#region License Information
/* HeuristicLab
* Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
* This file is part of HeuristicLab.
* HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HeuristicLab. If not, see .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using HeuristicLab.Common;
using HeuristicLab.Core;
using HeuristicLab.Data;
using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
using HeuristicLab.Parameters;
using HEAL.Attic;
namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression {
[Item("Constant Optimization Evaluator (with constraints)", "")]
public class ConstrainedConstantOptimizationEvaluator : SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveEvaluator {
private const string ConstantOptimizationIterationsParameterName = "ConstantOptimizationIterations";
private const string ConstantOptimizationImprovementParameterName = "ConstantOptimizationImprovement";
private const string ConstantOptimizationProbabilityParameterName = "ConstantOptimizationProbability";
private const string ConstantOptimizationRowsPercentageParameterName = "ConstantOptimizationRowsPercentage";
private const string UpdateConstantsInTreeParameterName = "UpdateConstantsInSymbolicExpressionTree";
private const string UpdateVariableWeightsParameterName = "Update Variable Weights";
private const string FunctionEvaluationsResultParameterName = "Constants Optimization Function Evaluations";
private const string GradientEvaluationsResultParameterName = "Constants Optimization Gradient Evaluations";
private const string CountEvaluationsParameterName = "Count Function and Gradient Evaluations";
public IFixedValueParameter ConstantOptimizationIterationsParameter {
get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[ConstantOptimizationIterationsParameterName]; }
public IFixedValueParameter ConstantOptimizationImprovementParameter {
get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[ConstantOptimizationImprovementParameterName]; }
public IFixedValueParameter ConstantOptimizationProbabilityParameter {
get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[ConstantOptimizationProbabilityParameterName]; }
public IFixedValueParameter ConstantOptimizationRowsPercentageParameter {
get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[ConstantOptimizationRowsPercentageParameterName]; }
public IFixedValueParameter UpdateConstantsInTreeParameter {
get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[UpdateConstantsInTreeParameterName]; }
public IFixedValueParameter UpdateVariableWeightsParameter {
get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[UpdateVariableWeightsParameterName]; }
public IResultParameter FunctionEvaluationsResultParameter {
get { return (IResultParameter)Parameters[FunctionEvaluationsResultParameterName]; }
public IResultParameter GradientEvaluationsResultParameter {
get { return (IResultParameter)Parameters[GradientEvaluationsResultParameterName]; }
public IFixedValueParameter CountEvaluationsParameter {
get { return (IFixedValueParameter)Parameters[CountEvaluationsParameterName]; }
public IConstrainedValueParameter SolverParameter {
get { return (IConstrainedValueParameter)Parameters["Solver"]; }
public IntValue ConstantOptimizationIterations {
get { return ConstantOptimizationIterationsParameter.Value; }
public DoubleValue ConstantOptimizationImprovement {
get { return ConstantOptimizationImprovementParameter.Value; }
public PercentValue ConstantOptimizationProbability {
get { return ConstantOptimizationProbabilityParameter.Value; }
public PercentValue ConstantOptimizationRowsPercentage {
get { return ConstantOptimizationRowsPercentageParameter.Value; }
public bool UpdateConstantsInTree {
get { return UpdateConstantsInTreeParameter.Value.Value; }
set { UpdateConstantsInTreeParameter.Value.Value = value; }
public bool UpdateVariableWeights {
get { return UpdateVariableWeightsParameter.Value.Value; }
set { UpdateVariableWeightsParameter.Value.Value = value; }
public bool CountEvaluations {
get { return CountEvaluationsParameter.Value.Value; }
set { CountEvaluationsParameter.Value.Value = value; }
public string Solver {
get { return SolverParameter.Value.Value; }
public override bool Maximization {
get { return false; }
protected ConstrainedConstantOptimizationEvaluator(StorableConstructorFlag _) : base(_) { }
protected ConstrainedConstantOptimizationEvaluator(ConstrainedConstantOptimizationEvaluator original, Cloner cloner)
: base(original, cloner) {
public ConstrainedConstantOptimizationEvaluator()
: base() {
Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter(ConstantOptimizationIterationsParameterName, "Determines how many iterations should be calculated while optimizing the constant of a symbolic expression tree (0 indicates other or default stopping criterion).", new IntValue(10)));
Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter(ConstantOptimizationImprovementParameterName, "Determines the relative improvement which must be achieved in the constant optimization to continue with it (0 indicates other or default stopping criterion).", new DoubleValue(0)) { Hidden = true });
Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter(ConstantOptimizationProbabilityParameterName, "Determines the probability that the constants are optimized", new PercentValue(1)));
Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter(ConstantOptimizationRowsPercentageParameterName, "Determines the percentage of the rows which should be used for constant optimization", new PercentValue(1)));
Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter(UpdateConstantsInTreeParameterName, "Determines if the constants in the tree should be overwritten by the optimized constants.", new BoolValue(true)) { Hidden = true });
Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter(UpdateVariableWeightsParameterName, "Determines if the variable weights in the tree should be optimized.", new BoolValue(true)) { Hidden = true });
Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter(CountEvaluationsParameterName, "Determines if function and gradient evaluation should be counted.", new BoolValue(false)));
var validSolvers = new ItemSet(new[] { "non-smooth (minns)", "sequential linear programming (minnlc)" }.Select(s => new StringValue(s).AsReadOnly()));
Parameters.Add(new ConstrainedValueParameter("Solver", "The solver algorithm", validSolvers, validSolvers.First()));
Parameters.Add(new ResultParameter(FunctionEvaluationsResultParameterName, "The number of function evaluations performed by the constants optimization evaluator", "Results", new IntValue()));
Parameters.Add(new ResultParameter(GradientEvaluationsResultParameterName, "The number of gradient evaluations performed by the constants optimization evaluator", "Results", new IntValue()));
public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) {
return new ConstrainedConstantOptimizationEvaluator(this, cloner);
private void AfterDeserialization() { }
private static readonly object locker = new object();
public override IOperation InstrumentedApply() {
var solution = SymbolicExpressionTreeParameter.ActualValue;
double quality;
if (RandomParameter.ActualValue.NextDouble() < ConstantOptimizationProbability.Value) {
IEnumerable constantOptimizationRows = GenerateRowsToEvaluate(ConstantOptimizationRowsPercentage.Value);
var counter = new EvaluationsCounter();
quality = OptimizeConstants(SymbolicDataAnalysisTreeInterpreterParameter.ActualValue, solution, ProblemDataParameter.ActualValue,
constantOptimizationRows, ApplyLinearScalingParameter.ActualValue.Value, Solver, ConstantOptimizationIterations.Value, updateVariableWeights: UpdateVariableWeights, lowerEstimationLimit: EstimationLimitsParameter.ActualValue.Lower, upperEstimationLimit: EstimationLimitsParameter.ActualValue.Upper, updateConstantsInTree: UpdateConstantsInTree, counter: counter);
if (ConstantOptimizationRowsPercentage.Value != RelativeNumberOfEvaluatedSamplesParameter.ActualValue.Value) {
throw new NotSupportedException();
if (CountEvaluations) {
lock (locker) {
FunctionEvaluationsResultParameter.ActualValue.Value += counter.FunctionEvaluations;
GradientEvaluationsResultParameter.ActualValue.Value += counter.GradientEvaluations;
} else {
throw new NotSupportedException();
QualityParameter.ActualValue = new DoubleValue(quality);
return base.InstrumentedApply();
public override double Evaluate(IExecutionContext context, ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, IRegressionProblemData problemData, IEnumerable rows) {
SymbolicDataAnalysisTreeInterpreterParameter.ExecutionContext = context;
EstimationLimitsParameter.ExecutionContext = context;
ApplyLinearScalingParameter.ExecutionContext = context;
FunctionEvaluationsResultParameter.ExecutionContext = context;
GradientEvaluationsResultParameter.ExecutionContext = context;
// MSE evaluator is used on purpose instead of the const-opt evaluator,
// because Evaluate() is used to get the quality of evolved models on
// different partitions of the dataset (e.g., best validation model)
double mse = SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveMeanSquaredErrorEvaluator.Calculate(SymbolicDataAnalysisTreeInterpreterParameter.ActualValue, tree, double.MinValue, double.MaxValue, problemData, rows, applyLinearScaling: false);
SymbolicDataAnalysisTreeInterpreterParameter.ExecutionContext = null;
EstimationLimitsParameter.ExecutionContext = null;
ApplyLinearScalingParameter.ExecutionContext = null;
FunctionEvaluationsResultParameter.ExecutionContext = null;
GradientEvaluationsResultParameter.ExecutionContext = null;
return mse;
public class EvaluationsCounter {
public int FunctionEvaluations = 0;
public int GradientEvaluations = 0;
private static void GetParameterNodes(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, out List thetaNodes, out List thetaValues) {
thetaNodes = new List();
thetaValues = new List();
var nodes = tree.IterateNodesPrefix().ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; ++i) {
var node = nodes[i];
if (node is VariableTreeNode variableTreeNode) {
} else if (node is ConstantTreeNode constantTreeNode) {
public static double OptimizeConstants(ISymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionTreeInterpreter interpreter,
ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, IRegressionProblemData problemData, IEnumerable rows, bool applyLinearScaling,
string solver,
int maxIterations, bool updateVariableWeights = true,
double lowerEstimationLimit = double.MinValue, double upperEstimationLimit = double.MaxValue,
bool updateConstantsInTree = true, Action iterationCallback = null, EvaluationsCounter counter = null) {
if (!updateVariableWeights) throw new NotSupportedException("not updating variable weights is not supported");
if (!updateConstantsInTree) throw new NotSupportedException("not updating tree parameters is not supported");
if (!applyLinearScaling) throw new NotSupportedException("application without linear scaling is not supported");
// we always update constants, so we don't need to calculate initial quality
// double originalQuality = SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveMeanSquaredErrorEvaluator.Calculate(interpreter, tree, lowerEstimationLimit, upperEstimationLimit, problemData, rows, applyLinearScaling: false);
if (counter == null) counter = new EvaluationsCounter();
var rowEvaluationsCounter = new EvaluationsCounter();
var intervalConstraints = problemData.IntervalConstraints;
var dataIntervals = problemData.VariableRanges.GetIntervals();
// buffers
var target = problemData.TargetVariableTrainingValues.ToArray();
var targetStDev = target.StandardDeviationPop();
var targetVariance = targetStDev * targetStDev;
var targetMean = target.Average();
var pred = interpreter.GetSymbolicExpressionTreeValues(tree, problemData.Dataset, problemData.TrainingIndices).ToArray();
if (pred.Any(pi => double.IsInfinity(pi) || double.IsNaN(pi))) return targetVariance;
var predStDev = pred.StandardDeviationPop();
if (predStDev == 0) return targetVariance; // constant expression
var predMean = pred.Average();
var scalingFactor = targetStDev / predStDev;
var offset = targetMean - predMean * scalingFactor;
ISymbolicExpressionTree scaledTree = null;
if (applyLinearScaling) scaledTree = CopyAndScaleTree(tree, scalingFactor, offset);
// convert constants to variables named theta...
var treeForDerivation = ReplaceConstWithVar(scaledTree, out List thetaNames, out List thetaValues); // copies the tree
// create trees for relevant derivatives
Dictionary derivatives = new Dictionary();
var allThetaNodes = thetaNames.Select(_ => new List()).ToArray();
var constraintTrees = new List();
foreach (var constraint in intervalConstraints.Constraints) {
if (constraint.IsDerivation) {
if (!problemData.AllowedInputVariables.Contains(constraint.Variable))
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid constraint: the variable {constraint.Variable} does not exist in the dataset.");
var df = DerivativeCalculator.Derive(treeForDerivation, constraint.Variable);
// alglib requires constraint expressions of the form c(x) <= 0
// -> we make two expressions, one for the lower bound and one for the upper bound
if (constraint.Interval.UpperBound < double.PositiveInfinity) {
var df_smaller_upper = Subtract((ISymbolicExpressionTree)df.Clone(), CreateConstant(constraint.Interval.UpperBound));
// convert variables named theta back to constants
var df_prepared = ReplaceVarWithConst(df_smaller_upper, thetaNames, thetaValues, allThetaNodes);
if (constraint.Interval.LowerBound > double.NegativeInfinity) {
var df_larger_lower = Subtract(CreateConstant(constraint.Interval.LowerBound), (ISymbolicExpressionTree)df.Clone());
// convert variables named theta back to constants
var df_prepared = ReplaceVarWithConst(df_larger_lower, thetaNames, thetaValues, allThetaNodes);
} else {
if (constraint.Interval.UpperBound < double.PositiveInfinity) {
var f_smaller_upper = Subtract((ISymbolicExpressionTree)treeForDerivation.Clone(), CreateConstant(constraint.Interval.UpperBound));
// convert variables named theta back to constants
var df_prepared = ReplaceVarWithConst(f_smaller_upper, thetaNames, thetaValues, allThetaNodes);
if (constraint.Interval.LowerBound > double.NegativeInfinity) {
var f_larger_lower = Subtract(CreateConstant(constraint.Interval.LowerBound), (ISymbolicExpressionTree)treeForDerivation.Clone());
// convert variables named theta back to constants
var df_prepared = ReplaceVarWithConst(f_larger_lower, thetaNames, thetaValues, allThetaNodes);
var preparedTree = ReplaceVarWithConst(treeForDerivation, thetaNames, thetaValues, allThetaNodes);
// local function
void UpdateThetaValues(double[] theta) {
for (int i = 0; i < theta.Length; ++i) {
foreach (var constNode in allThetaNodes[i]) constNode.Value = theta[i];
var fi_eval = new double[target.Length];
var jac_eval = new double[target.Length, thetaValues.Count];
// define the callback used by the alglib optimizer
// the x argument for this callback represents our theta
// local function
void calculate_jacobian(double[] x, double[] fi, double[,] jac, object obj) {
var autoDiffEval = new VectorAutoDiffEvaluator();
autoDiffEval.Evaluate(preparedTree, problemData.Dataset, problemData.TrainingIndices.ToArray(),
GetParameterNodes(preparedTree, allThetaNodes), fi_eval, jac_eval);
// calc sum of squared errors and gradient
var sse = 0.0;
var g = new double[x.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < target.Length; i++) {
var res = target[i] - fi_eval[i];
sse += 0.5 * res * res;
for (int j = 0; j < g.Length; j++) {
g[j] -= res * jac_eval[i, j];
fi[0] = sse / target.Length;
for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) { jac[0, j] = g[j] / target.Length; }
var intervalEvaluator = new IntervalEvaluator();
for (int i = 0; i < constraintTrees.Count; i++) {
var interval = intervalEvaluator.Evaluate(constraintTrees[i], dataIntervals, GetParameterNodes(constraintTrees[i], allThetaNodes),
out double[] lowerGradient, out double[] upperGradient);
// we transformed this to a constraint c(x) <= 0, so only the upper bound is relevant for us
fi[i + 1] = interval.UpperBound;
for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {
jac[i + 1, j] = upperGradient[j];
if (solver.Contains("minns")) {
alglib.minnsstate state;
alglib.minnsreport rep;
try {
alglib.minnscreate(thetaValues.Count, thetaValues.ToArray(), out state);
alglib.minnssetbc(state, thetaValues.Select(_ => -10000.0).ToArray(), thetaValues.Select(_ => +10000.0).ToArray());
alglib.minnssetcond(state, 0, maxIterations);
var s = Enumerable.Repeat(1d, thetaValues.Count).ToArray(); // scale is set to unit scale
alglib.minnssetscale(state, s);
// set non-linear constraints: 0 equality constraints, constraintTrees inequality constraints
alglib.minnssetnlc(state, 0, constraintTrees.Count);
alglib.minnsoptimize(state, calculate_jacobian, null, null);
alglib.minnsresults(state, out double[] xOpt, out rep);
// counter.FunctionEvaluations += rep.nfev; TODO
counter.GradientEvaluations += rep.nfev;
if (rep.terminationtype > 0) {
// update parameters in tree
var pIdx = 0;
// here we lose the two last parameters (for linear scaling)
foreach (var node in tree.IterateNodesPostfix()) {
if (node is ConstantTreeNode constTreeNode) {
constTreeNode.Value = xOpt[pIdx++];
} else if (node is VariableTreeNode varTreeNode) {
varTreeNode.Weight = xOpt[pIdx++];
// note: we keep the optimized constants even when the tree is worse.
// assert that we lose the last two parameters
if (pIdx != xOpt.Length - 2) throw new InvalidProgramException();
if (Math.Abs(rep.nlcerr) > 0.01) return targetVariance; // constraints are violated
} catch (ArithmeticException) {
return targetVariance;
} catch (alglib.alglibexception) {
// eval MSE of original tree
return targetVariance;
} else if (solver.Contains("minnlc")) {
alglib.minnlcstate state;
alglib.minnlcreport rep;
alglib.optguardreport optGuardRep;
try {
alglib.minnlccreate(thetaValues.Count, thetaValues.ToArray(), out state);
alglib.minnlcsetalgoslp(state); // SLP is more robust but slower
alglib.minnlcsetbc(state, thetaValues.Select(_ => -10000.0).ToArray(), thetaValues.Select(_ => +10000.0).ToArray());
alglib.minnlcsetcond(state, 0, maxIterations);
var s = Enumerable.Repeat(1d, thetaValues.Count).ToArray(); // scale is set to unit scale
alglib.minnlcsetscale(state, s);
// set non-linear constraints: 0 equality constraints, constraintTrees inequality constraints
alglib.minnlcsetnlc(state, 0, constraintTrees.Count);
alglib.minnlcoptguardsmoothness(state, 1);
alglib.minnlcoptimize(state, calculate_jacobian, null, null);
alglib.minnlcresults(state, out double[] xOpt, out rep);
alglib.minnlcoptguardresults(state, out optGuardRep);
if (optGuardRep.nonc0suspected) throw new InvalidProgramException("optGuardRep.nonc0suspected");
if (optGuardRep.nonc1suspected) {
alglib.minnlcoptguardnonc1test1results(state, out alglib.optguardnonc1test1report strrep, out alglib.optguardnonc1test1report lngrep);
throw new InvalidProgramException("optGuardRep.nonc1suspected");
// counter.FunctionEvaluations += rep.nfev; TODO
counter.GradientEvaluations += rep.nfev;
if (rep.terminationtype != -8) {
// update parameters in tree
var pIdx = 0;
foreach (var node in tree.IterateNodesPostfix()) {
if (node is ConstantTreeNode constTreeNode) {
constTreeNode.Value = xOpt[pIdx++];
} else if (node is VariableTreeNode varTreeNode) {
varTreeNode.Weight = xOpt[pIdx++];
// note: we keep the optimized constants even when the tree is worse.
// assert that we lose the last two parameters
if (pIdx != xOpt.Length - 2) throw new InvalidProgramException();
if (Math.Abs(rep.nlcerr) > 0.01) return targetVariance; // constraints are violated
} catch (ArithmeticException) {
return targetVariance;
} catch (alglib.alglibexception) {
return targetVariance;
} else {
throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown solver {solver}");
// evaluate tree with updated constants
var residualVariance = SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectiveMeanSquaredErrorEvaluator.Calculate(interpreter, tree, lowerEstimationLimit, upperEstimationLimit, problemData, rows, applyLinearScaling: true);
return Math.Min(residualVariance, targetVariance);
private static ISymbolicExpressionTree CopyAndScaleTree(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, double scalingFactor, double offset) {
var m = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)tree.Clone();
var add = MakeNode(MakeNode(m.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0), CreateConstant(scalingFactor)), CreateConstant(offset));
return m;
#region helper
private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] GetParameterNodes(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, List[] allNodes) {
// TODO better solution necessary
var treeConstNodes = tree.IterateNodesPostfix().OfType().ToArray();
var paramNodes = new ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[allNodes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < paramNodes.Length; i++) {
paramNodes[i] = allNodes[i].SingleOrDefault(n => treeConstNodes.Contains(n));
return paramNodes;
private static ISymbolicExpressionTree ReplaceVarWithConst(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, List thetaNames, List thetaValues, List[] thetaNodes) {
var copy = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)tree.Clone();
var nodes = copy.IterateNodesPostfix().ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
var n = nodes[i] as VariableTreeNode;
if (n != null) {
var thetaIdx = thetaNames.IndexOf(n.VariableName);
if (thetaIdx >= 0) {
var parent = n.Parent;
if (thetaNodes[thetaIdx].Any()) {
// we use this trick to allow autodiff over thetas when thetas occurr multiple times in the tree (e.g. in derived trees)
var constNode = thetaNodes[thetaIdx].First();
var childIdx = parent.IndexOfSubtree(n);
parent.InsertSubtree(childIdx, constNode);
} else {
var constNode = (ConstantTreeNode)CreateConstant(thetaValues[thetaIdx]);
var childIdx = parent.IndexOfSubtree(n);
parent.InsertSubtree(childIdx, constNode);
return copy;
private static ISymbolicExpressionTree ReplaceConstWithVar(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, out List thetaNames, out List thetaValues) {
thetaNames = new List();
thetaValues = new List();
var copy = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)tree.Clone();
var nodes = copy.IterateNodesPostfix().ToList();
int n = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; ++i) {
var node = nodes[i];
if (node is ConstantTreeNode constantTreeNode) {
var thetaVar = (VariableTreeNode)new Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable().CreateTreeNode();
thetaVar.Weight = 1;
thetaVar.VariableName = $"θ{n++}";
var parent = constantTreeNode.Parent;
if (parent != null) {
var index = constantTreeNode.Parent.IndexOfSubtree(constantTreeNode);
parent.InsertSubtree(index, thetaVar);
if (node is VariableTreeNode varTreeNode) {
var thetaVar = (VariableTreeNode)new Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable().CreateTreeNode();
thetaVar.Weight = 1;
thetaVar.VariableName = $"θ{n++}";
var parent = varTreeNode.Parent;
if (parent != null) {
var index = varTreeNode.Parent.IndexOfSubtree(varTreeNode);
var prodNode = MakeNode();
varTreeNode.Weight = 1.0;
parent.InsertSubtree(index, prodNode);
return copy;
private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode CreateConstant(double value) {
var constantNode = (ConstantTreeNode)new Constant().CreateTreeNode();
constantNode.Value = value;
return constantNode;
private static ISymbolicExpressionTree Subtract(ISymbolicExpressionTree t, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode b) {
var sub = MakeNode(t.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0), b);
t.Root.GetSubtree(0).InsertSubtree(0, sub);
return t;
private static ISymbolicExpressionTree Subtract(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode b, ISymbolicExpressionTree t) {
var sub = MakeNode(b, t.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0));
t.Root.GetSubtree(0).InsertSubtree(0, sub);
return t;
private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode MakeNode(params ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] fs) where T : ISymbol, new() {
var node = new T().CreateTreeNode();
foreach (var f in fs) node.AddSubtree(f);
return node;
private static void UpdateConstants(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] nodes, double[] constants) {
if (nodes.Length != constants.Length) throw new InvalidOperationException();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) {
if (nodes[i] is VariableTreeNode varNode) varNode.Weight = constants[i];
else if (nodes[i] is ConstantTreeNode constNode) constNode.Value = constants[i];
private static alglib.ndimensional_fvec CreateFunc(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, VectorEvaluator eval, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] parameterNodes, IDataset ds, string targetVar, int[] rows) {
var y = ds.GetDoubleValues(targetVar, rows).ToArray();
return (double[] c, double[] fi, object o) => {
UpdateConstants(parameterNodes, c);
var pred = eval.Evaluate(tree, ds, rows);
for (int i = 0; i < fi.Length; i++)
fi[i] = pred[i] - y[i];
var counter = (EvaluationsCounter)o;
private static alglib.ndimensional_jac CreateJac(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, VectorAutoDiffEvaluator eval, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] parameterNodes, IDataset ds, string targetVar, int[] rows) {
var y = ds.GetDoubleValues(targetVar, rows).ToArray();
return (double[] c, double[] fi, double[,] jac, object o) => {
UpdateConstants(parameterNodes, c);
eval.Evaluate(tree, ds, rows, parameterNodes, fi, jac);
for (int i = 0; i < fi.Length; i++)
fi[i] -= y[i];
var counter = (EvaluationsCounter)o;
public static bool CanOptimizeConstants(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree) {
return TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.IsCompatible(tree);