1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Diagnostics;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.SymRegGrammarEnumeration.GrammarEnumeration;
6 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic;
9 |
10 | namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.SymRegGrammarEnumeration {
11 | public enum GrammarRule {
12 | MultipleTerms,
13 | MultipleFactors,
14 | InverseTerm,
15 | Logarithm,
16 | Exponentiation,
17 | Sine
18 | }
19 |
20 | public class Grammar {
21 |
22 | public Symbol StartSymbol { get; }
23 |
24 | public Hasher<int> Hasher { get; }
25 |
26 | #region Symbols
27 |
28 | public IReadOnlyDictionary<Symbol, IReadOnlyList<Production>> Productions { get; }
29 |
30 | public NonterminalSymbol Var;
31 | public IReadOnlyList<VariableTerminalSymbol> VarTerminals;
32 |
33 | public NonterminalSymbol Expr;
34 | public NonterminalSymbol Term;
35 | public NonterminalSymbol Factor;
36 | public NonterminalSymbol LogFactor;
37 | public NonterminalSymbol ExpFactor;
38 | public NonterminalSymbol SinFactor;
39 |
40 | public NonterminalSymbol SimpleExpr;
41 | public NonterminalSymbol SimpleTerm;
42 |
43 | public NonterminalSymbol InvExpr;
44 | public NonterminalSymbol InvTerm;
45 |
46 | public TerminalSymbol Addition;
47 | public TerminalSymbol Multiplication;
48 | public TerminalSymbol Log;
49 | public TerminalSymbol Exp;
50 | public TerminalSymbol Sin;
51 | public TerminalSymbol Inv;
52 |
53 | public TerminalSymbol Const;
54 |
55 | #endregion
56 |
57 | #region HL Symbols for Parsing ExpressionTrees
58 |
59 | private ISymbol constSy;
60 | private ISymbol varSy;
61 |
62 | private ISymbol addSy;
63 | private ISymbol mulSy;
64 | private ISymbol logSy;
65 | private ISymbol expSy;
66 | private ISymbol divSy;
67 | private ISymbol sinSy;
68 |
69 | private ISymbol rootSy;
70 | private ISymbol startSy;
71 |
72 | private InfixExpressionFormatter infixExpressionFormatter;
73 | #endregion
74 |
75 | public Grammar(string[] variables) : this(variables, Enum.GetValues(typeof(GrammarRule)).Cast<GrammarRule>()) { }
76 |
77 | public Grammar(string[] variables, IEnumerable<GrammarRule> includedRules) {
78 | #region Define Symbols
79 | Var = new NonterminalSymbol("Var");
80 |
81 | Expr = new NonterminalSymbol("Expr");
82 | Term = new NonterminalSymbol("Term");
83 | Factor = new NonterminalSymbol("Factor");
84 | LogFactor = new NonterminalSymbol("LogFactor");
85 | ExpFactor = new NonterminalSymbol("ExpFactor");
86 | SinFactor = new NonterminalSymbol("SinFactor");
87 |
88 | SimpleExpr = new NonterminalSymbol("SimpleExpr");
89 | SimpleTerm = new NonterminalSymbol("SimpleTerm");
90 |
91 | InvExpr = new NonterminalSymbol("InvExpr");
92 | InvTerm = new NonterminalSymbol("InvTerm");
93 |
94 | Addition = new TerminalSymbol("+");
95 | Multiplication = new TerminalSymbol("*");
96 | Log = new TerminalSymbol("log");
97 | Exp = new TerminalSymbol("exp");
98 | Sin = new TerminalSymbol("sin");
99 | Inv = new TerminalSymbol("inv");
100 |
101 | Const = new TerminalSymbol("c");
102 | #endregion
103 |
104 | #region Production rules
105 | StartSymbol = Expr;
106 |
107 | Dictionary<Symbol, IReadOnlyList<Production>> productions = new Dictionary<Symbol, IReadOnlyList<Production>>();
108 |
109 | // Map each variable to a separate production rule of the "Var" nonterminal symbol.
110 | VarTerminals = variables.Select(v => new VariableTerminalSymbol(v)).ToArray();
111 | productions[Var] = VarTerminals.Select(v => new Production(v)).ToArray();
112 |
113 | // Expression Grammar Rules
114 | var exprProductions = new List<Production>();
115 | if (includedRules.Contains(GrammarRule.MultipleTerms))
116 | exprProductions.Add(new Production(Const, Term, Multiplication, Expr, Addition));
117 |
118 | exprProductions.Add(new Production(Const, Term, Multiplication, Const, Addition));
119 | productions[Expr] = exprProductions.ToArray();
120 |
121 | // Term Grammar Rules
122 | var termProductions = new List<Production>();
123 | if (includedRules.Contains(GrammarRule.MultipleFactors))
124 | termProductions.Add(new Production(Factor, Term, Multiplication));
125 | if (includedRules.Contains(GrammarRule.InverseTerm))
126 | termProductions.Add(new Production(InvExpr, Inv));
127 | termProductions.Add(new Production(Factor));
128 | productions[Term] = termProductions.ToArray();
129 |
130 | // Factor Grammar Rules
131 | var factorProductions = new List<Production>();
132 | factorProductions.Add(new Production(Var));
133 | if (includedRules.Contains(GrammarRule.Logarithm))
134 | factorProductions.Add(new Production(LogFactor));
135 | if (includedRules.Contains(GrammarRule.Exponentiation))
136 | factorProductions.Add(new Production(ExpFactor));
137 | if (includedRules.Contains(GrammarRule.Sine))
138 | factorProductions.Add(new Production(SinFactor));
139 | productions[Factor] = factorProductions.ToArray();
140 |
141 | productions[LogFactor] = new[] { new Production(SimpleExpr, Log) };
142 | productions[ExpFactor] = new[] { new Production(Const, SimpleTerm, Multiplication, Exp) };
143 | productions[SinFactor] = new[] { new Production(SimpleExpr, Sin) };
144 |
145 | productions[SimpleExpr] = new[] {
146 | new Production(Const, SimpleTerm, Multiplication, SimpleExpr, Addition),
147 | new Production(Const, SimpleTerm, Multiplication, Const, Addition)
148 | };
149 |
150 | productions[SimpleTerm] = new[] {
151 | new Production(Var, SimpleTerm, Multiplication),
152 | new Production(Var)
153 | };
154 |
155 | productions[InvExpr] = new[] {
156 | new Production(Const, InvTerm, Multiplication, InvExpr, Addition),
157 | new Production(Const, InvTerm, Multiplication, Const, Addition)
158 | };
159 |
160 | productions[InvTerm] = new[] {
161 | new Production(Factor, InvTerm, Multiplication),
162 | new Production(Factor)
163 | };
164 |
165 | Productions = productions;
166 | #endregion
167 |
168 | #region Parsing to SymbolicExpressionTree
169 | var symbolicExpressionGrammar = new TypeCoherentExpressionGrammar();
170 | symbolicExpressionGrammar.ConfigureAsDefaultRegressionGrammar();
171 |
172 | constSy = symbolicExpressionGrammar.Symbols.OfType<Constant>().First();
173 | varSy = symbolicExpressionGrammar.Symbols.OfType<Variable>().First();
174 | addSy = symbolicExpressionGrammar.Symbols.OfType<Addition>().First();
175 | mulSy = symbolicExpressionGrammar.Symbols.OfType<Multiplication>().First();
176 | logSy = symbolicExpressionGrammar.Symbols.OfType<Logarithm>().First();
177 | expSy = symbolicExpressionGrammar.Symbols.OfType<Exponential>().First();
178 | divSy = symbolicExpressionGrammar.Symbols.OfType<Division>().First();
179 | sinSy = symbolicExpressionGrammar.Symbols.OfType<Sine>().First();
180 |
181 | rootSy = symbolicExpressionGrammar.Symbols.OfType<ProgramRootSymbol>().First();
182 | startSy = symbolicExpressionGrammar.Symbols.OfType<StartSymbol>().First();
183 |
184 | infixExpressionFormatter = new InfixExpressionFormatter();
185 | #endregion
186 |
187 | Hasher = new IntHasher(this);
188 | }
189 |
190 | public int GetComplexity(SymbolString s) {
191 | int c = 0;
192 | int length = s.Count();
193 | for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
194 | if (s[i] is NonterminalSymbol || s[i] is VariableTerminalSymbol) c++;
195 | }
196 | return c;
197 | }
198 |
199 | public double EvaluatePhrase(SymbolString s, IRegressionProblemData problemData, bool optimizeConstants) {
200 | SymbolicExpressionTree tree = ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(s);
201 |
202 | double r2 = RSquaredEvaluator.Evaluate(problemData, tree, optimizeConstants);
203 |
204 | return r2;
205 | }
206 |
207 | #region Parse to SymbolicExpressionTree
208 |
209 | public string ToInfixString(SymbolString sentence) {
210 | Debug.Assert(sentence.Any(), "Trying to evaluate empty sentence!");
211 | Debug.Assert(sentence.All(s => s is TerminalSymbol), "Trying to evaluate symbol sequence with nonterminalsymbols!");
212 |
213 | return infixExpressionFormatter.Format(ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(sentence));
214 | }
215 |
216 | public SymbolicExpressionTree ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(SymbolString sentence) {
217 | Debug.Assert(sentence.Any(), "Trying to evaluate empty sentence!");
218 |
219 | var rootNode = rootSy.CreateTreeNode();
220 | var startNode = startSy.CreateTreeNode();
221 | rootNode.AddSubtree(startNode);
222 |
223 | Stack<Symbol> parseStack = new Stack<Symbol>(sentence);
224 | startNode.AddSubtree(ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(parseStack));
225 |
226 | return new SymbolicExpressionTree(rootNode);
227 | }
228 |
229 | public ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(Stack<Symbol> parseStack) {
230 | Symbol currentSymbol = parseStack.Pop();
231 |
232 | ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parsedSubTree = null;
233 |
234 | if (currentSymbol == Addition) {
235 | parsedSubTree = addSy.CreateTreeNode();
236 | ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode rightSubtree = ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(parseStack);
237 | if (rightSubtree is ConstantTreeNode) {
238 | ((ConstantTreeNode)rightSubtree).Value = 0.0;
239 | }
240 | parsedSubTree.AddSubtree(rightSubtree); // left part
241 |
242 | ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode leftSubtree = ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(parseStack);
243 | if (leftSubtree is ConstantTreeNode) {
244 | ((ConstantTreeNode)leftSubtree).Value = 0.0;
245 | }
246 | parsedSubTree.AddSubtree(leftSubtree); // right part
247 |
248 | } else if (currentSymbol == Multiplication) {
249 | parsedSubTree = mulSy.CreateTreeNode();
250 | parsedSubTree.AddSubtree(ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(parseStack)); // left part
251 | parsedSubTree.AddSubtree(ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(parseStack)); // right part
252 |
253 | } else if (currentSymbol == Log) {
254 | parsedSubTree = logSy.CreateTreeNode();
255 | parsedSubTree.AddSubtree(ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(parseStack));
256 |
257 | } else if (currentSymbol == Exp) {
258 | parsedSubTree = expSy.CreateTreeNode();
259 | parsedSubTree.AddSubtree(ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(parseStack));
260 |
261 | } else if (currentSymbol == Sin) {
262 | parsedSubTree = sinSy.CreateTreeNode();
263 | parsedSubTree.AddSubtree(ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(parseStack));
264 |
265 | } else if (currentSymbol == Inv) {
266 | parsedSubTree = divSy.CreateTreeNode();
267 | ConstantTreeNode dividend = (ConstantTreeNode)constSy.CreateTreeNode();
268 | dividend.Value = 1.0;
269 | parsedSubTree.AddSubtree(dividend);
270 | parsedSubTree.AddSubtree(ParseSymbolicExpressionTree(parseStack));
271 |
272 | } else if (currentSymbol == Const) {
273 | ConstantTreeNode constNode = (ConstantTreeNode)constSy.CreateTreeNode();
274 | constNode.Value = 1.0;
275 | parsedSubTree = constNode;
276 |
277 | } else if (currentSymbol is VariableTerminalSymbol) {
278 | VariableTreeNode varNode = (VariableTreeNode)varSy.CreateTreeNode();
279 | varNode.Weight = 1.0;
280 | varNode.VariableName = currentSymbol.StringRepresentation;
281 | parsedSubTree = varNode;
282 |
283 | } else if (currentSymbol is NonterminalSymbol) {
284 | ConstantTreeNode constNode = (ConstantTreeNode)constSy.CreateTreeNode();
285 | constNode.Value = 0.0;
286 | parsedSubTree = constNode;
287 | }
288 |
289 | Debug.Assert(parsedSubTree != null);
290 | return parsedSubTree;
291 | }
292 | #endregion
293 | }
294 | }