#region License Information
/* HeuristicLab
* Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
* This file is part of HeuristicLab.
* HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Linq;
// code for hashing of expressions based on symbolic analysis of monomials and polynomials.
// slow, but easy to implement correctly.
namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.MctsSymbolicRegression {
internal enum UnaryFunctionType { Log, Exp, Inv };
internal interface Factor { }
internal class SymbolFactor : Factor {
internal char symbolId;
public SymbolFactor(char symbolId) {
this.symbolId = symbolId;
public override int GetHashCode() {
return symbolId.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
SymbolFactor other = obj as SymbolFactor;
if (other == null) return false;
else return other.symbolId == this.symbolId;
internal class FunctionFactor : Factor {
internal UnaryFunctionType functionType;
internal Polynomial argument;
public FunctionFactor(UnaryFunctionType functionType, Polynomial argument) {
this.functionType = functionType;
this.argument = argument;
public override int GetHashCode() {
var h = functionType.GetHashCode();
return ((h<<5)+h) ^ argument.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
FunctionFactor other = obj as FunctionFactor;
if (other == null) return false;
other.functionType == this.functionType &&
other.argument == this.argument;
internal class Monomial {
internal List factors = new List();
public Monomial(params Factor[] factor) {
foreach (var f in factor) factors.Add(f);
public override int GetHashCode() {
return factors.OrderBy(ti => ti.GetHashCode()).Aggregate(0, (a, ti) => ((a << 5) + a) ^ ti.GetHashCode());
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
Monomial other = obj as Monomial;
if (other == null) return false;
if (other.factors.Count != this.factors.Count) return false;
return factors.All(ti => other.factors.Contains(ti)) &&
other.factors.All(ti => factors.Contains(ti));
public static Monomial Product(Monomial a, Monomial b) {
var p = new Monomial();
var invFactorArg = new Polynomial();
var expFactorArg = new Polynomial();
var expFactor = new FunctionFactor(UnaryFunctionType.Exp, expFactorArg);
foreach (var aFactor in a.factors.Concat(b.factors)) {
// collect all exp and inv factors into one and simplify
var funcFactor = aFactor as FunctionFactor;
if (funcFactor != null && funcFactor.functionType == UnaryFunctionType.Exp) {
} else if (funcFactor != null && funcFactor.functionType == UnaryFunctionType.Inv) {
if (!invFactorArg.terms.Any()) invFactorArg.terms = new HashSet(funcFactor.argument.terms);
else invFactorArg.Mul(funcFactor.argument);
} else {
if (expFactorArg.terms.Any()) {
if (invFactorArg.terms.Any()) {
var invFactor = new FunctionFactor(UnaryFunctionType.Inv, invFactorArg);
return p;
internal class Polynomial {
internal HashSet terms = new HashSet();
public Polynomial(params Monomial[] term) {
foreach (var t in term) terms.Add(t);
public void Add(Polynomial other) {
public void Mul(Polynomial other) {
var myTerms = terms;
var otherTerms = other.terms;
var newTerms = new HashSet();
foreach (var a in myTerms) {
foreach (var b in otherTerms) {
newTerms.Add(Monomial.Product(a, b));
terms = newTerms;
public override int GetHashCode() {
return terms.OrderBy(ti => ti.GetHashCode()).Aggregate(0, (a, ti) => ((a<<5)+a) ^ ti.GetHashCode());
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
Polynomial other = obj as Polynomial;
if (other == null) return false;
if (other.terms.Count != this.terms.Count) return false;
return terms.All(ti => other.terms.Contains(ti)) &&
other.terms.All(ti => terms.Contains(ti));
// calculates a hash-code for expressions.
public static class ExprHashSymbolic {
const int MaxStackSize = 100;
const int MaxVariables = 26;
private static SymbolFactor[] varSymbols;
private static SymbolFactor zero;
private static SymbolFactor one;
static ExprHashSymbolic() {
const string symbols = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; // limited to 26 variables -> TODO
varSymbols = new SymbolFactor[MaxVariables];
for (int i = 0; i < MaxVariables; i++) {
varSymbols[i] = new SymbolFactor(symbols[i]);
zero = new SymbolFactor('0');
one = new SymbolFactor('1');
public static int GetHash(byte[] code, int nParams) {
return Eval(code, nParams);
// takes an array of code and transforms it into a polynomial for hashing.
// slow!
private static int Eval(byte[] code, int nParams) {
// The hash code calculation already preserves commutativity, associativity and distributivity of operations.
// We assume that the structure contains numeric parameters
// x = c*x
// exp(x) = c*exp(c*x)
// log(x) = c*log(x+c)
// inv(x) = c/(x+c)
// Accordingly, each structure represents a class of functions.
// The following expressions should hash to the same value as they represent
// equivalent function classes
// - x1 + x1 is equivalent to x1
// - exp(x1) * exp(x1) is equivalent to exp(x1)
// The following expressions must not hash to the same value.
// - exp(x1) + exp(x1) is different from exp(x1), because c1*exp(c2*x1) + c3*exp(c4*x1) cannot be simplified to c5*exp(c6*x1) for all values of c2 and c4
// - log(x1) + log(x1) is different from log(x1), same as above
// - 1/x1 + 1/x1 is different from 1/x1, same as above 1/(x1 + c1) + 1/(x1 + c2)
// - TODO: list further exceptions
var stack = new Polynomial[MaxStackSize];
int topOfStack = -1;
int pc = 0;
int nextParamIdx = -1;
OpCodes op;
short arg;
while (true) {
ReadNext(code, ref pc, out op, out arg);
switch (op) {
case OpCodes.Nop: break;
case OpCodes.LoadConst0: {
stack[topOfStack] = new Polynomial(new Monomial(zero));
case OpCodes.LoadConst1: {
stack[topOfStack] = new Polynomial(new Monomial(one));
case OpCodes.LoadParamN: {
stack[topOfStack] = new Polynomial(new Monomial(one)); // TODO empty, or unique?
case OpCodes.LoadVar: {
stack[topOfStack] = new Polynomial(new Monomial(varSymbols[arg]));
case OpCodes.Add: {
stack[topOfStack - 1].Add(stack[topOfStack]);
case OpCodes.Mul: {
stack[topOfStack - 1].Mul(stack[topOfStack]);
case OpCodes.Log: {
var v1 = stack[topOfStack];
stack[topOfStack] = new Polynomial(new Monomial(new FunctionFactor(UnaryFunctionType.Log, v1)));
case OpCodes.Exp: {
var v1 = stack[topOfStack];
stack[topOfStack] = new Polynomial(new Monomial(new FunctionFactor(UnaryFunctionType.Exp, v1)));
case OpCodes.Inv: {
var v1 = stack[topOfStack];
stack[topOfStack] = new Polynomial(new Monomial(new FunctionFactor(UnaryFunctionType.Inv, v1)));
case OpCodes.Exit:
Contract.Assert(topOfStack == 0);
return stack[topOfStack].GetHashCode();
default: throw new InvalidOperationException();
private static void EvalTerms(HashSet terms, double[] stack, ref int topOfStack) {
stack[topOfStack] = terms.Sum();
private static void ReadNext(byte[] code, ref int pc, out OpCodes op, out short s) {
op = (OpCodes)Enum.ToObject(typeof(OpCodes), code[pc++]);
s = 0;
if (op == OpCodes.LoadVar) {
s = (short)((code[pc] << 8) | code[pc + 1]);
pc += 2;