using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic { public sealed class VectorAutoDiffEvaluator : InterpreterBase>> { private const int BATCHSIZE = 128; [ThreadStatic] private Dictionary cachedData; [ThreadStatic] private IDataset dataset; [ThreadStatic] private int rowIndex; [ThreadStatic] private int[] rows; [ThreadStatic] private Dictionary node2paramIdx; private void InitCache(IDataset dataset) { this.dataset = dataset; cachedData = new Dictionary(); foreach (var v in dataset.DoubleVariables) { cachedData[v] = dataset.GetDoubleValues(v).ToArray(); } } /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Function output. Must be allocated by the caller. /// Jacobian matrix. Must be allocated by the caller. public void Evaluate(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, IDataset dataset, int[] rows, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] parameterNodes, double[] fi, double[,] jac) { if (cachedData == null || this.dataset != dataset) { InitCache(dataset); } int nParams = parameterNodes.Length; node2paramIdx = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterNodes.Length; i++) node2paramIdx.Add(parameterNodes[i], i); var code = Compile(tree); var remainingRows = rows.Length % BATCHSIZE; var roundedTotal = rows.Length - remainingRows; this.rows = rows; for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < roundedTotal; rowIndex += BATCHSIZE) { Evaluate(code); // code[0].value.Value.CopyTo(fi, rowIndex, BATCHSIZE); var v = code[0].value; for (int k = 0; k < BATCHSIZE; k++) { fi[rowIndex + k] = v[k].Value.Value; // copy gradient to Jacobian var g = v[k].Gradient; for (int j = 0; j < nParams; ++j) { if (g.Elements.TryGetValue(j, out AlgebraicDouble gj)) { jac[rowIndex + k, j] = gj.Value; } else { jac[rowIndex + k, j] = 0.0; } } } } if (remainingRows > 0) { Evaluate(code); // code[0].value.Value.CopyTo(fi, roundedTotal, remainingRows); var v = code[0].value; for (int k = 0; k < remainingRows; k++) { fi[roundedTotal + k] = v[k].Value.Value; var g = v[k].Gradient; for (int j = 0; j < nParams; ++j) { if (g.Elements.TryGetValue(j, out AlgebraicDouble gj)) { jac[roundedTotal + k, j] = gj.Value; } else { jac[roundedTotal + k, j] = 0.0; } } } } } protected override void InitializeInternalInstruction(ref Instruction instruction, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode node) { instruction.value = new VectorOfAlgebraic>(BATCHSIZE).Zero; // XXX zero needed? } protected override void InitializeTerminalInstruction(ref Instruction instruction, ConstantTreeNode constant) { if (node2paramIdx.TryGetValue(constant, out var paramIdx)) { instruction.value = new VectorOfAlgebraic>(BATCHSIZE); for (int k = 0; k < BATCHSIZE; k++) { instruction.value[k] = new MultivariateDual(constant.Value, paramIdx, 1.0); // gradient is 1.0 for all elements } } else { instruction.value = new VectorOfAlgebraic>(BATCHSIZE); for (int k = 0; k < BATCHSIZE; k++) { instruction.value[k] = new MultivariateDual(constant.Value); // zero gradient } } instruction.dblVal = constant.Value; // also store the parameter value in the instruction (not absolutely necessary, will not be used) } protected override void InitializeTerminalInstruction(ref Instruction instruction, VariableTreeNode variable) { double[] data; if (cachedData.ContainsKey(variable.VariableName)) { data = cachedData[variable.VariableName]; } else { data = dataset.GetReadOnlyDoubleValues(variable.VariableName).ToArray(); cachedData[variable.VariableName] = (double[]); } var paramIdx = -1; if (node2paramIdx.ContainsKey(variable)) { paramIdx = node2paramIdx[variable]; instruction.value = new VectorOfAlgebraic>(BATCHSIZE); for(int k=0;k(0.0, paramIdx, 0.0); // values are set in LoadVariable() } } else { var f = new AlgebraicDoubleVector(BATCHSIZE); instruction.value = new VectorOfAlgebraic>(BATCHSIZE); for (int k = 0; k < BATCHSIZE; k++) { instruction.value[k] = new MultivariateDual(0.0); // values are set in LoadVariable() } } instruction.dblVal = variable.Weight; = new object[] { data, paramIdx }; } protected override void LoadVariable(Instruction a) { var paramIdx = (int)((object[])[1]; var data = (double[])((object[])[0]; for (int i = rowIndex; i < rows.Length && i - rowIndex < BATCHSIZE; i++) { a.value[i - rowIndex].Value.Assign(a.dblVal * data[rows[i]]); } if (paramIdx >= 0) { // update gradient with variable values for (int i = rowIndex; i < rows.Length && i - rowIndex < BATCHSIZE; i++) { a.value[i - rowIndex].Gradient.Elements[paramIdx].Assign(data[rows[i]]); } } } } }