// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
// software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
// without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
// publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
// to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
// substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp;
using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.Refactoring;
using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.TypeSystem;
using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Semantics;
using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.TypeSystem;
using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Utils;
namespace ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.Resolver
public delegate void FoundReferenceCallback(AstNode astNode, ResolveResult result);
/// 'Find references' implementation.
/// This class is thread-safe.
/// The intended multi-threaded usage is to call GetSearchScopes() once, and then
/// call FindReferencesInFile() concurrently on multiple threads (parallel foreach over all interesting files).
public sealed class FindReferences
#region Properties
/// Specifies whether to find type references even if an alias is being used.
/// Aliases may be var or using Alias = ...;.
public bool FindTypeReferencesEvenIfAliased { get; set; }
/// Specifies whether find references should only look for specialized matches
/// with equal type parameter substitution to the member we are searching for.
public bool FindOnlySpecializedReferences { get; set; }
/// If this option is enabled, find references on a overridden member
/// will find calls to the base member.
public bool FindCallsThroughVirtualBaseMethod { get; set; }
/// If this option is enabled, find references on a member implementing
/// an interface will also find calls to the interface.
public bool FindCallsThroughInterface { get; set; }
/// If this option is enabled, find references will look for all references
/// to the virtual method slot.
public bool WholeVirtualSlot { get; set; }
//public bool FindAllOverloads { get; set; }
/// Specifies whether to look for references in documentation comments.
/// This will find entity references in cref attributes and
/// parameter references in <param> and <paramref> tags.
/// TODO: implement this feature.
public bool SearchInDocumentationComments { get; set; }
#region GetEffectiveAccessibility
/// Gets the effective accessibility of the specified entity -
/// that is, the accessibility viewed from the top level.
/// internal member in public class -> internal
/// public member in internal class -> internal
/// protected member in public class -> protected
/// protected member in internal class -> protected and internal
public static Accessibility GetEffectiveAccessibility(IEntity entity)
if (entity == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");
Accessibility a = entity.Accessibility;
for (ITypeDefinition declType = entity.DeclaringTypeDefinition; declType != null; declType = declType.DeclaringTypeDefinition) {
a = MergeAccessibility(declType.Accessibility, a);
return a;
static Accessibility MergeAccessibility(Accessibility outer, Accessibility inner)
if (outer == inner)
return inner;
if (outer == Accessibility.None || inner == Accessibility.None)
return Accessibility.None;
if (outer == Accessibility.Private || inner == Accessibility.Private)
return Accessibility.Private;
if (outer == Accessibility.Public)
return inner;
if (inner == Accessibility.Public)
return outer;
// Inner and outer are both in { protected, internal, protected and internal, protected or internal }
// (but they aren't both the same)
if (outer == Accessibility.ProtectedOrInternal)
return inner;
if (inner == Accessibility.ProtectedOrInternal)
return outer;
// Inner and outer are both in { protected, internal, protected and internal },
// but aren't both the same, so the result is protected and internal.
return Accessibility.ProtectedAndInternal;
#region class SearchScope
sealed class SearchScope : IFindReferenceSearchScope
readonly Func factory;
public SearchScope(Func factory)
this.factory = factory;
public SearchScope(string searchTerm, Func factory)
this.searchTerm = searchTerm;
this.factory = factory;
internal string searchTerm;
internal FindReferences findReferences;
internal ICompilation declarationCompilation;
internal Accessibility accessibility;
internal ITypeDefinition topLevelTypeDefinition;
internal string fileName;
IResolveVisitorNavigator IFindReferenceSearchScope.GetNavigator(ICompilation compilation, FoundReferenceCallback callback)
FindReferenceNavigator n = factory(compilation);
if (n != null) {
n.callback = callback;
n.findReferences = findReferences;
return n;
} else {
return new ConstantModeResolveVisitorNavigator(ResolveVisitorNavigationMode.Skip, null);
ICompilation IFindReferenceSearchScope.Compilation {
get { return declarationCompilation; }
string IFindReferenceSearchScope.SearchTerm {
get { return searchTerm; }
Accessibility IFindReferenceSearchScope.Accessibility {
get { return accessibility; }
ITypeDefinition IFindReferenceSearchScope.TopLevelTypeDefinition {
get { return topLevelTypeDefinition; }
string IFindReferenceSearchScope.FileName {
get { return fileName; }
abstract class FindReferenceNavigator : IResolveVisitorNavigator
internal FoundReferenceCallback callback;
internal FindReferences findReferences;
internal abstract bool CanMatch(AstNode node);
internal abstract bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr);
ResolveVisitorNavigationMode IResolveVisitorNavigator.Scan(AstNode node)
if (CanMatch(node))
return ResolveVisitorNavigationMode.Resolve;
return ResolveVisitorNavigationMode.Scan;
void IResolveVisitorNavigator.Resolved(AstNode node, ResolveResult result)
if (CanMatch(node) && IsMatch(result)) {
ReportMatch(node, result);
public virtual void ProcessConversion(Expression expression, ResolveResult result, Conversion conversion, IType targetType)
protected void ReportMatch(AstNode node, ResolveResult result)
if (callback != null)
callback(node, result);
internal virtual void NavigatorDone(CSharpAstResolver resolver, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
#region GetSearchScopes
public IList GetSearchScopes(ISymbol symbol)
if (symbol == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("symbol");
switch (symbol.SymbolKind) {
case SymbolKind.Namespace:
return new[] { GetSearchScopeForNamespace((INamespace)symbol) };
case SymbolKind.TypeParameter:
return new[] { GetSearchScopeForTypeParameter((ITypeParameter)symbol) };
SearchScope scope;
SearchScope additionalScope = null;
IEntity entity = null;
if (symbol.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Variable) {
var variable = (IVariable) symbol;
scope = GetSearchScopeForLocalVariable(variable);
} else if (symbol.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Parameter) {
var par = (IParameter)symbol;
scope = GetSearchScopeForParameter(par);
entity = par.Owner;
} else {
entity = symbol as IEntity;
if (entity == null)
throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported symbol type");
if (entity is IMember)
entity = NormalizeMember((IMember)entity);
switch (entity.SymbolKind) {
case SymbolKind.TypeDefinition:
scope = FindTypeDefinitionReferences((ITypeDefinition)entity, this.FindTypeReferencesEvenIfAliased, out additionalScope);
case SymbolKind.Field:
if (entity.DeclaringTypeDefinition != null && entity.DeclaringTypeDefinition.Kind == TypeKind.Enum)
scope = FindMemberReferences(entity, m => new FindEnumMemberReferences((IField)m));
scope = FindMemberReferences(entity, m => new FindFieldReferences((IField)m));
case SymbolKind.Property:
scope = FindMemberReferences(entity, m => new FindPropertyReferences((IProperty)m));
if (entity.Name == "Current")
additionalScope = FindEnumeratorCurrentReferences((IProperty)entity);
else if (entity.Name == "IsCompleted")
additionalScope = FindAwaiterIsCompletedReferences((IProperty)entity);
case SymbolKind.Event:
scope = FindMemberReferences(entity, m => new FindEventReferences((IEvent)m));
case SymbolKind.Method:
scope = GetSearchScopeForMethod((IMethod)entity);
case SymbolKind.Indexer:
scope = FindIndexerReferences((IProperty)entity);
case SymbolKind.Operator:
scope = GetSearchScopeForOperator((IMethod)entity);
case SymbolKind.Constructor:
IMethod ctor = (IMethod)entity;
scope = FindObjectCreateReferences(ctor);
additionalScope = FindChainedConstructorReferences(ctor);
case SymbolKind.Destructor:
scope = GetSearchScopeForDestructor((IMethod)entity);
throw new ArgumentException("Unknown entity type " + entity.SymbolKind);
var effectiveAccessibility = entity != null ? GetEffectiveAccessibility(entity) : Accessibility.Private;
var topLevelTypeDefinition = GetTopLevelTypeDefinition(entity);
if (scope.accessibility == Accessibility.None)
scope.accessibility = effectiveAccessibility;
scope.declarationCompilation = entity != null ? entity.Compilation : null;
scope.topLevelTypeDefinition = topLevelTypeDefinition;
scope.findReferences = this;
if (additionalScope != null) {
if (additionalScope.accessibility == Accessibility.None)
additionalScope.accessibility = effectiveAccessibility;
additionalScope.declarationCompilation = scope.declarationCompilation;
additionalScope.topLevelTypeDefinition = topLevelTypeDefinition;
additionalScope.findReferences = this;
return new[] { scope, additionalScope };
} else {
return new[] { scope };
public IList GetSearchScopes(IEnumerable symbols)
if (symbols == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("symbols");
return symbols.SelectMany(GetSearchScopes).ToList();
static ITypeDefinition GetTopLevelTypeDefinition(IEntity entity)
if (entity == null)
return null;
ITypeDefinition topLevelTypeDefinition = entity.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
while (topLevelTypeDefinition != null && topLevelTypeDefinition.DeclaringTypeDefinition != null)
topLevelTypeDefinition = topLevelTypeDefinition.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
return topLevelTypeDefinition;
#region GetInterestingFileNames
/// Gets the file names that possibly contain references to the element being searched for.
public IEnumerable GetInterestingFiles(IFindReferenceSearchScope searchScope, ICompilation compilation)
if (searchScope == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("searchScope");
if (compilation == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("compilation");
var pc = compilation.MainAssembly.UnresolvedAssembly as IProjectContent;
if (pc == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Main assembly is not a project content");
if (searchScope.TopLevelTypeDefinition != null) {
ITypeDefinition topLevelTypeDef = compilation.Import(searchScope.TopLevelTypeDefinition);
if (topLevelTypeDef == null) {
// This compilation cannot have references to the target entity.
return EmptyList.Instance;
switch (searchScope.Accessibility) {
case Accessibility.None:
case Accessibility.Private:
if (topLevelTypeDef.ParentAssembly == compilation.MainAssembly)
return topLevelTypeDef.Parts.Select(p => p.UnresolvedFile).OfType().Distinct();
return EmptyList.Instance;
case Accessibility.Protected:
return GetInterestingFilesProtected(topLevelTypeDef);
case Accessibility.Internal:
if (topLevelTypeDef.ParentAssembly.InternalsVisibleTo(compilation.MainAssembly))
return pc.Files.OfType();
return EmptyList.Instance;
case Accessibility.ProtectedAndInternal:
if (topLevelTypeDef.ParentAssembly.InternalsVisibleTo(compilation.MainAssembly))
return GetInterestingFilesProtected(topLevelTypeDef);
return EmptyList.Instance;
case Accessibility.ProtectedOrInternal:
if (topLevelTypeDef.ParentAssembly.InternalsVisibleTo(compilation.MainAssembly))
return pc.Files.OfType();
return GetInterestingFilesProtected(topLevelTypeDef);
return pc.Files.OfType();
} else {
if (searchScope.FileName == null)
return pc.Files.OfType();
return pc.Files.OfType().Where(f => f.FileName == searchScope.FileName);
IEnumerable GetInterestingFilesProtected(ITypeDefinition referencedTypeDefinition)
return (from typeDef in referencedTypeDefinition.Compilation.MainAssembly.GetAllTypeDefinitions()
where typeDef.IsDerivedFrom(referencedTypeDefinition)
from part in typeDef.Parts
select part.UnresolvedFile
#region FindReferencesInFile
/// Finds all references in the given file.
/// The search scope for which to look.
/// AST resolver for the file to search in.
/// Callback used to report the references that were found.
/// CancellationToken that may be used to cancel the operation.
public void FindReferencesInFile(IFindReferenceSearchScope searchScope, CSharpAstResolver resolver,
FoundReferenceCallback callback, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (resolver == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("resolver");
FindReferencesInFile(searchScope, resolver.UnresolvedFile, (SyntaxTree)resolver.RootNode, resolver.Compilation, callback, cancellationToken);
/// Finds all references in the given file.
/// The search scopes for which to look.
/// AST resolver for the file to search in.
/// Callback used to report the references that were found.
/// CancellationToken that may be used to cancel the operation.
public void FindReferencesInFile(IList searchScopes, CSharpAstResolver resolver,
FoundReferenceCallback callback, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (resolver == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("resolver");
FindReferencesInFile(searchScopes, resolver.UnresolvedFile, (SyntaxTree)resolver.RootNode, resolver.Compilation, callback, cancellationToken);
/// Finds all references in the given file.
/// The search scope for which to look.
/// The type system representation of the file being searched.
/// The syntax tree of the file being searched.
/// The compilation for the project that contains the file.
/// Callback used to report the references that were found.
/// CancellationToken that may be used to cancel the operation.
public void FindReferencesInFile(IFindReferenceSearchScope searchScope, CSharpUnresolvedFile unresolvedFile, SyntaxTree syntaxTree,
ICompilation compilation, FoundReferenceCallback callback, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (searchScope == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("searchScope");
FindReferencesInFile(new[] { searchScope }, unresolvedFile, syntaxTree, compilation, callback, cancellationToken);
/// Finds all references in the given file.
/// The search scopes for which to look.
/// The type system representation of the file being searched.
/// The syntax tree of the file being searched.
/// The compilation for the project that contains the file.
/// Callback used to report the references that were found.
/// CancellationToken that may be used to cancel the operation.
public void FindReferencesInFile(IList searchScopes, CSharpUnresolvedFile unresolvedFile, SyntaxTree syntaxTree,
ICompilation compilation, FoundReferenceCallback callback, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (searchScopes == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("searchScopes");
if (syntaxTree == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("syntaxTree");
if (compilation == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("compilation");
if (callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("callback");
if (searchScopes.Count == 0)
var navigators = new IResolveVisitorNavigator[searchScopes.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < navigators.Length; i++) {
navigators[i] = searchScopes[i].GetNavigator(compilation, callback);
IResolveVisitorNavigator combinedNavigator;
if (searchScopes.Count == 1) {
combinedNavigator = navigators[0];
} else {
combinedNavigator = new CompositeResolveVisitorNavigator(navigators);
combinedNavigator = new DetectSkippableNodesNavigator(combinedNavigator, syntaxTree);
CSharpAstResolver resolver = new CSharpAstResolver(compilation, syntaxTree, unresolvedFile);
resolver.ApplyNavigator(combinedNavigator, cancellationToken);
foreach (var n in navigators) {
var frn = n as FindReferenceNavigator;
if (frn != null)
frn.NavigatorDone(resolver, cancellationToken);
#region RenameReferencesInFile
public static AstNode GetNodeToReplace(AstNode node)
if (node is ConstructorInitializer)
return null;
if (node is ObjectCreateExpression)
node = ((ObjectCreateExpression)node).Type;
if (node is InvocationExpression)
node = ((InvocationExpression)node).Target;
if (node is MemberReferenceExpression)
node = ((MemberReferenceExpression)node).MemberNameToken;
if (node is SimpleType)
node = ((SimpleType)node).IdentifierToken;
if (node is MemberType)
node = ((MemberType)node).MemberNameToken;
if (node is NamespaceDeclaration) {
// var nsd = ((NamespaceDeclaration)node);
// node = nsd.Identifiers.LastOrDefault (n => n.Name == memberName) ?? nsd.Identifiers.FirstOrDefault ();
// if (node == null)
return null;
if (node is TypeDeclaration)
node = ((TypeDeclaration)node).NameToken;
if (node is DelegateDeclaration)
node = ((DelegateDeclaration)node).NameToken;
if (node is EntityDeclaration)
node = ((EntityDeclaration)node).NameToken;
if (node is ParameterDeclaration)
node = ((ParameterDeclaration)node).NameToken;
if (node is ConstructorDeclaration)
node = ((ConstructorDeclaration)node).NameToken;
if (node is DestructorDeclaration)
node = ((DestructorDeclaration)node).NameToken;
if (node is NamedArgumentExpression)
node = ((NamedArgumentExpression)node).NameToken;
if (node is NamedExpression)
node = ((NamedExpression)node).NameToken;
if (node is VariableInitializer)
node = ((VariableInitializer)node).NameToken;
if (node is IdentifierExpression) {
node = ((IdentifierExpression)node).IdentifierToken;
return node;
public void RenameReferencesInFile(IList searchScopes, string newName, CSharpAstResolver resolver,
Action callback, Action errorCallback, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
delegate(AstNode astNode, ResolveResult result) {
var nodeToReplace = GetNodeToReplace(astNode);
if (nodeToReplace == null) {
errorCallback (new Error (ErrorType.Error, "no node to replace found."));
callback (new RenameCallbackArguments(nodeToReplace, Identifier.Create(newName)));
#region Find TypeDefinition References
SearchScope FindTypeDefinitionReferences(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition, bool findTypeReferencesEvenIfAliased, out SearchScope additionalScope)
string searchTerm = null;
additionalScope = null;
if (!findTypeReferencesEvenIfAliased && KnownTypeReference.GetCSharpNameByTypeCode(typeDefinition.KnownTypeCode) == null) {
// We can optimize the search by looking only for the type references with the right identifier,
// but only if it's not a primitive type and we're not looking for indirect references (through an alias)
searchTerm = typeDefinition.Name;
if (searchTerm.Length > 9 && searchTerm.EndsWith("Attribute", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
// The type might be an attribute, so we also need to look for the short form:
string shortForm = searchTerm.Substring(0, searchTerm.Length - 9);
additionalScope = FindTypeDefinitionReferences(typeDefinition, shortForm);
return FindTypeDefinitionReferences(typeDefinition, searchTerm);
SearchScope FindTypeDefinitionReferences(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition, string searchTerm)
return new SearchScope(
delegate (ICompilation compilation) {
ITypeDefinition imported = compilation.Import(typeDefinition);
if (imported != null)
return new FindTypeDefinitionReferencesNavigator(imported, searchTerm);
return null;
sealed class FindTypeDefinitionReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly ITypeDefinition typeDefinition;
readonly string searchTerm;
public FindTypeDefinitionReferencesNavigator(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition, string searchTerm)
this.typeDefinition = typeDefinition;
this.searchTerm = searchTerm;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
IdentifierExpression ident = node as IdentifierExpression;
if (ident != null)
return searchTerm == null || ident.Identifier == searchTerm;
MemberReferenceExpression mre = node as MemberReferenceExpression;
if (mre != null)
return searchTerm == null || mre.MemberName == searchTerm;
SimpleType st = node as SimpleType;
if (st != null)
return searchTerm == null || st.Identifier == searchTerm;
MemberType mt = node as MemberType;
if (mt != null)
return searchTerm == null || mt.MemberName == searchTerm;
if (searchTerm == null && node is PrimitiveType)
return true;
TypeDeclaration typeDecl = node as TypeDeclaration;
if (typeDecl != null)
return searchTerm == null || typeDecl.Name == searchTerm;
DelegateDeclaration delegateDecl = node as DelegateDeclaration;
if (delegateDecl != null)
return searchTerm == null || delegateDecl.Name == searchTerm;
return false;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
TypeResolveResult trr = rr as TypeResolveResult;
return trr != null && typeDefinition.Equals(trr.Type.GetDefinition());
#region Find Member References
SearchScope FindMemberReferences(IEntity member, Func factory)
string searchTerm = member.Name;
return new SearchScope(
delegate(ICompilation compilation) {
IMember imported = compilation.Import((IMember)member);
return imported != null ? factory(imported) : null;
class FindMemberReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IMember member;
readonly string searchTerm;
public FindMemberReferencesNavigator(IMember member)
this.member = member;
this.searchTerm = member.Name;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
IdentifierExpression ident = node as IdentifierExpression;
if (ident != null)
return ident.Identifier == searchTerm;
MemberReferenceExpression mre = node as MemberReferenceExpression;
if (mre != null)
return mre.MemberName == searchTerm;
PointerReferenceExpression pre = node as PointerReferenceExpression;
if (pre != null)
return pre.MemberName == searchTerm;
NamedExpression ne = node as NamedExpression;
if (ne != null)
return ne.Name == searchTerm;
return false;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
MemberResolveResult mrr = rr as MemberResolveResult;
return mrr != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(member, mrr.Member, mrr.IsVirtualCall);
IMember NormalizeMember(IMember member)
if (WholeVirtualSlot && member.IsOverride)
member = InheritanceHelper.GetBaseMembers(member, false).FirstOrDefault(m => !m.IsOverride) ?? member;
if (!FindOnlySpecializedReferences)
member = member.MemberDefinition;
return member;
bool IsMemberMatch(IMember member, IMember referencedMember, bool isVirtualCall)
referencedMember = NormalizeMember(referencedMember);
if (member.Equals(referencedMember))
return true;
if (FindCallsThroughInterface && member.DeclaringTypeDefinition != null && member.DeclaringTypeDefinition.Kind == TypeKind.Interface) {
if (FindOnlySpecializedReferences) {
return referencedMember.ImplementedInterfaceMembers.Contains(member);
} else {
return referencedMember.ImplementedInterfaceMembers.Any(m => m.MemberDefinition.Equals(member));
if (!isVirtualCall)
return false;
bool isInterfaceCall = referencedMember.DeclaringTypeDefinition != null && referencedMember.DeclaringTypeDefinition.Kind == TypeKind.Interface;
if (FindCallsThroughVirtualBaseMethod && member.IsOverride && !WholeVirtualSlot && !isInterfaceCall) {
// Test if 'member' overrides 'referencedMember':
foreach (var baseMember in InheritanceHelper.GetBaseMembers(member, false)) {
if (FindOnlySpecializedReferences) {
if (baseMember.Equals(referencedMember))
return true;
} else {
if (baseMember.MemberDefinition.Equals(referencedMember))
return true;
if (!baseMember.IsOverride)
return false;
} else if (FindCallsThroughInterface && isInterfaceCall) {
// Test if 'member' implements 'referencedMember':
if (FindOnlySpecializedReferences) {
return member.ImplementedInterfaceMembers.Contains(referencedMember);
} else {
return member.ImplementedInterfaceMembers.Any(m => m.MemberDefinition.Equals(referencedMember));
return false;
bool PerformVirtualLookup(IMember member, IMember referencedMember)
if (FindCallsThroughVirtualBaseMethod && member.IsOverride && !WholeVirtualSlot)
return true;
var typeDef = referencedMember.DeclaringTypeDefinition;
return FindCallsThroughInterface && typeDef != null && typeDef.Kind == TypeKind.Interface;
sealed class FindFieldReferences : FindMemberReferencesNavigator
public FindFieldReferences(IField field) : base(field)
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
if (node is VariableInitializer) {
return node.Parent is FieldDeclaration;
return base.CanMatch(node);
sealed class FindEnumMemberReferences : FindMemberReferencesNavigator
public FindEnumMemberReferences(IField field) : base(field)
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
return node is EnumMemberDeclaration || base.CanMatch(node);
sealed class FindPropertyReferences : FindMemberReferencesNavigator
public FindPropertyReferences(IProperty property) : base(property)
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
return node is PropertyDeclaration || base.CanMatch(node);
sealed class FindEventReferences : FindMemberReferencesNavigator
public FindEventReferences(IEvent ev) : base(ev)
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
if (node is VariableInitializer) {
return node.Parent is EventDeclaration;
return node is CustomEventDeclaration || base.CanMatch(node);
#region Find References to IEnumerator.Current
SearchScope FindEnumeratorCurrentReferences(IProperty property)
return new SearchScope(
delegate(ICompilation compilation) {
IProperty imported = compilation.Import(property);
return imported != null ? new FindEnumeratorCurrentReferencesNavigator(imported) : null;
SearchScope FindAwaiterIsCompletedReferences(IProperty property)
return new SearchScope(
delegate(ICompilation compilation) {
IProperty imported = compilation.Import(property);
return imported != null ? new FindAwaiterIsCompletedReferencesNavigator(imported) : null;
sealed class FindEnumeratorCurrentReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
IProperty property;
public FindEnumeratorCurrentReferencesNavigator(IProperty property)
this.property = property;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
return node is ForeachStatement;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
ForEachResolveResult ferr = rr as ForEachResolveResult;
return ferr != null && ferr.CurrentProperty != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(property, ferr.CurrentProperty, true);
sealed class FindAwaiterIsCompletedReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
IProperty property;
public FindAwaiterIsCompletedReferencesNavigator(IProperty property)
this.property = property;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
return node is UnaryOperatorExpression;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
AwaitResolveResult arr = rr as AwaitResolveResult;
return arr != null && arr.IsCompletedProperty != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(property, arr.IsCompletedProperty, true);
#region Find Method References
SearchScope GetSearchScopeForMethod(IMethod method)
Type specialNodeType;
switch (method.Name) {
case "Add":
specialNodeType = typeof(ArrayInitializerExpression);
case "Where":
specialNodeType = typeof(QueryWhereClause);
case "Select":
specialNodeType = typeof(QuerySelectClause);
case "SelectMany":
specialNodeType = typeof(QueryFromClause);
case "Join":
case "GroupJoin":
specialNodeType = typeof(QueryJoinClause);
case "OrderBy":
case "OrderByDescending":
case "ThenBy":
case "ThenByDescending":
specialNodeType = typeof(QueryOrdering);
case "GroupBy":
specialNodeType = typeof(QueryGroupClause);
case "Invoke":
if (method.DeclaringTypeDefinition != null && method.DeclaringTypeDefinition.Kind == TypeKind.Delegate)
specialNodeType = typeof(InvocationExpression);
specialNodeType = null;
case "GetEnumerator":
case "MoveNext":
specialNodeType = typeof(ForeachStatement);
case "GetAwaiter":
case "GetResult":
case "OnCompleted":
case "UnsafeOnCompleted":
specialNodeType = typeof(UnaryOperatorExpression);
specialNodeType = null;
// Use searchTerm only if specialNodeType==null
string searchTerm = (specialNodeType == null) ? method.Name : null;
return new SearchScope(
delegate (ICompilation compilation) {
IMethod imported = compilation.Import(method);
if (imported != null)
return new FindMethodReferences(imported, specialNodeType);
return null;
sealed class FindMethodReferences : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IMethod method;
readonly Type specialNodeType;
HashSet potentialMethodGroupConversions = new HashSet();
public FindMethodReferences(IMethod method, Type specialNodeType)
this.method = method;
this.specialNodeType = specialNodeType;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
if (specialNodeType != null && node.GetType() == specialNodeType)
return true;
Expression expr = node as Expression;
if (expr == null)
return node is MethodDeclaration;
InvocationExpression ie = node as InvocationExpression;
if (ie != null) {
Expression target = ParenthesizedExpression.UnpackParenthesizedExpression(ie.Target);
IdentifierExpression ident = target as IdentifierExpression;
if (ident != null)
return ident.Identifier == method.Name;
MemberReferenceExpression mre = target as MemberReferenceExpression;
if (mre != null)
return mre.MemberName == method.Name;
PointerReferenceExpression pre = target as PointerReferenceExpression;
if (pre != null)
return pre.MemberName == method.Name;
} else if (expr.Role != Roles.TargetExpression) {
// MemberReferences & Identifiers that aren't used in an invocation can still match the method
// as delegate name.
if (expr.GetChildByRole(Roles.Identifier).Name == method.Name)
return node is MethodDeclaration;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
if (specialNodeType != null) {
var ferr = rr as ForEachResolveResult;
if (ferr != null) {
return IsMatch(ferr.GetEnumeratorCall)
|| (ferr.MoveNextMethod != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(method, ferr.MoveNextMethod, true));
var arr = rr as AwaitResolveResult;
if (arr != null) {
return IsMatch(arr.GetAwaiterInvocation)
|| (arr.GetResultMethod != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(method, arr.GetResultMethod, true))
|| (arr.OnCompletedMethod != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(method, arr.OnCompletedMethod, true));
var mrr = rr as MemberResolveResult;
return mrr != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(method, mrr.Member, mrr.IsVirtualCall);
internal override void NavigatorDone(CSharpAstResolver resolver, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
foreach (var expr in potentialMethodGroupConversions) {
var conversion = resolver.GetConversion(expr, cancellationToken);
if (conversion.IsMethodGroupConversion && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(method, conversion.Method, conversion.IsVirtualMethodLookup)) {
IType targetType = resolver.GetExpectedType(expr, cancellationToken);
ResolveResult result = resolver.Resolve(expr, cancellationToken);
ReportMatch(expr, new ConversionResolveResult(targetType, result, conversion));
base.NavigatorDone(resolver, cancellationToken);
#region Find Indexer References
SearchScope FindIndexerReferences(IProperty indexer)
return new SearchScope(
delegate (ICompilation compilation) {
IProperty imported = compilation.Import(indexer);
if (imported != null)
return new FindIndexerReferencesNavigator(imported);
return null;
sealed class FindIndexerReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IProperty indexer;
public FindIndexerReferencesNavigator(IProperty indexer)
this.indexer = indexer;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
return node is IndexerExpression || node is IndexerDeclaration;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
MemberResolveResult mrr = rr as MemberResolveResult;
return mrr != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(indexer, mrr.Member, mrr.IsVirtualCall);
#region Find Operator References
SearchScope GetSearchScopeForOperator(IMethod op)
OperatorType? opType = OperatorDeclaration.GetOperatorType(op.Name);
if (opType == null)
return GetSearchScopeForMethod(op);
switch (opType.Value) {
case OperatorType.LogicalNot:
return FindUnaryOperator(op, UnaryOperatorType.Not);
case OperatorType.OnesComplement:
return FindUnaryOperator(op, UnaryOperatorType.BitNot);
case OperatorType.UnaryPlus:
return FindUnaryOperator(op, UnaryOperatorType.Plus);
case OperatorType.UnaryNegation:
return FindUnaryOperator(op, UnaryOperatorType.Minus);
case OperatorType.Increment:
return FindUnaryOperator(op, UnaryOperatorType.Increment);
case OperatorType.Decrement:
return FindUnaryOperator(op, UnaryOperatorType.Decrement);
case OperatorType.True:
case OperatorType.False:
// TODO: implement search for op_True/op_False correctly
return GetSearchScopeForMethod(op);
case OperatorType.Addition:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.Add);
case OperatorType.Subtraction:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.Subtract);
case OperatorType.Multiply:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.Multiply);
case OperatorType.Division:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.Divide);
case OperatorType.Modulus:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.Modulus);
case OperatorType.BitwiseAnd:
// TODO: an overloaded bitwise operator can also be called using the corresponding logical operator
// (if op_True/op_False is defined)
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.BitwiseAnd);
case OperatorType.BitwiseOr:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.BitwiseOr);
case OperatorType.ExclusiveOr:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.ExclusiveOr);
case OperatorType.LeftShift:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.ShiftLeft);
case OperatorType.RightShift:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.ShiftRight);
case OperatorType.Equality:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.Equality);
case OperatorType.Inequality:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.InEquality);
case OperatorType.GreaterThan:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterThan);
case OperatorType.LessThan:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.LessThan);
case OperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual);
case OperatorType.LessThanOrEqual:
return FindBinaryOperator(op, BinaryOperatorType.LessThanOrEqual);
case OperatorType.Implicit:
return FindOperator(op, m => new FindImplicitOperatorNavigator(m));
case OperatorType.Explicit:
return FindOperator(op, m => new FindExplicitOperatorNavigator(m));
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid value for OperatorType");
SearchScope FindOperator(IMethod op, Func factory)
return new SearchScope(
delegate (ICompilation compilation) {
IMethod imported = compilation.Import(op);
return imported != null ? factory(imported) : null;
SearchScope FindUnaryOperator(IMethod op, UnaryOperatorType operatorType)
return FindOperator(op, m => new FindUnaryOperatorNavigator(m, operatorType));
sealed class FindUnaryOperatorNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IMethod op;
readonly UnaryOperatorType operatorType;
public FindUnaryOperatorNavigator(IMethod op, UnaryOperatorType operatorType)
this.op = op;
this.operatorType = operatorType;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
UnaryOperatorExpression uoe = node as UnaryOperatorExpression;
if (uoe != null) {
if (operatorType == UnaryOperatorType.Increment)
return uoe.Operator == UnaryOperatorType.Increment || uoe.Operator == UnaryOperatorType.PostIncrement;
else if (operatorType == UnaryOperatorType.Decrement)
return uoe.Operator == UnaryOperatorType.Decrement || uoe.Operator == UnaryOperatorType.PostDecrement;
return uoe.Operator == operatorType;
return node is OperatorDeclaration;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
MemberResolveResult mrr = rr as MemberResolveResult;
return mrr != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(op, mrr.Member, mrr.IsVirtualCall);
SearchScope FindBinaryOperator(IMethod op, BinaryOperatorType operatorType)
return FindOperator(op, m => new FindBinaryOperatorNavigator(m, operatorType));
sealed class FindBinaryOperatorNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IMethod op;
readonly BinaryOperatorType operatorType;
public FindBinaryOperatorNavigator(IMethod op, BinaryOperatorType operatorType)
this.op = op;
this.operatorType = operatorType;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
BinaryOperatorExpression boe = node as BinaryOperatorExpression;
if (boe != null) {
return boe.Operator == operatorType;
return node is OperatorDeclaration;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
MemberResolveResult mrr = rr as MemberResolveResult;
return mrr != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(op, mrr.Member, mrr.IsVirtualCall);
sealed class FindImplicitOperatorNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IMethod op;
public FindImplicitOperatorNavigator(IMethod op)
this.op = op;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
return true;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
MemberResolveResult mrr = rr as MemberResolveResult;
return mrr != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(op, mrr.Member, mrr.IsVirtualCall);
public override void ProcessConversion(Expression expression, ResolveResult result, Conversion conversion, IType targetType)
if (conversion.IsUserDefined && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(op, conversion.Method, conversion.IsVirtualMethodLookup)) {
ReportMatch(expression, result);
sealed class FindExplicitOperatorNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IMethod op;
public FindExplicitOperatorNavigator(IMethod op)
this.op = op;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
return node is CastExpression;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
ConversionResolveResult crr = rr as ConversionResolveResult;
return crr != null && crr.Conversion.IsUserDefined
&& findReferences.IsMemberMatch(op, crr.Conversion.Method, crr.Conversion.IsVirtualMethodLookup);
#region Find Constructor References
SearchScope FindObjectCreateReferences(IMethod ctor)
string searchTerm = null;
if (KnownTypeReference.GetCSharpNameByTypeCode(ctor.DeclaringTypeDefinition.KnownTypeCode) == null) {
// not a built-in type
searchTerm = ctor.DeclaringTypeDefinition.Name;
if (searchTerm.Length > 9 && searchTerm.EndsWith("Attribute", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
// we also need to look for the short form
searchTerm = null;
return new SearchScope(
delegate (ICompilation compilation) {
IMethod imported = compilation.Import(ctor);
if (imported != null)
return new FindObjectCreateReferencesNavigator(imported);
return null;
sealed class FindObjectCreateReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IMethod ctor;
public FindObjectCreateReferencesNavigator(IMethod ctor)
this.ctor = ctor;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
return node is ObjectCreateExpression || node is ConstructorDeclaration || node is Attribute;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
MemberResolveResult mrr = rr as MemberResolveResult;
return mrr != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(ctor, mrr.Member, mrr.IsVirtualCall);
SearchScope FindChainedConstructorReferences(IMethod ctor)
SearchScope searchScope = new SearchScope(
delegate (ICompilation compilation) {
IMethod imported = compilation.Import(ctor);
if (imported != null)
return new FindChainedConstructorReferencesNavigator(imported);
return null;
if (ctor.DeclaringTypeDefinition.IsSealed)
searchScope.accessibility = Accessibility.Private;
searchScope.accessibility = Accessibility.Protected;
searchScope.accessibility = MergeAccessibility(GetEffectiveAccessibility(ctor), searchScope.accessibility);
return searchScope;
sealed class FindChainedConstructorReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IMethod ctor;
public FindChainedConstructorReferencesNavigator(IMethod ctor)
this.ctor = ctor;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
return node is ConstructorInitializer;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
MemberResolveResult mrr = rr as MemberResolveResult;
return mrr != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(ctor, mrr.Member, mrr.IsVirtualCall);
#region Find Destructor References
SearchScope GetSearchScopeForDestructor(IMethod dtor)
var scope = new SearchScope (
delegate (ICompilation compilation) {
IMethod imported = compilation.Import(dtor);
if (imported != null) {
return new FindDestructorReferencesNavigator (imported);
} else {
return null;
scope.accessibility = Accessibility.Private;
return scope;
sealed class FindDestructorReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IMethod dtor;
public FindDestructorReferencesNavigator (IMethod dtor)
this.dtor = dtor;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
return node is DestructorDeclaration;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
MemberResolveResult mrr = rr as MemberResolveResult;
return mrr != null && findReferences.IsMemberMatch(dtor, mrr.Member, mrr.IsVirtualCall);
#region Find Local Variable References
/// Finds all references of a given variable.
/// The variable for which to look.
/// The type system representation of the file being searched.
/// The syntax tree of the file being searched.
/// The compilation.
/// Callback used to report the references that were found.
/// Cancellation token that may be used to cancel the operation.
public void FindLocalReferences(IVariable variable, CSharpUnresolvedFile unresolvedFile, SyntaxTree syntaxTree,
ICompilation compilation, FoundReferenceCallback callback, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (variable == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("variable");
var searchScope = new SearchScope(c => new FindLocalReferencesNavigator(variable));
searchScope.declarationCompilation = compilation;
FindReferencesInFile(searchScope, unresolvedFile, syntaxTree, compilation, callback, cancellationToken);
SearchScope GetSearchScopeForLocalVariable(IVariable variable)
var scope = new SearchScope (
delegate {
return new FindLocalReferencesNavigator(variable);
scope.fileName = variable.Region.FileName;
return scope;
class FindLocalReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IVariable variable;
public FindLocalReferencesNavigator(IVariable variable)
this.variable = variable;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
var expr = node as IdentifierExpression;
if (expr != null)
return expr.TypeArguments.Count == 0 && variable.Name == expr.Identifier;
var vi = node as VariableInitializer;
if (vi != null)
return vi.Name == variable.Name;
var pd = node as ParameterDeclaration;
if (pd != null)
return pd.Name == variable.Name;
var id = node as Identifier;
if (id != null)
return id.Name == variable.Name;
return false;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
var lrr = rr as LocalResolveResult;
return lrr != null && lrr.Variable.Name == variable.Name && lrr.Variable.Region == variable.Region;
#region Find Type Parameter References
/// Finds all references of a given type parameter.
/// The type parameter for which to look.
/// The type system representation of the file being searched.
/// The syntax tree of the file being searched.
/// The compilation.
/// Callback used to report the references that were found.
/// Cancellation token that may be used to cancel the operation.
[Obsolete("Use GetSearchScopes(typeParameter) instead")]
public void FindTypeParameterReferences(IType typeParameter, CSharpUnresolvedFile unresolvedFile, SyntaxTree syntaxTree,
ICompilation compilation, FoundReferenceCallback callback, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (typeParameter == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("typeParameter");
if (typeParameter.Kind != TypeKind.TypeParameter)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("typeParameter", "Only type parameters are allowed");
var searchScope = new SearchScope(c => new FindTypeParameterReferencesNavigator((ITypeParameter)typeParameter));
searchScope.declarationCompilation = compilation;
searchScope.accessibility = Accessibility.Private;
FindReferencesInFile(searchScope, unresolvedFile, syntaxTree, compilation, callback, cancellationToken);
SearchScope GetSearchScopeForTypeParameter(ITypeParameter tp)
var searchScope = new SearchScope(c => new FindTypeParameterReferencesNavigator(tp));
var compilationProvider = tp as ICompilationProvider;
if (compilationProvider != null)
searchScope.declarationCompilation = compilationProvider.Compilation;
searchScope.topLevelTypeDefinition = GetTopLevelTypeDefinition(tp.Owner);
searchScope.accessibility = Accessibility.Private;
return searchScope;
class FindTypeParameterReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly ITypeParameter typeParameter;
public FindTypeParameterReferencesNavigator(ITypeParameter typeParameter)
this.typeParameter = typeParameter;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
var type = node as SimpleType;
if (type != null)
return type.Identifier == typeParameter.Name;
var declaration = node as TypeParameterDeclaration;
if (declaration != null)
return declaration.Name == typeParameter.Name;
return false;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
var lrr = rr as TypeResolveResult;
return lrr != null && lrr.Type.Kind == TypeKind.TypeParameter && ((ITypeParameter)lrr.Type).Region == typeParameter.Region;
#region Find Namespace References
SearchScope GetSearchScopeForNamespace(INamespace ns)
var scope = new SearchScope (
delegate (ICompilation compilation) {
return new FindNamespaceNavigator (ns);
return scope;
sealed class FindNamespaceNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly INamespace ns;
public FindNamespaceNavigator (INamespace ns)
this.ns = ns;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
var nsd = node as NamespaceDeclaration;
if (nsd != null && nsd.FullName.StartsWith(ns.FullName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
return true;
var ud = node as UsingDeclaration;
if (ud != null && ud.Namespace == ns.FullName)
return true;
var st = node as SimpleType;
if (st != null && st.Identifier == ns.Name)
return !st.AncestorsAndSelf.TakeWhile (n => n is AstType).Any (m => m.Role == NamespaceDeclaration.NamespaceNameRole);
var mt = node as MemberType;
if (mt != null && mt.MemberName == ns.Name)
return !mt.AncestorsAndSelf.TakeWhile (n => n is AstType).Any (m => m.Role == NamespaceDeclaration.NamespaceNameRole);
var identifer = node as IdentifierExpression;
if (identifer != null && identifer.Identifier == ns.Name)
return true;
var mrr = node as MemberReferenceExpression;
if (mrr != null && mrr.MemberName == ns.Name)
return true;
return false;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
var nsrr = rr as NamespaceResolveResult;
return nsrr != null && nsrr.NamespaceName.StartsWith(ns.FullName, StringComparison.Ordinal);
#region Find Parameter References
SearchScope GetSearchScopeForParameter(IParameter parameter)
var scope = new SearchScope (
delegate {
return new FindParameterReferencesNavigator (parameter);
if (parameter.Owner == null) {
scope.fileName = parameter.Region.FileName;
return scope;
class FindParameterReferencesNavigator : FindReferenceNavigator
readonly IParameter parameter;
public FindParameterReferencesNavigator(IParameter parameter)
this.parameter = parameter;
internal override bool CanMatch(AstNode node)
var expr = node as IdentifierExpression;
if (expr != null)
return expr.TypeArguments.Count == 0 && parameter.Name == expr.Identifier;
var vi = node as VariableInitializer;
if (vi != null)
return vi.Name == parameter.Name;
var pd = node as ParameterDeclaration;
if (pd != null)
return pd.Name == parameter.Name;
var id = node as Identifier;
if (id != null)
return id.Name == parameter.Name;
var nae = node as NamedArgumentExpression;
if (nae != null)
return nae.Name == parameter.Name;
return false;
internal override bool IsMatch(ResolveResult rr)
var lrr = rr as LocalResolveResult;
if (lrr != null)
return lrr.Variable.Name == parameter.Name && lrr.Variable.Region == parameter.Region;
var nar = rr as NamedArgumentResolveResult;
return nar != null && nar.Parameter.Name == parameter.Name && nar.Parameter.Region == parameter.Region;