+nout; } // // RA format: // LEN DESRC. // 1 RLen // 1 version (MLPVNum) // 1 StructInfo size // SSize StructInfo // WCount Weights // SigmaLen ColumnMeans // SigmaLen ColumnSigmas // rlen = 3+ssize+wcount+2*sigmalen; ra = new double[rlen-1+1]; ra[0] = rlen; ra[1] = mlpvnum; ra[2] = ssize; offs = 3; for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++) { ra[offs+i] = network.structinfo[i]; } offs = offs+ssize; i1_ = (0) - (offs); for(i_=offs; i_<=offs+wcount-1;i_++) { ra[i_] = network.weights[i_+i1_]; } offs = offs+wcount; i1_ = (0) - (offs); for(i_=offs; i_<=offs+sigmalen-1;i_++) { ra[i_] = network.columnmeans[i_+i1_]; } offs = offs+sigmalen; i1_ = (0) - (offs); for(i_=offs; i_<=offs+sigmalen-1;i_++) { ra[i_] = network.columnsigmas[i_+i1_]; } offs = offs+sigmalen; } /************************************************************************* Unserialization of MultiLayerPerceptron strucure INPUT PARAMETERS: RA - real array which stores network OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Network - restored network -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 29.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpunserialize(ref double[] ra, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int i = 0; int ssize = 0; int ntotal = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; int sigmalen = 0; int offs = 0; int i_ = 0; int i1_ = 0; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((int)Math.Round(ra[1])==mlpvnum, "MLPUnserialize: incorrect array!"); // // Unload StructInfo from IA // offs = 3; ssize = (int)Math.Round(ra[2]); network.structinfo = new int[ssize-1+1]; for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++) { network.structinfo[i] = (int)Math.Round(ra[offs+i]); } offs = offs+ssize; // // Unload info from StructInfo // ssize = network.structinfo[0]; nin = network.structinfo[1]; nout = network.structinfo[2]; ntotal = network.structinfo[3]; wcount = network.structinfo[4]; if( network.structinfo[6]==0 ) { sigmalen = nin+nout; } else { sigmalen = nin; } // // Allocate space for other fields // network.weights = new double[wcount-1+1]; network.columnmeans = new double[sigmalen-1+1]; network.columnsigmas = new double[sigmalen-1+1]; network.neurons = new double[ntotal-1+1]; network.chunks = new double[3*ntotal+1, chunksize-1+1]; network.nwbuf = new double[Math.Max(wcount, 2*nout)-1+1]; network.dfdnet = new double[ntotal-1+1]; network.x = new double[nin-1+1]; network.y = new double[nout-1+1]; network.derror = new double[ntotal-1+1]; // // Copy parameters from RA // i1_ = (offs) - (0); for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { network.weights[i_] = ra[i_+i1_]; } offs = offs+wcount; i1_ = (offs) - (0); for(i_=0; i_<=sigmalen-1;i_++) { network.columnmeans[i_] = ra[i_+i1_]; } offs = offs+sigmalen; i1_ = (offs) - (0); for(i_=0; i_<=sigmalen-1;i_++) { network.columnsigmas[i_] = ra[i_+i1_]; } offs = offs+sigmalen; } /************************************************************************* Randomization of neural network weights -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 06.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlprandomize(ref multilayerperceptron network) { int i = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++) { network.weights[i] = AP.Math.RandomReal()-0.5; } } /************************************************************************* Randomization of neural network weights and standartisator -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 10.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlprandomizefull(ref multilayerperceptron network) { int i = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; int ntotal = 0; int istart = 0; int offs = 0; int ntype = 0; mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); ntotal = network.structinfo[3]; istart = network.structinfo[5]; // // Process network // for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++) { network.weights[i] = AP.Math.RandomReal()-0.5; } for(i=0; i<=nin-1; i++) { network.columnmeans[i] = 2*AP.Math.RandomReal()-1; network.columnsigmas[i] = 1.5*AP.Math.RandomReal()+0.5; } if( !mlpissoftmax(ref network) ) { for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { offs = istart+(ntotal-nout+i)*nfieldwidth; ntype = network.structinfo[offs+0]; if( ntype==0 ) { // // Shifts are changed only for linear outputs neurons // network.columnmeans[nin+i] = 2*AP.Math.RandomReal()-1; } if( ntype==0 | ntype==3 ) { // // Scales are changed only for linear or bounded outputs neurons. // Note that scale randomization preserves sign. // network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = Math.Sign(network.columnsigmas[nin+i])*(1.5*AP.Math.RandomReal()+0.5); } } } } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpinitpreprocessor(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int ssize) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int jmax = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; int ntotal = 0; int istart = 0; int offs = 0; int ntype = 0; double[] means = new double[0]; double[] sigmas = new double[0]; double s = 0; mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); ntotal = network.structinfo[3]; istart = network.structinfo[5]; // // Means/Sigmas // if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) ) { jmax = nin-1; } else { jmax = nin+nout-1; } means = new double[jmax+1]; sigmas = new double[jmax+1]; for(j=0; j<=jmax; j++) { means[j] = 0; for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++) { means[j] = means[j]+xy[i,j]; } means[j] = means[j]/ssize; sigmas[j] = 0; for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++) { sigmas[j] = sigmas[j]+AP.Math.Sqr(xy[i,j]-means[j]); } sigmas[j] = Math.Sqrt(sigmas[j]/ssize); } // // Inputs // for(i=0; i<=nin-1; i++) { network.columnmeans[i] = means[i]; network.columnsigmas[i] = sigmas[i]; if( (double)(network.columnsigmas[i])==(double)(0) ) { network.columnsigmas[i] = 1; } } // // Outputs // if( !mlpissoftmax(ref network) ) { for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { offs = istart+(ntotal-nout+i)*nfieldwidth; ntype = network.structinfo[offs+0]; // // Linear outputs // if( ntype==0 ) { network.columnmeans[nin+i] = means[nin+i]; network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = sigmas[nin+i]; if( (double)(network.columnsigmas[nin+i])==(double)(0) ) { network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = 1; } } // // Bounded outputs (half-interval) // if( ntype==3 ) { s = means[nin+i]-network.columnmeans[nin+i]; if( (double)(s)==(double)(0) ) { s = Math.Sign(network.columnsigmas[nin+i]); } if( (double)(s)==(double)(0) ) { s = 1.0; } network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = Math.Sign(network.columnsigmas[nin+i])*Math.Abs(s); if( (double)(network.columnsigmas[nin+i])==(double)(0) ) { network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = 1; } } } } } /************************************************************************* Returns information about initialized network: number of inputs, outputs, weights. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpproperties(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref int nin, ref int nout, ref int wcount) { nin = network.structinfo[1]; nout = network.structinfo[2]; wcount = network.structinfo[4]; } /************************************************************************* Tells whether network is SOFTMAX-normalized (i.e. classifier) or not. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static bool mlpissoftmax(ref multilayerperceptron network) { bool result = new bool(); result = network.structinfo[6]==1; return result; } /************************************************************************* Procesing INPUT PARAMETERS: Network - neural network X - input vector, array[0..NIn-1]. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Y - result. Regression estimate when solving regression task, vector of posterior probabilities for classification task. Subroutine does not allocate memory for this vector, it is responsibility of a caller to allocate it. Array must be at least [0..NOut-1]. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpprocess(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[] x, ref double[] y) { mlpinternalprocessvector(ref network.structinfo, ref network.weights, ref network.columnmeans, ref network.columnsigmas, ref network.neurons, ref network.dfdnet, ref x, ref y); } /************************************************************************* Error function for neural network, internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static double mlperror(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int ssize) { double result = 0; int i = 0; int k = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; double e = 0; int i_ = 0; int i1_ = 0; mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); result = 0; for(i=0; i<=ssize-1; i++) { for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++) { network.x[i_] = xy[i,i_]; } mlpprocess(ref network, ref network.x, ref network.y); if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) ) { // // class labels outputs // k = (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nin]); if( k>=0 & k=0 & k(double)(worky[nmax]) ) { nmax = j; } } nn = nmax; // // Right answer // if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) ) { ns = (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nin]); } else { nmax = 0; for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++) { if( (double)(xy[i,nin+j])>(double)(xy[i,nin+nmax]) ) { nmax = j; } } ns = nmax; } // // compare // if( nn!=ns ) { result = result+1; } } return result; } /************************************************************************* Relative classification error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Network - network XY - test set NPoints - test set size RESULT: percent of incorrectly classified cases. Works both for classifier networks and general purpose networks used as classifiers. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 25.12.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static double mlprelclserror(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int npoints) { double result = 0; result = (double)(mlpclserror(ref network, ref xy, npoints))/(double)(npoints); return result; } /************************************************************************* Average cross-entropy (in bits per element) on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Network - neural network XY - test set NPoints - test set size RESULT: CrossEntropy/(NPoints*LN(2)). Zero if network solves regression task. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 08.01.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static double mlpavgce(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int npoints) { double result = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) ) { mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); result = mlperrorn(ref network, ref xy, npoints)/(npoints*Math.Log(2)); } else { result = 0; } return result; } /************************************************************************* RMS error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Network - neural network XY - test set NPoints - test set size RESULT: root mean square error. Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task, RMS error means error when estimating posterior probabilities. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static double mlprmserror(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int npoints) { double result = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); result = Math.Sqrt(2*mlperror(ref network, ref xy, npoints)/(npoints*nout)); return result; } /************************************************************************* Average error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Network - neural network XY - test set NPoints - test set size RESULT: Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task, it means average error when estimating posterior probabilities. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 11.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static double mlpavgerror(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int npoints) { double result = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; int i_ = 0; mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); result = 0; for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++) { for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++) { network.x[i_] = xy[i,i_]; } mlpprocess(ref network, ref network.x, ref network.y); if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) ) { // // class labels // k = (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nin]); for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++) { if( j==k ) { result = result+Math.Abs(1-network.y[j]); } else { result = result+Math.Abs(network.y[j]); } } } else { // // real outputs // for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++) { result = result+Math.Abs(xy[i,nin+j]-network.y[j]); } } } result = result/(npoints*nout); return result; } /************************************************************************* Average relative error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Network - neural network XY - test set NPoints - test set size RESULT: Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task, it means average relative error when estimating posterior probability of belonging to the correct class. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 11.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static double mlpavgrelerror(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int npoints) { double result = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; int lk = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; int i_ = 0; mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); result = 0; k = 0; for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++) { for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++) { network.x[i_] = xy[i,i_]; } mlpprocess(ref network, ref network.x, ref network.y); if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) ) { // // class labels // lk = (int)Math.Round(xy[i,nin]); for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++) { if( j==lk ) { result = result+Math.Abs(1-network.y[j]); k = k+1; } } } else { // // real outputs // for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++) { if( (double)(xy[i,nin+j])!=(double)(0) ) { result = result+Math.Abs(xy[i,nin+j]-network.y[j])/Math.Abs(xy[i,nin+j]); k = k+1; } } } } if( k!=0 ) { result = result/k; } return result; } /************************************************************************* Gradient calculation. Internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpgrad(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[] x, ref double[] desiredy, ref double e, ref double[] grad) { int i = 0; int nout = 0; int ntotal = 0; // // Prepare dError/dOut, internal structures // mlpprocess(ref network, ref x, ref network.y); nout = network.structinfo[2]; ntotal = network.structinfo[3]; e = 0; for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++) { network.derror[i] = 0; } for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { network.derror[ntotal-nout+i] = network.y[i]-desiredy[i]; e = e+AP.Math.Sqr(network.y[i]-desiredy[i])/2; } // // gradient // mlpinternalcalculategradient(ref network, ref network.neurons, ref network.weights, ref network.derror, ref grad, false); } /************************************************************************* Gradient calculation (natural error function). Internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpgradn(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[] x, ref double[] desiredy, ref double e, ref double[] grad) { double s = 0; int i = 0; int nout = 0; int ntotal = 0; // // Prepare dError/dOut, internal structures // mlpprocess(ref network, ref x, ref network.y); nout = network.structinfo[2]; ntotal = network.structinfo[3]; for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++) { network.derror[i] = 0; } e = 0; if( network.structinfo[6]==0 ) { // // Regression network, least squares // for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { network.derror[ntotal-nout+i] = network.y[i]-desiredy[i]; e = e+AP.Math.Sqr(network.y[i]-desiredy[i])/2; } } else { // // Classification network, cross-entropy // s = 0; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { s = s+desiredy[i]; } for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { network.derror[ntotal-nout+i] = s*network.y[i]-desiredy[i]; e = e+safecrossentropy(desiredy[i], network.y[i]); } } // // gradient // mlpinternalcalculategradient(ref network, ref network.neurons, ref network.weights, ref network.derror, ref grad, true); } /************************************************************************* Batch gradient calculation. Internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpgradbatch(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad) { int i = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++) { grad[i] = 0; } e = 0; i = 0; while( i<=ssize-1 ) { mlpchunkedgradient(ref network, ref xy, i, Math.Min(ssize, i+chunksize)-i, ref e, ref grad, false); i = i+chunksize; } } /************************************************************************* Batch gradient calculation (natural error function). Internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpgradnbatch(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad) { int i = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++) { grad[i] = 0; } e = 0; i = 0; while( i<=ssize-1 ) { mlpchunkedgradient(ref network, ref xy, i, Math.Min(ssize, i+chunksize)-i, ref e, ref grad, true); i = i+chunksize; } } /************************************************************************* Batch Hessian calculation (natural error function) using R-algorithm. Internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 26.01.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey. Hessian calculation based on R-algorithm described in "Fast Exact Multiplication by the Hessian", B. A. Pearlmutter, Neural Computation, 1994. *************************************************************************/ public static void mlphessiannbatch(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad, ref double[,] h) { mlphessianbatchinternal(ref network, ref xy, ssize, true, ref e, ref grad, ref h); } /************************************************************************* Batch Hessian calculation using R-algorithm. Internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 26.01.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey. Hessian calculation based on R-algorithm described in "Fast Exact Multiplication by the Hessian", B. A. Pearlmutter, Neural Computation, 1994. *************************************************************************/ public static void mlphessianbatch(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad, ref double[,] h) { mlphessianbatchinternal(ref network, ref xy, ssize, false, ref e, ref grad, ref h); } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine, shouldn't be called by user. *************************************************************************/ public static void mlpinternalprocessvector(ref int[] structinfo, ref double[] weights, ref double[] columnmeans, ref double[] columnsigmas, ref double[] neurons, ref double[] dfdnet, ref double[] x, ref double[] y) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int n1 = 0; int n2 = 0; int w1 = 0; int w2 = 0; int ntotal = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int istart = 0; int offs = 0; double net = 0; double e = 0; double f = 0; double df = 0; double d2f = 0; double mx = 0; bool perr = new bool(); int i_ = 0; int i1_ = 0; // // Read network geometry // nin = structinfo[1]; nout = structinfo[2]; ntotal = structinfo[3]; istart = structinfo[5]; // // Inputs standartisation and putting in the network // for(i=0; i<=nin-1; i++) { if( (double)(columnsigmas[i])!=(double)(0) ) { neurons[i] = (x[i]-columnmeans[i])/columnsigmas[i]; } else { neurons[i] = x[i]-columnmeans[i]; } } // // Process network // for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++) { offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth; if( structinfo[offs+0]>0 ) { // // Activation function // mlpactivationfunction(neurons[structinfo[offs+2]], structinfo[offs+0], ref f, ref df, ref d2f); neurons[i] = f; dfdnet[i] = df; } if( structinfo[offs+0]==0 ) { // // Adaptive summator // n1 = structinfo[offs+2]; n2 = n1+structinfo[offs+1]-1; w1 = structinfo[offs+3]; w2 = w1+structinfo[offs+1]-1; i1_ = (n1)-(w1); net = 0.0; for(i_=w1; i_<=w2;i_++) { net += weights[i_]*neurons[i_+i1_]; } neurons[i] = net; dfdnet[i] = 1.0; } if( structinfo[offs+0]<0 ) { perr = true; if( structinfo[offs+0]==-2 ) { // // input neuron, left unchanged // perr = false; } if( structinfo[offs+0]==-3 ) { // // "-1" neuron // neurons[i] = -1; perr = false; } if( structinfo[offs+0]==-4 ) { // // "0" neuron // neurons[i] = 0; perr = false; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!perr, "MLPInternalProcessVector: internal error - unknown neuron type!"); } } // // Extract result // i1_ = (ntotal-nout) - (0); for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++) { y[i_] = neurons[i_+i1_]; } // // Softmax post-processing or standardisation if needed // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(structinfo[6]==0 | structinfo[6]==1, "MLPInternalProcessVector: unknown normalization type!"); if( structinfo[6]==1 ) { // // Softmax // mx = y[0]; for(i=1; i<=nout-1; i++) { mx = Math.Max(mx, y[i]); } net = 0; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { y[i] = Math.Exp(y[i]-mx); net = net+y[i]; } for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { y[i] = y[i]/net; } } else { // // Standardisation // for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { y[i] = y[i]*columnsigmas[nin+i]+columnmeans[nin+i]; } } } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine: adding new input layer to network *************************************************************************/ private static void addinputlayer(int ncount, ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc) { lsizes[0] = ncount; ltypes[0] = -2; lconnfirst[0] = 0; lconnlast[0] = 0; lastproc = 0; } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine: adding new summator layer to network *************************************************************************/ private static void addbiasedsummatorlayer(int ncount, ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc) { lsizes[lastproc+1] = 1; ltypes[lastproc+1] = -3; lconnfirst[lastproc+1] = 0; lconnlast[lastproc+1] = 0; lsizes[lastproc+2] = ncount; ltypes[lastproc+2] = 0; lconnfirst[lastproc+2] = lastproc; lconnlast[lastproc+2] = lastproc+1; lastproc = lastproc+2; } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine: adding new summator layer to network *************************************************************************/ private static void addactivationlayer(int functype, ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(functype>0, "AddActivationLayer: incorrect function type"); lsizes[lastproc+1] = lsizes[lastproc]; ltypes[lastproc+1] = functype; lconnfirst[lastproc+1] = lastproc; lconnlast[lastproc+1] = lastproc; lastproc = lastproc+1; } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine: adding new zero layer to network *************************************************************************/ private static void addzerolayer(ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc) { lsizes[lastproc+1] = 1; ltypes[lastproc+1] = -4; lconnfirst[lastproc+1] = 0; lconnlast[lastproc+1] = 0; lastproc = lastproc+1; } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ private static void mlpcreate(int nin, int nout, ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, int layerscount, bool isclsnet, ref multilayerperceptron network) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int ssize = 0; int ntotal = 0; int wcount = 0; int offs = 0; int nprocessed = 0; int wallocated = 0; int[] localtemp = new int[0]; int[] lnfirst = new int[0]; int[] lnsyn = new int[0]; // // Check // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(layerscount>0, "MLPCreate: wrong parameters!"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ltypes[0]==-2, "MLPCreate: wrong LTypes[0] (must be -2)!"); for(i=0; i<=layerscount-1; i++) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lsizes[i]>0, "MLPCreate: wrong LSizes!"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lconnfirst[i]>=0 & (lconnfirst[i]=lconnfirst[i] & (lconnlast[i]=0 ) { lnsyn[i] = 0; for(j=lconnfirst[i]; j<=lconnlast[i]; j++) { lnsyn[i] = lnsyn[i]+lsizes[j]; } } else { if( ltypes[i]==-2 | ltypes[i]==-3 | ltypes[i]==-4 ) { lnsyn[i] = 0; } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lnsyn[i]>=0, "MLPCreate: internal error #0!"); // // Other info // lnfirst[i] = ntotal; ntotal = ntotal+lsizes[i]; if( ltypes[i]==0 ) { wcount = wcount+lnsyn[i]*lsizes[i]; } } ssize = 7+ntotal*nfieldwidth; // // Allocate // network.structinfo = new int[ssize-1+1]; network.weights = new double[wcount-1+1]; if( isclsnet ) { network.columnmeans = new double[nin-1+1]; network.columnsigmas = new double[nin-1+1]; } else { network.columnmeans = new double[nin+nout-1+1]; network.columnsigmas = new double[nin+nout-1+1]; } network.neurons = new double[ntotal-1+1]; network.chunks = new double[3*ntotal+1, chunksize-1+1]; network.nwbuf = new double[Math.Max(wcount, 2*nout)-1+1]; network.dfdnet = new double[ntotal-1+1]; network.x = new double[nin-1+1]; network.y = new double[nout-1+1]; network.derror = new double[ntotal-1+1]; // // Fill structure: global info // network.structinfo[0] = ssize; network.structinfo[1] = nin; network.structinfo[2] = nout; network.structinfo[3] = ntotal; network.structinfo[4] = wcount; network.structinfo[5] = 7; if( isclsnet ) { network.structinfo[6] = 1; } else { network.structinfo[6] = 0; } // // Fill structure: neuron connections // nprocessed = 0; wallocated = 0; for(i=0; i<=layerscount-1; i++) { for(j=0; j<=lsizes[i]-1; j++) { offs = network.structinfo[5]+nprocessed*nfieldwidth; network.structinfo[offs+0] = ltypes[i]; if( ltypes[i]==0 ) { // // Adaptive summator: // * connections with weights to previous neurons // network.structinfo[offs+1] = lnsyn[i]; network.structinfo[offs+2] = lnfirst[lconnfirst[i]]; network.structinfo[offs+3] = wallocated; wallocated = wallocated+lnsyn[i]; nprocessed = nprocessed+1; } if( ltypes[i]>0 ) { // // Activation layer: // * each neuron connected to one (only one) of previous neurons. // * no weights // network.structinfo[offs+1] = 1; network.structinfo[offs+2] = lnfirst[lconnfirst[i]]+j; network.structinfo[offs+3] = -1; nprocessed = nprocessed+1; } if( ltypes[i]==-2 | ltypes[i]==-3 | ltypes[i]==-4 ) { nprocessed = nprocessed+1; } } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(wallocated==wcount, "MLPCreate: internal error #1!"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nprocessed==ntotal, "MLPCreate: internal error #2!"); // // Fill weights by small random values // Initialize means and sigmas // for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++) { network.weights[i] = AP.Math.RandomReal()-0.5; } for(i=0; i<=nin-1; i++) { network.columnmeans[i] = 0; network.columnsigmas[i] = 1; } if( !isclsnet ) { for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { network.columnmeans[nin+i] = 0; network.columnsigmas[nin+i] = 1; } } } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ private static void mlpactivationfunction(double net, int k, ref double f, ref double df, ref double d2f) { double net2 = 0; double arg = 0; double root = 0; double r = 0; f = 0; df = 0; if( k==1 ) { // // TanH activation function // if( (double)(Math.Abs(net))<(double)(100) ) { f = Math.Tanh(net); } else { f = Math.Sign(net); } df = 1-AP.Math.Sqr(f); d2f = -(2*f*df); return; } if( k==3 ) { // // EX activation function // if( (double)(net)>=(double)(0) ) { net2 = net*net; arg = net2+1; root = Math.Sqrt(arg); f = net+root; r = net/root; df = 1+r; d2f = (root-net*r)/arg; } else { f = Math.Exp(net); df = f; d2f = f; } return; } if( k==2 ) { f = Math.Exp(-AP.Math.Sqr(net)); df = -(2*net*f); d2f = -(2*(f+df*net)); return; } } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine for Hessian calculation. WARNING!!! Unspeakable math far beyong human capabilities :) *************************************************************************/ private static void mlphessianbatchinternal(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int ssize, bool naturalerr, ref double e, ref double[] grad, ref double[,] h) { int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int wcount = 0; int ntotal = 0; int istart = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; int kl = 0; int offs = 0; int n1 = 0; int n2 = 0; int w1 = 0; int w2 = 0; double s = 0; double t = 0; double v = 0; double et = 0; bool bflag = new bool(); double f = 0; double df = 0; double d2f = 0; double deidyj = 0; double mx = 0; double net = 0; double q = 0; double z = 0; double s2 = 0; double expi = 0; double expj = 0; double[] x = new double[0]; double[] desiredy = new double[0]; double[] gt = new double[0]; double[] zeros = new double[0]; double[,] rx = new double[0,0]; double[,] ry = new double[0,0]; double[,] rdx = new double[0,0]; double[,] rdy = new double[0,0]; int i_ = 0; int i1_ = 0; mlpproperties(ref network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount); ntotal = network.structinfo[3]; istart = network.structinfo[5]; // // Prepare // x = new double[nin-1+1]; desiredy = new double[nout-1+1]; zeros = new double[wcount-1+1]; gt = new double[wcount-1+1]; rx = new double[ntotal+nout-1+1, wcount-1+1]; ry = new double[ntotal+nout-1+1, wcount-1+1]; rdx = new double[ntotal+nout-1+1, wcount-1+1]; rdy = new double[ntotal+nout-1+1, wcount-1+1]; e = 0; for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++) { zeros[i] = 0; } for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { grad[i_] = zeros[i_]; } for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++) { for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { h[i,i_] = zeros[i_]; } } // // Process // for(k=0; k<=ssize-1; k++) { // // Process vector with MLPGradN. // Now Neurons, DFDNET and DError contains results of the last run. // for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++) { x[i_] = xy[k,i_]; } if( mlpissoftmax(ref network) ) { // // class labels outputs // kl = (int)Math.Round(xy[k,nin]); for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { if( i==kl ) { desiredy[i] = 1; } else { desiredy[i] = 0; } } } else { // // real outputs // i1_ = (nin) - (0); for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++) { desiredy[i_] = xy[k,i_+i1_]; } } if( naturalerr ) { mlpgradn(ref network, ref x, ref desiredy, ref et, ref gt); } else { mlpgrad(ref network, ref x, ref desiredy, ref et, ref gt); } // // grad, error // e = e+et; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { grad[i_] = grad[i_] + gt[i_]; } // // Hessian. // Forward pass of the R-algorithm // for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++) { offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rx[i,i_] = zeros[i_]; } for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { ry[i,i_] = zeros[i_]; } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]>0 ) { // // Activation function // n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2]; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rx[i,i_] = ry[n1,i_]; } v = network.dfdnet[i]; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { ry[i,i_] = v*rx[i,i_]; } } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==0 ) { // // Adaptive summator // n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2]; n2 = n1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1; w1 = network.structinfo[offs+3]; w2 = w1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1; for(j=n1; j<=n2; j++) { v = network.weights[w1+j-n1]; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rx[i,i_] = rx[i,i_] + v*ry[j,i_]; } rx[i,w1+j-n1] = rx[i,w1+j-n1]+network.neurons[j]; } for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { ry[i,i_] = rx[i,i_]; } } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]<0 ) { bflag = true; if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-2 ) { // // input neuron, left unchanged // bflag = false; } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-3 ) { // // "-1" neuron, left unchanged // bflag = false; } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-4 ) { // // "0" neuron, left unchanged // bflag = false; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!bflag, "MLPHessianNBatch: internal error - unknown neuron type!"); } } // // Hessian. Backward pass of the R-algorithm. // // Stage 1. Initialize RDY // for(i=0; i<=ntotal+nout-1; i++) { for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdy[i,i_] = zeros[i_]; } } if( network.structinfo[6]==0 ) { // // Standardisation. // // In context of the Hessian calculation standardisation // is considered as additional layer with weightless // activation function: // // F(NET) := Sigma*NET // // So we add one more layer to forward pass, and // make forward/backward pass through this layer. // for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { n1 = ntotal-nout+i; n2 = ntotal+i; // // Forward pass from N1 to N2 // for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rx[n2,i_] = ry[n1,i_]; } v = network.columnsigmas[nin+i]; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { ry[n2,i_] = v*rx[n2,i_]; } // // Initialization of RDY // for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdy[n2,i_] = ry[n2,i_]; } // // Backward pass from N2 to N1: // 1. Calculate R(dE/dX). // 2. No R(dE/dWij) is needed since weight of activation neuron // is fixed to 1. So we can update R(dE/dY) for // the connected neuron (note that Vij=0, Wij=1) // df = network.columnsigmas[nin+i]; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdx[n2,i_] = df*rdy[n2,i_]; } for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdy[n1,i_] = rdy[n1,i_] + rdx[n2,i_]; } } } else { // // Softmax. // // Initialize RDY using generalized expression for ei'(yi) // (see expression (9) from p. 5 of "Fast Exact Multiplication by the Hessian"). // // When we are working with softmax network, generalized // expression for ei'(yi) is used because softmax // normalization leads to ei, which depends on all y's // if( naturalerr ) { // // softmax + cross-entropy. // We have: // // S = sum(exp(yk)), // ei = sum(trn)*exp(yi)/S-trn_i // // j=i: d(ei)/d(yj) = T*exp(yi)*(S-exp(yi))/S^2 // j<>i: d(ei)/d(yj) = -T*exp(yi)*exp(yj)/S^2 // t = 0; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { t = t+desiredy[i]; } mx = network.neurons[ntotal-nout]; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { mx = Math.Max(mx, network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]); } s = 0; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { network.nwbuf[i] = Math.Exp(network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]-mx); s = s+network.nwbuf[i]; } for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++) { if( j==i ) { deidyj = t*network.nwbuf[i]*(s-network.nwbuf[i])/AP.Math.Sqr(s); for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] = rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] + deidyj*ry[ntotal-nout+i,i_]; } } else { deidyj = -(t*network.nwbuf[i]*network.nwbuf[j]/AP.Math.Sqr(s)); for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] = rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] + deidyj*ry[ntotal-nout+j,i_]; } } } } } else { // // For a softmax + squared error we have expression // far beyond human imagination so we dont even try // to comment on it. Just enjoy the code... // // P.S. That's why "natural error" is called "natural" - // compact beatiful expressions, fast code.... // mx = network.neurons[ntotal-nout]; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { mx = Math.Max(mx, network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]); } s = 0; s2 = 0; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { network.nwbuf[i] = Math.Exp(network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]-mx); s = s+network.nwbuf[i]; s2 = s2+AP.Math.Sqr(network.nwbuf[i]); } q = 0; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { q = q+(network.y[i]-desiredy[i])*network.nwbuf[i]; } for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { z = -q+(network.y[i]-desiredy[i])*s; expi = network.nwbuf[i]; for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++) { expj = network.nwbuf[j]; if( j==i ) { deidyj = expi/AP.Math.Sqr(s)*((z+expi)*(s-2*expi)/s+expi*s2/AP.Math.Sqr(s)); } else { deidyj = expi*expj/AP.Math.Sqr(s)*(s2/AP.Math.Sqr(s)-2*z/s-(expi+expj)/s+(network.y[i]-desiredy[i])-(network.y[j]-desiredy[j])); } for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] = rdy[ntotal-nout+i,i_] + deidyj*ry[ntotal-nout+j,i_]; } } } } } // // Hessian. Backward pass of the R-algorithm // // Stage 2. Process. // for(i=ntotal-1; i>=0; i--) { // // Possible variants: // 1. Activation function // 2. Adaptive summator // 3. Special neuron // offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth; if( network.structinfo[offs+0]>0 ) { n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2]; // // First, calculate R(dE/dX). // mlpactivationfunction(network.neurons[n1], network.structinfo[offs+0], ref f, ref df, ref d2f); v = d2f*network.derror[i]; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdx[i,i_] = df*rdy[i,i_]; } for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdx[i,i_] = rdx[i,i_] + v*rx[i,i_]; } // // No R(dE/dWij) is needed since weight of activation neuron // is fixed to 1. // // So we can update R(dE/dY) for the connected neuron. // (note that Vij=0, Wij=1) // for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdy[n1,i_] = rdy[n1,i_] + rdx[i,i_]; } } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==0 ) { // // Adaptive summator // n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2]; n2 = n1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1; w1 = network.structinfo[offs+3]; w2 = w1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1; // // First, calculate R(dE/dX). // for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdx[i,i_] = rdy[i,i_]; } // // Then, calculate R(dE/dWij) // for(j=w1; j<=w2; j++) { v = network.neurons[n1+j-w1]; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { h[j,i_] = h[j,i_] + v*rdx[i,i_]; } v = network.derror[i]; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { h[j,i_] = h[j,i_] + v*ry[n1+j-w1,i_]; } } // // And finally, update R(dE/dY) for connected neurons. // for(j=w1; j<=w2; j++) { v = network.weights[j]; for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++) { rdy[n1+j-w1,i_] = rdy[n1+j-w1,i_] + v*rdx[i,i_]; } rdy[n1+j-w1,j] = rdy[n1+j-w1,j]+network.derror[i]; } } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]<0 ) { bflag = false; if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-2 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-3 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-4 ) { // // Special neuron type, no back-propagation required // bflag = true; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bflag, "MLPHessianNBatch: unknown neuron type!"); } } } } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine Network must be processed by MLPProcess on X *************************************************************************/ private static void mlpinternalcalculategradient(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[] neurons, ref double[] weights, ref double[] derror, ref double[] grad, bool naturalerrorfunc) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int n1 = 0; int n2 = 0; int w1 = 0; int w2 = 0; int ntotal = 0; int istart = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int offs = 0; double dedf = 0; double dfdnet = 0; double v = 0; double fown = 0; double deown = 0; double net = 0; double mx = 0; bool bflag = new bool(); int i_ = 0; int i1_ = 0; // // Read network geometry // nin = network.structinfo[1]; nout = network.structinfo[2]; ntotal = network.structinfo[3]; istart = network.structinfo[5]; // // Pre-processing of dError/dOut: // from dError/dOut(normalized) to dError/dOut(non-normalized) // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(network.structinfo[6]==0 | network.structinfo[6]==1, "MLPInternalCalculateGradient: unknown normalization type!"); if( network.structinfo[6]==1 ) { // // Softmax // if( !naturalerrorfunc ) { mx = network.neurons[ntotal-nout]; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { mx = Math.Max(mx, network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]); } net = 0; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { network.nwbuf[i] = Math.Exp(network.neurons[ntotal-nout+i]-mx); net = net+network.nwbuf[i]; } i1_ = (0)-(ntotal-nout); v = 0.0; for(i_=ntotal-nout; i_<=ntotal-1;i_++) { v += network.derror[i_]*network.nwbuf[i_+i1_]; } for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { fown = network.nwbuf[i]; deown = network.derror[ntotal-nout+i]; network.nwbuf[nout+i] = (-v+deown*fown+deown*(net-fown))*fown/AP.Math.Sqr(net); } for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { network.derror[ntotal-nout+i] = network.nwbuf[nout+i]; } } } else { // // Un-standardisation // for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { network.derror[ntotal-nout+i] = network.derror[ntotal-nout+i]*network.columnsigmas[nin+i]; } } // // Backpropagation // for(i=ntotal-1; i>=0; i--) { // // Extract info // offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth; if( network.structinfo[offs+0]>0 ) { // // Activation function // dedf = network.derror[i]; dfdnet = network.dfdnet[i]; derror[network.structinfo[offs+2]] = derror[network.structinfo[offs+2]]+dedf*dfdnet; } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==0 ) { // // Adaptive summator // n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2]; n2 = n1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1; w1 = network.structinfo[offs+3]; w2 = w1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1; dedf = network.derror[i]; dfdnet = 1.0; v = dedf*dfdnet; i1_ = (n1) - (w1); for(i_=w1; i_<=w2;i_++) { grad[i_] = v*neurons[i_+i1_]; } i1_ = (w1) - (n1); for(i_=n1; i_<=n2;i_++) { derror[i_] = derror[i_] + v*weights[i_+i1_]; } } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]<0 ) { bflag = false; if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-2 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-3 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-4 ) { // // Special neuron type, no back-propagation required // bflag = true; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bflag, "MLPInternalCalculateGradient: unknown neuron type!"); } } } /************************************************************************* Internal subroutine, chunked gradient *************************************************************************/ private static void mlpchunkedgradient(ref multilayerperceptron network, ref double[,] xy, int cstart, int csize, ref double e, ref double[] grad, bool naturalerrorfunc) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; int kl = 0; int n1 = 0; int n2 = 0; int w1 = 0; int w2 = 0; int c1 = 0; int c2 = 0; int ntotal = 0; int nin = 0; int nout = 0; int offs = 0; double dedf = 0; double dfdnet = 0; double f = 0; double df = 0; double d2f = 0; double v = 0; double s = 0; double fown = 0; double deown = 0; double net = 0; double lnnet = 0; double mx = 0; bool bflag = new bool(); int istart = 0; int ineurons = 0; int idfdnet = 0; int iderror = 0; int izeros = 0; int i_ = 0; int i1_ = 0; // // Read network geometry, prepare data // nin = network.structinfo[1]; nout = network.structinfo[2]; ntotal = network.structinfo[3]; istart = network.structinfo[5]; c1 = cstart; c2 = cstart+csize-1; ineurons = 0; idfdnet = ntotal; iderror = 2*ntotal; izeros = 3*ntotal; for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++) { network.chunks[izeros,j] = 0; } // // Forward pass: // 1. Load inputs from XY to Chunks[0:NIn-1,0:CSize-1] // 2. Forward pass // for(i=0; i<=nin-1; i++) { for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++) { if( (double)(network.columnsigmas[i])!=(double)(0) ) { network.chunks[i,j] = (xy[c1+j,i]-network.columnmeans[i])/network.columnsigmas[i]; } else { network.chunks[i,j] = xy[c1+j,i]-network.columnmeans[i]; } } } for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++) { offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth; if( network.structinfo[offs+0]>0 ) { // // Activation function: // * calculate F vector, F(i) = F(NET(i)) // n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2]; for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++) { network.chunks[i,i_] = network.chunks[n1,i_]; } for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++) { mlpactivationfunction(network.chunks[i,j], network.structinfo[offs+0], ref f, ref df, ref d2f); network.chunks[i,j] = f; network.chunks[idfdnet+i,j] = df; } } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==0 ) { // // Adaptive summator: // * calculate NET vector, NET(i) = SUM(W(j,i)*Neurons(j),j=N1..N2) // n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2]; n2 = n1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1; w1 = network.structinfo[offs+3]; w2 = w1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1; for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++) { network.chunks[i,i_] = network.chunks[izeros,i_]; } for(j=n1; j<=n2; j++) { v = network.weights[w1+j-n1]; for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++) { network.chunks[i,i_] = network.chunks[i,i_] + v*network.chunks[j,i_]; } } } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]<0 ) { bflag = false; if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-2 ) { // // input neuron, left unchanged // bflag = true; } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-3 ) { // // "-1" neuron // for(k=0; k<=csize-1; k++) { network.chunks[i,k] = -1; } bflag = true; } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-4 ) { // // "0" neuron // for(k=0; k<=csize-1; k++) { network.chunks[i,k] = 0; } bflag = true; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bflag, "MLPChunkedGradient: internal error - unknown neuron type!"); } } // // Post-processing, error, dError/dOut // for(i=0; i<=ntotal-1; i++) { for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++) { network.chunks[iderror+i,i_] = network.chunks[izeros,i_]; } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(network.structinfo[6]==0 | network.structinfo[6]==1, "MLPChunkedGradient: unknown normalization type!"); if( network.structinfo[6]==1 ) { // // Softmax output, classification network. // // For each K = 0..CSize-1 do: // 1. place exp(outputs[k]) to NWBuf[0:NOut-1] // 2. place sum(exp(..)) to NET // 3. calculate dError/dOut and place it to the second block of Chunks // for(k=0; k<=csize-1; k++) { // // Normalize // mx = network.chunks[ntotal-nout,k]; for(i=1; i<=nout-1; i++) { mx = Math.Max(mx, network.chunks[ntotal-nout+i,k]); } net = 0; for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { network.nwbuf[i] = Math.Exp(network.chunks[ntotal-nout+i,k]-mx); net = net+network.nwbuf[i]; } // // Calculate error function and dError/dOut // if( naturalerrorfunc ) { // // Natural error func. // // s = 1; lnnet = Math.Log(net); kl = (int)Math.Round(xy[cstart+k,nin]); for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { if( i==kl ) { v = 1; } else { v = 0; } network.chunks[iderror+ntotal-nout+i,k] = s*network.nwbuf[i]/net-v; e = e+safecrossentropy(v, network.nwbuf[i]/net); } } else { // // Least squares error func // Error, dError/dOut(normalized) // kl = (int)Math.Round(xy[cstart+k,nin]); for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { if( i==kl ) { v = network.nwbuf[i]/net-1; } else { v = network.nwbuf[i]/net; } network.nwbuf[nout+i] = v; e = e+AP.Math.Sqr(v)/2; } // // From dError/dOut(normalized) to dError/dOut(non-normalized) // i1_ = (0)-(nout); v = 0.0; for(i_=nout; i_<=2*nout-1;i_++) { v += network.nwbuf[i_]*network.nwbuf[i_+i1_]; } for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { fown = network.nwbuf[i]; deown = network.nwbuf[nout+i]; network.chunks[iderror+ntotal-nout+i,k] = (-v+deown*fown+deown*(net-fown))*fown/AP.Math.Sqr(net); } } } } else { // // Normal output, regression network // // For each K = 0..CSize-1 do: // 1. calculate dError/dOut and place it to the second block of Chunks // for(i=0; i<=nout-1; i++) { for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++) { v = network.chunks[ntotal-nout+i,j]*network.columnsigmas[nin+i]+network.columnmeans[nin+i]-xy[cstart+j,nin+i]; network.chunks[iderror+ntotal-nout+i,j] = v*network.columnsigmas[nin+i]; e = e+AP.Math.Sqr(v)/2; } } } // // Backpropagation // for(i=ntotal-1; i>=0; i--) { // // Extract info // offs = istart+i*nfieldwidth; if( network.structinfo[offs+0]>0 ) { // // Activation function // n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2]; for(k=0; k<=csize-1; k++) { network.chunks[iderror+i,k] = network.chunks[iderror+i,k]*network.chunks[idfdnet+i,k]; } for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++) { network.chunks[iderror+n1,i_] = network.chunks[iderror+n1,i_] + network.chunks[iderror+i,i_]; } } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==0 ) { // // "Normal" activation function // n1 = network.structinfo[offs+2]; n2 = n1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1; w1 = network.structinfo[offs+3]; w2 = w1+network.structinfo[offs+1]-1; for(j=w1; j<=w2; j++) { v = 0.0; for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++) { v += network.chunks[n1+j-w1,i_]*network.chunks[iderror+i,i_]; } grad[j] = grad[j]+v; } for(j=n1; j<=n2; j++) { v = network.weights[w1+j-n1]; for(i_=0; i_<=csize-1;i_++) { network.chunks[iderror+j,i_] = network.chunks[iderror+j,i_] + v*network.chunks[iderror+i,i_]; } } } if( network.structinfo[offs+0]<0 ) { bflag = false; if( network.structinfo[offs+0]==-2 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-3 | network.structinfo[offs+0]==-4 ) { // // Special neuron type, no back-propagation required // bflag = true; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bflag, "MLPInternalCalculateGradient: unknown neuron type!"); } } } /************************************************************************* Returns T*Ln(T/Z), guarded against overflow/underflow. Internal subroutine. *************************************************************************/ private static double safecrossentropy(double t, double z) { double result = 0; double r = 0; if( (double)(t)==(double)(0) ) { result = 0; } else { if( (double)(Math.Abs(z))>(double)(1) ) { // // Shouldn't be the case with softmax, // but we just want to be sure. // if( (double)(t/z)==(double)(0) ) { r = AP.Math.MinRealNumber; } else { r = t/z; } } else { // // Normal case // if( (double)(z)==(double)(0) | (double)(Math.Abs(t))>=(double)(AP.Math.MaxRealNumber*Math.Abs(z)) ) { r = AP.Math.MaxRealNumber; } else { r = t/z; } } result = t*Math.Log(r); } return result; } } }