1 | #region License Information
2 | /* HeuristicLab
3 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
4 | *
5 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
6 | *
7 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 | * (at your option) any later version.
11 | *
12 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | *
17 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | */
20 | #endregion
21 |
22 | using System;
23 | using System.Collections.Generic;
24 | using System.Globalization;
25 | using System.Linq;
26 | using System.Text;
27 | using HeuristicLab.Collections;
28 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
29 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
30 |
31 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic {
32 | /// <summary>
33 | /// Parses mathematical expressions in infix form. E.g. x1 * (3.0 * x2 + x3)
34 | /// Identifier format (functions or variables): '_' | letter { '_' | letter | digit }
35 | /// Variables names and variable values can be set under quotes "" or '' because variable names might contain spaces.
36 | /// Variable = ident | " ident " | ' ident '
37 | /// It is also possible to use functions e.g. log("x1") or real-valued constants e.g. 3.1415 .
38 | /// Variable names are case sensitive. Function names are not case sensitive.
39 | ///
40 | ///
41 | /// S = Expr EOF
42 | /// Expr = ['-' | '+'] Term { '+' Term | '-' Term }
43 | /// Term = Fact { '*' Fact | '/' Fact }
44 | /// Fact = SimpleFact [ '^' SimpleFact ]
45 | /// SimpleFact = '(' Expr ')'
46 | /// | '{' Expr '}'
47 | /// | 'LAG' '(' varId ',' ['+' | '-' ] number ')
48 | /// | funcId '(' ArgList ')'
49 | /// | VarExpr
50 | /// | number
51 | /// ArgList = Expr { ',' Expr }
52 | /// VarExpr = varId OptFactorPart
53 | /// OptFactorPart = [ ('=' varVal | '[' ['+' | '-' ] number {',' ['+' | '-' ] number } ']' ) ]
54 | /// varId = ident | ' ident ' | " ident "
55 | /// varVal = ident | ' ident ' | " ident "
56 | /// ident = '_' | letter { '_' | letter | digit }
57 | /// </summary>
58 | public sealed class InfixExpressionParser {
59 | private enum TokenType { Operator, Identifier, Number, LeftPar, RightPar, LeftBracket, RightBracket, Comma, Eq, End, NA };
60 | private class Token {
61 | internal double doubleVal;
62 | internal string strVal;
63 | internal TokenType TokenType;
64 | }
65 |
66 | private class SymbolNameComparer : IEqualityComparer<ISymbol>, IComparer<ISymbol> {
67 | public int Compare(ISymbol x, ISymbol y) {
68 | return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name);
69 | }
70 |
71 | public bool Equals(ISymbol x, ISymbol y) {
72 | return Compare(x, y) == 0;
73 | }
74 |
75 | public int GetHashCode(ISymbol obj) {
76 | return obj.Name.GetHashCode();
77 | }
78 | }
79 | // format name <-> symbol
80 | // the lookup table is also used in the corresponding formatter
81 | internal static readonly BidirectionalLookup<string, ISymbol>
82 | knownSymbols = new BidirectionalLookup<string, ISymbol>(StringComparer.InvariantCulture, new SymbolNameComparer());
83 |
84 | private Constant constant = new Constant();
85 | private Variable variable = new Variable();
86 | private BinaryFactorVariable binaryFactorVar = new BinaryFactorVariable();
87 | private FactorVariable factorVar = new FactorVariable();
88 |
89 | private ProgramRootSymbol programRootSymbol = new ProgramRootSymbol();
90 | private StartSymbol startSymbol = new StartSymbol();
91 |
92 | static InfixExpressionParser() {
93 | // populate bidirectional lookup
94 | var dict = new Dictionary<string, ISymbol>
95 | {
96 | { "+", new Addition()},
97 | { "/", new Division()},
98 | { "*", new Multiplication()},
99 | { "-", new Subtraction()},
100 | { "^", new Power() },
101 | { "ABS", new Absolute() },
102 | { "EXP", new Exponential()},
103 | { "LOG", new Logarithm()},
104 | { "POW", new Power() },
105 | { "ROOT", new Root()},
106 | { "SQR", new Square() },
107 | { "SQRT", new SquareRoot() },
108 | { "CUBE", new Cube() },
109 | { "CUBEROOT", new CubeRoot() },
110 | { "SIN",new Sine()},
111 | { "COS", new Cosine()},
112 | { "TAN", new Tangent()},
113 | { "TANH", new HyperbolicTangent()},
114 | { "AIRYA", new AiryA()},
115 | { "AIRYB", new AiryB()},
116 | { "BESSEL", new Bessel()},
117 | { "COSINT", new CosineIntegral()},
118 | { "SININT", new SineIntegral()},
119 | { "HYPCOSINT", new HyperbolicCosineIntegral()},
120 | { "HYPSININT", new HyperbolicSineIntegral()},
121 | { "FRESNELSININT", new FresnelSineIntegral()},
122 | { "FRESNELCOSINT", new FresnelCosineIntegral()},
123 | { "NORM", new Norm()},
124 | { "ERF", new Erf()},
125 | { "GAMMA", new Gamma()},
126 | { "PSI", new Psi()},
127 | { "DAWSON", new Dawson()},
128 | { "EXPINT", new ExponentialIntegralEi()},
129 | { "AQ", new AnalyticQuotient() },
130 | { "MEAN", new Average()},
131 | { "IF", new IfThenElse()},
132 | { "GT", new GreaterThan()},
133 | { "LT", new LessThan()},
134 | { "AND", new And()},
135 | { "OR", new Or()},
136 | { "NOT", new Not()},
137 | { "XOR", new Xor()},
138 | { "DIFF", new Derivative()},
139 | { "LAG", new LaggedVariable() },
140 | };
141 |
142 |
143 | foreach (var kvp in dict) {
144 | knownSymbols.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
145 | }
146 | }
147 |
148 | public ISymbolicExpressionTree Parse(string str) {
149 | ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode root = programRootSymbol.CreateTreeNode();
150 | ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode start = startSymbol.CreateTreeNode();
151 | var allTokens = GetAllTokens(str).ToArray();
152 | ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode mainBranch = ParseS(new Queue<Token>(allTokens));
153 |
154 | // only a main branch was given => insert the main branch into the default tree template
155 | root.AddSubtree(start);
156 | start.AddSubtree(mainBranch);
157 | return new SymbolicExpressionTree(root);
158 | }
159 |
160 | private IEnumerable<Token> GetAllTokens(string str) {
161 | int pos = 0;
162 | while (true) {
163 | while (pos < str.Length && Char.IsWhiteSpace(str[pos])) pos++;
164 | if (pos >= str.Length) {
165 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.End, strVal = "" };
166 | yield break;
167 | }
168 | if (char.IsDigit(str[pos])) {
169 | // read number (=> read until white space or operator or comma)
170 | var sb = new StringBuilder();
171 | sb.Append(str[pos]);
172 | pos++;
173 | while (pos < str.Length && !char.IsWhiteSpace(str[pos])
174 | && (str[pos] != '+' || str[pos - 1] == 'e' || str[pos - 1] == 'E') // continue reading exponents
175 | && (str[pos] != '-' || str[pos - 1] == 'e' || str[pos - 1] == 'E')
176 | && str[pos] != '*'
177 | && str[pos] != '/'
178 | && str[pos] != '^'
179 | && str[pos] != ')'
180 | && str[pos] != ']'
181 | && str[pos] != '}'
182 | && str[pos] != ',') {
183 | sb.Append(str[pos]);
184 | pos++;
185 | }
186 | double dblVal;
187 | if (double.TryParse(sb.ToString(), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out dblVal))
188 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Number, strVal = sb.ToString(), doubleVal = dblVal };
189 | else yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.NA, strVal = sb.ToString() };
190 | } else if (char.IsLetter(str[pos]) || str[pos] == '_') {
191 | // read ident
192 | var sb = new StringBuilder();
193 | sb.Append(str[pos]);
194 | pos++;
195 | while (pos < str.Length &&
196 | (char.IsLetter(str[pos]) || str[pos] == '_' || char.IsDigit(str[pos]))) {
197 | sb.Append(str[pos]);
198 | pos++;
199 | }
200 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Identifier, strVal = sb.ToString() };
201 | } else if (str[pos] == '"') {
202 | // read to next "
203 | pos++;
204 | var sb = new StringBuilder();
205 | while (pos < str.Length && str[pos] != '"') {
206 | sb.Append(str[pos]);
207 | pos++;
208 | }
209 | if (pos < str.Length && str[pos] == '"') {
210 | pos++; // skip "
211 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Identifier, strVal = sb.ToString() };
212 | } else
213 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.NA };
214 |
215 | } else if (str[pos] == '\'') {
216 | // read to next '
217 | pos++;
218 | var sb = new StringBuilder();
219 | while (pos < str.Length && str[pos] != '\'') {
220 | sb.Append(str[pos]);
221 | pos++;
222 | }
223 | if (pos < str.Length && str[pos] == '\'') {
224 | pos++; // skip '
225 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Identifier, strVal = sb.ToString() };
226 | } else
227 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.NA };
228 | } else if (str[pos] == '+') {
229 | pos++;
230 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Operator, strVal = "+" };
231 | } else if (str[pos] == '-') {
232 | pos++;
233 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Operator, strVal = "-" };
234 | } else if (str[pos] == '/') {
235 | pos++;
236 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Operator, strVal = "/" };
237 | } else if (str[pos] == '*') {
238 | pos++;
239 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Operator, strVal = "*" };
240 | } else if (str[pos] == '^') {
241 | pos++;
242 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Operator, strVal = "^" };
243 | } else if (str[pos] == '(') {
244 | pos++;
245 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.LeftPar, strVal = "(" };
246 | } else if (str[pos] == ')') {
247 | pos++;
248 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.RightPar, strVal = ")" };
249 | } else if (str[pos] == '[') {
250 | pos++;
251 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.LeftBracket, strVal = "[" };
252 | } else if (str[pos] == ']') {
253 | pos++;
254 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.RightBracket, strVal = "]" };
255 | } else if (str[pos] == '{') {
256 | pos++;
257 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.LeftPar, strVal = "{" };
258 | } else if (str[pos] == '}') {
259 | pos++;
260 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.RightPar, strVal = "}" };
261 | } else if (str[pos] == '=') {
262 | pos++;
263 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Eq, strVal = "=" };
264 | } else if (str[pos] == ',') {
265 | pos++;
266 | yield return new Token { TokenType = TokenType.Comma, strVal = "," };
267 | } else {
268 | throw new ArgumentException("Invalid character: " + str[pos]);
269 | }
270 | }
271 | }
272 | /// S = Expr EOF
273 | private ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode ParseS(Queue<Token> tokens) {
274 | var expr = ParseExpr(tokens);
275 |
276 | var endTok = tokens.Dequeue();
277 | if (endTok.TokenType != TokenType.End)
278 | throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Expected end of expression (got {0})", endTok.strVal));
279 |
280 | return expr;
281 | }
282 |
283 | /// Expr = ['-' | '+'] Term { '+' Term | '-' Term }
284 | private ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode ParseExpr(Queue<Token> tokens) {
285 | var next = tokens.Peek();
286 | var posTerms = new List<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>();
287 | var negTerms = new List<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>();
288 | bool negateFirstTerm = false;
289 | if (next.TokenType == TokenType.Operator && (next.strVal == "+" || next.strVal == "-")) {
290 | tokens.Dequeue();
291 | if (next.strVal == "-")
292 | negateFirstTerm = true;
293 | }
294 | var t = ParseTerm(tokens);
295 | if (negateFirstTerm) negTerms.Add(t);
296 | else posTerms.Add(t);
297 |
298 | next = tokens.Peek();
299 | while (next.strVal == "+" || next.strVal == "-") {
300 | switch (next.strVal) {
301 | case "+": {
302 | tokens.Dequeue();
303 | var term = ParseTerm(tokens);
304 | posTerms.Add(term);
305 | break;
306 | }
307 | case "-": {
308 | tokens.Dequeue();
309 | var term = ParseTerm(tokens);
310 | negTerms.Add(term);
311 | break;
312 | }
313 | }
314 | next = tokens.Peek();
315 | }
316 |
317 | var sum = GetSymbol("+").CreateTreeNode();
318 | foreach (var posTerm in posTerms) sum.AddSubtree(posTerm);
319 | if (negTerms.Any()) {
320 | if (negTerms.Count == 1) {
321 | var sub = GetSymbol("-").CreateTreeNode();
322 | sub.AddSubtree(negTerms.Single());
323 | sum.AddSubtree(sub);
324 | } else {
325 | var sumNeg = GetSymbol("+").CreateTreeNode();
326 | foreach (var negTerm in negTerms) sumNeg.AddSubtree(negTerm);
327 |
328 | var constNode = (ConstantTreeNode)constant.CreateTreeNode();
329 | constNode.Value = -1.0;
330 | var prod = GetSymbol("*").CreateTreeNode();
331 | prod.AddSubtree(constNode);
332 | prod.AddSubtree(sumNeg);
333 |
334 | sum.AddSubtree(prod);
335 | }
336 | }
337 | if (sum.SubtreeCount == 1) return sum.Subtrees.First();
338 | else return sum;
339 | }
340 |
341 | private ISymbol GetSymbol(string tok) {
342 | var symb = knownSymbols.GetByFirst(tok).FirstOrDefault();
343 | if (symb == null) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unknown token {0} found.", tok));
344 | return symb;
345 | }
346 |
347 | /// Term = Fact { '*' Fact | '/' Fact }
348 | private ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode ParseTerm(Queue<Token> tokens) {
349 | var factors = new List<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>();
350 | var firstFactor = ParseFact(tokens);
351 | factors.Add(firstFactor);
352 |
353 | var next = tokens.Peek();
354 | while (next.strVal == "*" || next.strVal == "/") {
355 | switch (next.strVal) {
356 | case "*": {
357 | tokens.Dequeue();
358 | var fact = ParseFact(tokens);
359 | factors.Add(fact);
360 | break;
361 | }
362 | case "/": {
363 | tokens.Dequeue();
364 | var invFact = ParseFact(tokens);
365 | var divNode = GetSymbol("/").CreateTreeNode(); // 1/x
366 | divNode.AddSubtree(invFact);
367 | factors.Add(divNode);
368 | break;
369 | }
370 | }
371 |
372 | next = tokens.Peek();
373 | }
374 | if (factors.Count == 1) return factors.First();
375 | else {
376 | var prod = GetSymbol("*").CreateTreeNode();
377 | foreach (var f in factors) prod.AddSubtree(f);
378 | return prod;
379 | }
380 | }
381 |
382 | // Fact = SimpleFact ['^' SimpleFact]
383 | private ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode ParseFact(Queue<Token> tokens) {
384 | var expr = ParseSimpleFact(tokens);
385 | var next = tokens.Peek();
386 | if (next.TokenType == TokenType.Operator && next.strVal == "^") {
387 | tokens.Dequeue(); // skip;
388 |
389 | var p = GetSymbol("^").CreateTreeNode();
390 | p.AddSubtree(expr);
391 | p.AddSubtree(ParseSimpleFact(tokens));
392 | expr = p;
393 | }
394 | return expr;
395 | }
396 |
397 |
398 | /// SimpleFact = '(' Expr ')'
399 | /// | '{' Expr '}'
400 | /// | 'LAG' '(' varId ',' ['+' | '-' ] number ')'
401 | /// | funcId '(' ArgList ')
402 | /// | VarExpr
403 | /// | number
404 | /// ArgList = Expr { ',' Expr }
405 | /// VarExpr = varId OptFactorPart
406 | /// OptFactorPart = [ ('=' varVal | '[' ['+' | '-' ] number {',' ['+' | '-' ] number } ']' ) ]
407 | /// varId = ident | ' ident ' | " ident "
408 | /// varVal = ident | ' ident ' | " ident "
409 | /// ident = '_' | letter { '_' | letter | digit }
410 | private ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode ParseSimpleFact(Queue<Token> tokens) {
411 | var next = tokens.Peek();
412 | if (next.TokenType == TokenType.LeftPar) {
413 | var initPar = tokens.Dequeue(); // match par type
414 | var expr = ParseExpr(tokens);
415 | var rPar = tokens.Dequeue();
416 | if (rPar.TokenType != TokenType.RightPar)
417 | throw new ArgumentException("expected closing parenthesis");
418 | if (initPar.strVal == "(" && rPar.strVal == "}")
419 | throw new ArgumentException("expected closing )");
420 | if (initPar.strVal == "{" && rPar.strVal == ")")
421 | throw new ArgumentException("expected closing }");
422 | return expr;
423 | } else if (next.TokenType == TokenType.Identifier) {
424 | var idTok = tokens.Dequeue();
425 | if (tokens.Peek().TokenType == TokenType.LeftPar) {
426 | // function identifier or LAG
427 | var funcId = idTok.strVal.ToUpperInvariant();
428 |
429 | var funcNode = GetSymbol(funcId).CreateTreeNode();
430 | var lPar = tokens.Dequeue();
431 | if (lPar.TokenType != TokenType.LeftPar)
432 | throw new ArgumentException("expected (");
433 |
434 | // handle 'lag' specifically
435 | if (funcNode.Symbol is LaggedVariable) {
436 | var varId = tokens.Dequeue();
437 | if (varId.TokenType != TokenType.Identifier) throw new ArgumentException("Identifier expected. Format for lagged variables: \"lag(x, -1)\"");
438 | var comma = tokens.Dequeue();
439 | if (comma.TokenType != TokenType.Comma) throw new ArgumentException("',' expected, Format for lagged variables: \"lag(x, -1)\"");
440 | double sign = 1.0;
441 | if (tokens.Peek().strVal == "+" || tokens.Peek().strVal == "-") {
442 | // read sign
443 | var signTok = tokens.Dequeue();
444 | if (signTok.strVal == "-") sign = -1.0;
445 | }
446 | var lagToken = tokens.Dequeue();
447 | if (lagToken.TokenType != TokenType.Number) throw new ArgumentException("Number expected, Format for lagged variables: \"lag(x, -1)\"");
448 | if (!lagToken.doubleVal.IsAlmost(Math.Round(lagToken.doubleVal)))
449 | throw new ArgumentException("Time lags must be integer values");
450 | var laggedVarNode = funcNode as LaggedVariableTreeNode;
451 | laggedVarNode.VariableName = varId.strVal;
452 | laggedVarNode.Lag = (int)Math.Round(sign * lagToken.doubleVal);
453 | laggedVarNode.Weight = 1.0;
454 | } else {
455 | // functions
456 | var args = ParseArgList(tokens);
457 | // check number of arguments
458 | if (funcNode.Symbol.MinimumArity > args.Length || funcNode.Symbol.MaximumArity < args.Length) {
459 | throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Symbol {0} requires between {1} and {2} arguments.", funcId,
460 | funcNode.Symbol.MinimumArity, funcNode.Symbol.MaximumArity));
461 | }
462 | foreach (var arg in args) funcNode.AddSubtree(arg);
463 | }
464 |
465 | var rPar = tokens.Dequeue();
466 | if (rPar.TokenType != TokenType.RightPar)
467 | throw new ArgumentException("expected )");
468 |
469 |
470 | return funcNode;
471 | } else {
472 | // variable
473 | if (tokens.Peek().TokenType == TokenType.Eq) {
474 | // binary factor
475 | tokens.Dequeue(); // skip Eq
476 | var valTok = tokens.Dequeue();
477 | if (valTok.TokenType != TokenType.Identifier) throw new ArgumentException("expected identifier");
478 | var binFactorNode = (BinaryFactorVariableTreeNode)binaryFactorVar.CreateTreeNode();
479 | binFactorNode.Weight = 1.0;
480 | binFactorNode.VariableName = idTok.strVal;
481 | binFactorNode.VariableValue = valTok.strVal;
482 | return binFactorNode;
483 | } else if (tokens.Peek().TokenType == TokenType.LeftBracket) {
484 | // factor variable
485 | var factorVariableNode = (FactorVariableTreeNode)factorVar.CreateTreeNode();
486 | factorVariableNode.VariableName = idTok.strVal;
487 |
488 | tokens.Dequeue(); // skip [
489 | var weights = new List<double>();
490 | // at least one weight is necessary
491 | var sign = 1.0;
492 | if (tokens.Peek().TokenType == TokenType.Operator) {
493 | var opToken = tokens.Dequeue();
494 | if (opToken.strVal == "+") sign = 1.0;
495 | else if (opToken.strVal == "-") sign = -1.0;
496 | else throw new ArgumentException();
497 | }
498 | if (tokens.Peek().TokenType != TokenType.Number) throw new ArgumentException("number expected");
499 | var weightTok = tokens.Dequeue();
500 | weights.Add(sign * weightTok.doubleVal);
501 | while (tokens.Peek().TokenType == TokenType.Comma) {
502 | // skip comma
503 | tokens.Dequeue();
504 | if (tokens.Peek().TokenType == TokenType.Operator) {
505 | var opToken = tokens.Dequeue();
506 | if (opToken.strVal == "+") sign = 1.0;
507 | else if (opToken.strVal == "-") sign = -1.0;
508 | else throw new ArgumentException();
509 | }
510 | weightTok = tokens.Dequeue();
511 | if (weightTok.TokenType != TokenType.Number) throw new ArgumentException("number expected");
512 | weights.Add(sign * weightTok.doubleVal);
513 | }
514 | var rightBracketToken = tokens.Dequeue();
515 | if (rightBracketToken.TokenType != TokenType.RightBracket) throw new ArgumentException("closing bracket ] expected");
516 | factorVariableNode.Weights = weights.ToArray();
517 | return factorVariableNode;
518 | } else {
519 | // variable
520 | var varNode = (VariableTreeNode)variable.CreateTreeNode();
521 | varNode.Weight = 1.0;
522 | varNode.VariableName = idTok.strVal;
523 | return varNode;
524 | }
525 | }
526 | } else if (next.TokenType == TokenType.Number) {
527 | var numTok = tokens.Dequeue();
528 | var constNode = (ConstantTreeNode)constant.CreateTreeNode();
529 | constNode.Value = numTok.doubleVal;
530 | return constNode;
531 | } else {
532 | throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("unexpected token in expression {0}", next.strVal));
533 | }
534 | }
535 |
536 | // ArgList = Expr { ',' Expr }
537 | private ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] ParseArgList(Queue<Token> tokens) {
538 | var exprList = new List<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>();
539 | exprList.Add(ParseExpr(tokens));
540 | while (tokens.Peek().TokenType != TokenType.RightPar) {
541 | var comma = tokens.Dequeue();
542 | if (comma.TokenType != TokenType.Comma) throw new ArgumentException("expected ',' ");
543 | exprList.Add(ParseExpr(tokens));
544 | }
545 | return exprList.ToArray();
546 | }
547 | }
548 | }