// ZipFile.Selector.cs
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Dino Chiesa.
// All rights reserved.
// This code module is part of DotNetZip, a zipfile class library.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This code is licensed under the Microsoft Public License.
// See the file License.txt for the license details.
// More info on: http://dotnetzip.codeplex.com
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// last saved (in emacs):
// Time-stamp: <2011-August-06 09:35:58>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This module defines methods in the ZipFile class associated to the FileFilter
// capability - selecting files to add into the archive, or selecting entries to
// retrieve from the archive based on criteria including the filename, size, date, or
// attributes. It is something like a "poor man's LINQ". I included it into DotNetZip
// because not everyone has .NET 3.5 yet. When using DotNetZip on .NET 3.5, the LINQ
// query/selection will be superior.
// These methods are segregated into a different module to facilitate easy exclusion for
// those people who wish to have a smaller library without this function.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zip;
using System.Globalization;
namespace OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zip
partial class ZipFile
/// Adds to the ZipFile a set of files from the current working directory on
/// disk, that conform to the specified criteria.
/// This method selects files from the the current working directory matching
/// the specified criteria, and adds them to the ZipFile.
/// Specify the criteria in statements of 3 elements: a noun, an operator, and
/// a value. Consider the string "name != *.doc" . The noun is "name". The
/// operator is "!=", implying "Not Equal". The value is "*.doc". That
/// criterion, in English, says "all files with a name that does not end in
/// the .doc extension."
/// Supported nouns include "name" (or "filename") for the filename; "atime",
/// "mtime", and "ctime" for last access time, last modfied time, and created
/// time of the file, respectively; "attributes" (or "attrs") for the file
/// attributes; "size" (or "length") for the file length (uncompressed), and
/// "type" for the type of object, either a file or a directory. The
/// "attributes", "name" and "type" nouns both support = and != as operators.
/// The "size", "atime", "mtime", and "ctime" nouns support = and !=, and
/// >, >=, <, <= as well. The times are taken to be expressed in
/// local time.
/// Specify values for the file attributes as a string with one or more of the
/// characters H,R,S,A,I,L in any order, implying file attributes of Hidden,
/// ReadOnly, System, Archive, NotContextIndexed, and ReparsePoint (symbolic
/// link) respectively.
/// To specify a time, use YYYY-MM-DD-HH:mm:ss or YYYY/MM/DD-HH:mm:ss as the
/// format. If you omit the HH:mm:ss portion, it is assumed to be 00:00:00
/// (midnight).
/// The value for a size criterion is expressed in integer quantities of bytes,
/// kilobytes (use k or kb after the number), megabytes (m or mb), or gigabytes
/// (g or gb).
/// The value for a name is a pattern to match against the filename, potentially
/// including wildcards. The pattern follows CMD.exe glob rules: * implies one
/// or more of any character, while ? implies one character. If the name
/// pattern contains any slashes, it is matched to the entire filename,
/// including the path; otherwise, it is matched against only the filename
/// without the path. This means a pattern of "*\*.*" matches all files one
/// directory level deep, while a pattern of "*.*" matches all files in all
/// directories.
/// To specify a name pattern that includes spaces, use single quotes around the
/// pattern. A pattern of "'* *.*'" will match all files that have spaces in
/// the filename. The full criteria string for that would be "name = '* *.*'" .
/// The value for a type criterion is either F (implying a file) or D (implying
/// a directory).
/// Some examples:
/// criteria
/// Files retrieved
/// -
/// name != *.xls
/// any file with an extension that is not .xls
/// -
/// name = *.mp3
/// any file with a .mp3 extension.
/// -
/// *.mp3
/// (same as above) any file with a .mp3 extension.
/// -
/// attributes = A
/// all files whose attributes include the Archive bit.
/// -
/// attributes != H
/// all files whose attributes do not include the Hidden bit.
/// -
/// mtime > 2009-01-01
/// all files with a last modified time after January 1st, 2009.
/// -
/// size > 2gb
/// all files whose uncompressed size is greater than 2gb.
/// -
/// type = D
/// all directories in the filesystem.
/// You can combine criteria with the conjunctions AND or OR. Using a string
/// like "name = *.txt AND size >= 100k" for the selectionCriteria retrieves
/// entries whose names end in .txt, and whose uncompressed size is greater than
/// or equal to 100 kilobytes.
/// For more complex combinations of criteria, you can use parenthesis to group
/// clauses in the boolean logic. Without parenthesis, the precedence of the
/// criterion atoms is determined by order of appearance. Unlike the C#
/// language, the AND conjunction does not take precendence over the logical OR.
/// This is important only in strings that contain 3 or more criterion atoms.
/// In other words, "name = *.txt and size > 1000 or attributes = H" implies
/// "((name = *.txt AND size > 1000) OR attributes = H)" while "attributes =
/// H OR name = *.txt and size > 1000" evaluates to "((attributes = H OR name
/// = *.txt) AND size > 1000)". When in doubt, use parenthesis.
/// Using time properties requires some extra care. If you want to retrieve all
/// entries that were last updated on 2009 February 14, specify a time range
/// like so:"mtime >= 2009-02-14 AND mtime < 2009-02-15". Read this to
/// say: all files updated after 12:00am on February 14th, until 12:00am on
/// February 15th. You can use the same bracketing approach to specify any time
/// period - a year, a month, a week, and so on.
/// The syntax allows one special case: if you provide a string with no spaces, it is
/// treated as a pattern to match for the filename. Therefore a string like "*.xls"
/// will be equivalent to specifying "name = *.xls".
/// There is no logic in this method that insures that the file inclusion
/// criteria are internally consistent. For example, it's possible to specify
/// criteria that says the file must have a size of less than 100 bytes, as well
/// as a size that is greater than 1000 bytes. Obviously no file will ever
/// satisfy such criteria, but this method does not detect such logical
/// inconsistencies. The caller is responsible for insuring the criteria are
/// sensible.
/// Using this method, the file selection does not recurse into
/// subdirectories, and the full path of the selected files is included in the
/// entries added into the zip archive. If you don't like these behaviors,
/// see the other overloads of this method.
/// This example zips up all *.csv files in the current working directory.
/// using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
/// {
/// // To just match on filename wildcards,
/// // use the shorthand form of the selectionCriteria string.
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("*.csv");
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive);
/// }
/// Using zip As ZipFile = New ZipFile()
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("*.csv")
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive)
/// End Using
/// The criteria for file selection
public void AddSelectedFiles(String selectionCriteria)
this.AddSelectedFiles(selectionCriteria, ".", null, false);
/// Adds to the ZipFile a set of files from the disk that conform to the
/// specified criteria, optionally recursing into subdirectories.
/// This method selects files from the the current working directory matching
/// the specified criteria, and adds them to the ZipFile. If
/// recurseDirectories is true, files are also selected from
/// subdirectories, and the directory structure in the filesystem is
/// reproduced in the zip archive, rooted at the current working directory.
/// Using this method, the full path of the selected files is included in the
/// entries added into the zip archive. If you don't want this behavior, use
/// one of the overloads of this method that allows the specification of a
/// directoryInArchive.
/// For details on the syntax for the selectionCriteria parameter, see .
/// This example zips up all *.xml files in the current working directory, or any
/// subdirectory, that are larger than 1mb.
/// using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
/// {
/// // Use a compound expression in the selectionCriteria string.
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("name = *.xml and size > 1024kb", true);
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive);
/// }
/// Using zip As ZipFile = New ZipFile()
/// ' Use a compound expression in the selectionCriteria string.
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("name = *.xml and size > 1024kb", true)
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive)
/// End Using
/// The criteria for file selection
/// If true, the file selection will recurse into subdirectories.
public void AddSelectedFiles(String selectionCriteria, bool recurseDirectories)
this.AddSelectedFiles(selectionCriteria, ".", null, recurseDirectories);
/// Adds to the ZipFile a set of files from a specified directory in the
/// filesystem, that conform to the specified criteria.
/// This method selects files that conform to the specified criteria, from the
/// the specified directory on disk, and adds them to the ZipFile. The search
/// does not recurse into subdirectores.
/// Using this method, the full filesystem path of the files on disk is
/// reproduced on the entries added to the zip file. If you don't want this
/// behavior, use one of the other overloads of this method.
/// For details on the syntax for the selectionCriteria parameter, see .
/// This example zips up all *.xml files larger than 1mb in the directory
/// given by "d:\rawdata".
/// using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
/// {
/// // Use a compound expression in the selectionCriteria string.
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("name = *.xml and size > 1024kb", "d:\\rawdata");
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive);
/// }
/// Using zip As ZipFile = New ZipFile()
/// ' Use a compound expression in the selectionCriteria string.
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("name = *.xml and size > 1024kb", "d:\rawdata)
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive)
/// End Using
/// The criteria for file selection
/// The name of the directory on the disk from which to select files.
public void AddSelectedFiles(String selectionCriteria, String directoryOnDisk)
this.AddSelectedFiles(selectionCriteria, directoryOnDisk, null, false);
/// Adds to the ZipFile a set of files from the specified directory on disk,
/// that conform to the specified criteria.
/// This method selects files from the the specified disk directory matching
/// the specified selection criteria, and adds them to the ZipFile. If
/// recurseDirectories is true, files are also selected from
/// subdirectories.
/// The full directory structure in the filesystem is reproduced on the
/// entries added to the zip archive. If you don't want this behavior, use
/// one of the overloads of this method that allows the specification of a
/// directoryInArchive.
/// For details on the syntax for the selectionCriteria parameter, see .
/// This example zips up all *.csv files in the "files" directory, or any
/// subdirectory, that have been saved since 2009 February 14th.
/// using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
/// {
/// // Use a compound expression in the selectionCriteria string.
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("name = *.csv and mtime > 2009-02-14", "files", true);
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive);
/// }
/// Using zip As ZipFile = New ZipFile()
/// ' Use a compound expression in the selectionCriteria string.
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("name = *.csv and mtime > 2009-02-14", "files", true)
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive)
/// End Using
/// This example zips up all files in the current working
/// directory, and all its child directories, except those in
/// the excludethis subdirectory.
/// Using Zip As ZipFile = New ZipFile(zipfile)
/// Zip.AddSelectedFfiles("name != 'excludethis\*.*'", datapath, True)
/// Zip.Save()
/// End Using
/// The criteria for file selection
/// The filesystem path from which to select files.
/// If true, the file selection will recurse into subdirectories.
public void AddSelectedFiles(String selectionCriteria, String directoryOnDisk, bool recurseDirectories)
this.AddSelectedFiles(selectionCriteria, directoryOnDisk, null, recurseDirectories);
/// Adds to the ZipFile a selection of files from the specified directory on
/// disk, that conform to the specified criteria, and using a specified root
/// path for entries added to the zip archive.
/// This method selects files from the specified disk directory matching the
/// specified selection criteria, and adds those files to the ZipFile, using
/// the specified directory path in the archive. The search does not recurse
/// into subdirectories. For details on the syntax for the selectionCriteria
/// parameter, see .
/// This example zips up all *.psd files in the "photos" directory that have
/// been saved since 2009 February 14th, and puts them all in a zip file,
/// using the directory name of "content" in the zip archive itself. When the
/// zip archive is unzipped, the folder containing the .psd files will be
/// named "content".
/// using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
/// {
/// // Use a compound expression in the selectionCriteria string.
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("name = *.psd and mtime > 2009-02-14", "photos", "content");
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive);
/// }
/// Using zip As ZipFile = New ZipFile
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("name = *.psd and mtime > 2009-02-14", "photos", "content")
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive)
/// End Using
/// The criteria for selection of files to add to the ZipFile.
/// The path to the directory in the filesystem from which to select files.
/// Specifies a directory path to use to in place of the
/// directoryOnDisk. This path may, or may not, correspond to a real
/// directory in the current filesystem. If the files within the zip are
/// later extracted, this is the path used for the extracted file. Passing
/// null (nothing in VB) will use the path on the file name, if any; in other
/// words it would use directoryOnDisk, plus any subdirectory. Passing
/// the empty string ("") will insert the item at the root path within the
/// archive.
public void AddSelectedFiles(String selectionCriteria,
String directoryOnDisk,
String directoryPathInArchive)
this.AddSelectedFiles(selectionCriteria, directoryOnDisk, directoryPathInArchive, false);
/// Adds to the ZipFile a selection of files from the specified directory on
/// disk, that conform to the specified criteria, optionally recursing through
/// subdirectories, and using a specified root path for entries added to the
/// zip archive.
/// This method selects files from the specified disk directory that match the
/// specified selection criteria, and adds those files to the ZipFile, using
/// the specified directory path in the archive. If recurseDirectories
/// is true, files are also selected from subdirectories, and the directory
/// structure in the filesystem is reproduced in the zip archive, rooted at
/// the directory specified by directoryOnDisk. For details on the
/// syntax for the selectionCriteria parameter, see .
/// This example zips up all files that are NOT *.pst files, in the current
/// working directory and any subdirectories.
/// using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
/// {
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("name != *.pst", SourceDirectory, "backup", true);
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive);
/// }
/// Using zip As ZipFile = New ZipFile
/// zip.AddSelectedFiles("name != *.pst", SourceDirectory, "backup", true)
/// zip.Save(PathToZipArchive)
/// End Using
/// The criteria for selection of files to add to the ZipFile.
/// The path to the directory in the filesystem from which to select files.
/// Specifies a directory path to use to in place of the
/// directoryOnDisk. This path may, or may not, correspond to a real
/// directory in the current filesystem. If the files within the zip are
/// later extracted, this is the path used for the extracted file. Passing
/// null (nothing in VB) will use the path on the file name, if any; in other
/// words it would use directoryOnDisk, plus any subdirectory. Passing
/// the empty string ("") will insert the item at the root path within the
/// archive.
/// If true, the method also scans subdirectories for files matching the
/// criteria.
public void AddSelectedFiles(String selectionCriteria,
String directoryOnDisk,
String directoryPathInArchive,
bool recurseDirectories)
/// Updates the ZipFile with a selection of files from the disk that conform
/// to the specified criteria.
/// This method selects files from the specified disk directory that match the
/// specified selection criteria, and Updates the ZipFile with those
/// files, using the specified directory path in the archive. If
/// recurseDirectories is true, files are also selected from
/// subdirectories, and the directory structure in the filesystem is
/// reproduced in the zip archive, rooted at the directory specified by
/// directoryOnDisk. For details on the syntax for the
/// selectionCriteria parameter, see .
/// The criteria for selection of files to add to the ZipFile.
/// The path to the directory in the filesystem from which to select files.
/// Specifies a directory path to use to in place of the
/// directoryOnDisk. This path may, or may not, correspond to a
/// real directory in the current filesystem. If the files within the zip
/// are later extracted, this is the path used for the extracted file.
/// Passing null (nothing in VB) will use the path on the file name, if
/// any; in other words it would use directoryOnDisk, plus any
/// subdirectory. Passing the empty string ("") will insert the item at
/// the root path within the archive.
/// If true, the method also scans subdirectories for files matching the criteria.
public void UpdateSelectedFiles(String selectionCriteria,
String directoryOnDisk,
String directoryPathInArchive,
bool recurseDirectories)
private string EnsureendInSlash(string s)
if (s.EndsWith("\\")) return s;
return s + "\\";
private void _AddOrUpdateSelectedFiles(String selectionCriteria,
String directoryOnDisk,
String directoryPathInArchive,
bool recurseDirectories,
bool wantUpdate)
if (directoryOnDisk == null && (Directory.Exists(selectionCriteria)))
directoryOnDisk = selectionCriteria;
selectionCriteria = "*.*";
else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryOnDisk))
directoryOnDisk = ".";
// workitem 9176
while (directoryOnDisk.EndsWith("\\")) directoryOnDisk = directoryOnDisk.Substring(0, directoryOnDisk.Length - 1);
if (Verbose) StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("adding selection '{0}' from dir '{1}'...",
selectionCriteria, directoryOnDisk);
Ionic.FileSelector ff = new Ionic.FileSelector(selectionCriteria,
var itemsToAdd = ff.SelectFiles(directoryOnDisk, recurseDirectories);
if (Verbose) StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("found {0} files...", itemsToAdd.Count);
AddOrUpdateAction action = (wantUpdate) ? AddOrUpdateAction.AddOrUpdate : AddOrUpdateAction.AddOnly;
foreach (var item in itemsToAdd)
// workitem 10153
string dirInArchive = (directoryPathInArchive == null)
? null
// workitem 12260
: ReplaceLeadingDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(item),
if (File.Exists(item))
if (wantUpdate)
this.UpdateFile(item, dirInArchive);
this.AddFile(item, dirInArchive);
// this adds "just" the directory, without recursing to the contained files
AddOrUpdateDirectoryImpl(item, dirInArchive, action, false, 0);
// workitem 12260
private static string ReplaceLeadingDirectory(string original,
string pattern,
string replacement)
string upperString = original.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string upperPattern = pattern.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
int p1 = upperString.IndexOf(upperPattern);
if (p1 != 0) return original;
return replacement + original.Substring(upperPattern.Length);
#if NOT
private static string ReplaceEx(string original,
string pattern,
string replacement)
int count, position0, position1;
count = position0 = position1 = 0;
string upperString = original.ToUpper();
string upperPattern = pattern.ToUpper();
int inc = (original.Length/pattern.Length) *
char [] chars = new char[original.Length + Math.Max(0, inc)];
while( (position1 = upperString.IndexOf(upperPattern,
position0)) != -1 )
for ( int i=position0 ; i < position1 ; ++i )
chars[count++] = original[i];
for ( int i=0 ; i < replacement.Length ; ++i )
chars[count++] = replacement[i];
position0 = position1+pattern.Length;
if ( position0 == 0 ) return original;
for ( int i=position0 ; i < original.Length ; ++i )
chars[count++] = original[i];
return new string(chars, 0, count);
/// Retrieve entries from the zipfile by specified criteria.
/// This method allows callers to retrieve the collection of entries from the zipfile
/// that fit the specified criteria. The criteria are described in a string format, and
/// can include patterns for the filename; constraints on the size of the entry;
/// constraints on the last modified, created, or last accessed time for the file
/// described by the entry; or the attributes of the entry.
/// For details on the syntax for the selectionCriteria parameter, see .
/// This method is intended for use with a ZipFile that has been read from storage.
/// When creating a new ZipFile, this method will work only after the ZipArchive has
/// been Saved to the disk (the ZipFile class subsequently and implicitly reads the Zip
/// archive from storage.) Calling SelectEntries on a ZipFile that has not yet been
/// saved will deliver undefined results.
/// Thrown if selectionCriteria has an invalid syntax.
/// This example selects all the PhotoShop files from within an archive, and extracts them
/// to the current working directory.
/// using (ZipFile zip1 = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName))
/// {
/// var PhotoShopFiles = zip1.SelectEntries("*.psd");
/// foreach (ZipEntry psd in PhotoShopFiles)
/// {
/// psd.Extract();
/// }
/// }
/// Using zip1 As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName)
/// Dim PhotoShopFiles as ICollection(Of ZipEntry)
/// PhotoShopFiles = zip1.SelectEntries("*.psd")
/// Dim psd As ZipEntry
/// For Each psd In PhotoShopFiles
/// psd.Extract
/// Next
/// End Using
/// the string that specifies which entries to select
/// a collection of ZipEntry objects that conform to the inclusion spec
public ICollection SelectEntries(String selectionCriteria)
Ionic.FileSelector ff = new Ionic.FileSelector(selectionCriteria,
return ff.SelectEntries(this);
/// Retrieve entries from the zipfile by specified criteria.
/// This method allows callers to retrieve the collection of entries from the zipfile
/// that fit the specified criteria. The criteria are described in a string format, and
/// can include patterns for the filename; constraints on the size of the entry;
/// constraints on the last modified, created, or last accessed time for the file
/// described by the entry; or the attributes of the entry.
/// For details on the syntax for the selectionCriteria parameter, see .
/// This method is intended for use with a ZipFile that has been read from storage.
/// When creating a new ZipFile, this method will work only after the ZipArchive has
/// been Saved to the disk (the ZipFile class subsequently and implicitly reads the Zip
/// archive from storage.) Calling SelectEntries on a ZipFile that has not yet been
/// saved will deliver undefined results.
/// Thrown if selectionCriteria has an invalid syntax.
/// using (ZipFile zip1 = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName))
/// {
/// var UpdatedPhotoShopFiles = zip1.SelectEntries("*.psd", "UpdatedFiles");
/// foreach (ZipEntry e in UpdatedPhotoShopFiles)
/// {
/// // prompt for extract here
/// if (WantExtract(e.FileName))
/// e.Extract();
/// }
/// }
/// Using zip1 As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName)
/// Dim UpdatedPhotoShopFiles As ICollection(Of ZipEntry) = zip1.SelectEntries("*.psd", "UpdatedFiles")
/// Dim e As ZipEntry
/// For Each e In UpdatedPhotoShopFiles
/// ' prompt for extract here
/// If Me.WantExtract(e.FileName) Then
/// e.Extract
/// End If
/// Next
/// End Using
/// the string that specifies which entries to select
/// the directory in the archive from which to select entries. If null, then
/// all directories in the archive are used.
/// a collection of ZipEntry objects that conform to the inclusion spec
public ICollection SelectEntries(String selectionCriteria, string directoryPathInArchive)
Ionic.FileSelector ff = new Ionic.FileSelector(selectionCriteria,
return ff.SelectEntries(this, directoryPathInArchive);
/// Remove entries from the zipfile by specified criteria.
/// This method allows callers to remove the collection of entries from the zipfile
/// that fit the specified criteria. The criteria are described in a string format, and
/// can include patterns for the filename; constraints on the size of the entry;
/// constraints on the last modified, created, or last accessed time for the file
/// described by the entry; or the attributes of the entry.
/// For details on the syntax for the selectionCriteria parameter, see .
/// This method is intended for use with a ZipFile that has been read from storage.
/// When creating a new ZipFile, this method will work only after the ZipArchive has
/// been Saved to the disk (the ZipFile class subsequently and implicitly reads the Zip
/// archive from storage.) Calling SelectEntries on a ZipFile that has not yet been
/// saved will deliver undefined results.
/// Thrown if selectionCriteria has an invalid syntax.
/// This example removes all entries in a zip file that were modified prior to January 1st, 2008.
/// using (ZipFile zip1 = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName))
/// {
/// // remove all entries from prior to Jan 1, 2008
/// zip1.RemoveEntries("mtime < 2008-01-01");
/// // don't forget to save the archive!
/// zip1.Save();
/// }
/// Using zip As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName)
/// ' remove all entries from prior to Jan 1, 2008
/// zip1.RemoveEntries("mtime < 2008-01-01")
/// ' do not forget to save the archive!
/// zip1.Save
/// End Using
/// the string that specifies which entries to select
/// the number of entries removed
public int RemoveSelectedEntries(String selectionCriteria)
var selection = this.SelectEntries(selectionCriteria);
return selection.Count;
/// Remove entries from the zipfile by specified criteria, and within the specified
/// path in the archive.
/// This method allows callers to remove the collection of entries from the zipfile
/// that fit the specified criteria. The criteria are described in a string format, and
/// can include patterns for the filename; constraints on the size of the entry;
/// constraints on the last modified, created, or last accessed time for the file
/// described by the entry; or the attributes of the entry.
/// For details on the syntax for the selectionCriteria parameter, see .
/// This method is intended for use with a ZipFile that has been read from storage.
/// When creating a new ZipFile, this method will work only after the ZipArchive has
/// been Saved to the disk (the ZipFile class subsequently and implicitly reads the Zip
/// archive from storage.) Calling SelectEntries on a ZipFile that has not yet been
/// saved will deliver undefined results.
/// Thrown if selectionCriteria has an invalid syntax.
/// using (ZipFile zip1 = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName))
/// {
/// // remove all entries from prior to Jan 1, 2008
/// zip1.RemoveEntries("mtime < 2008-01-01", "documents");
/// // a call to ZipFile.Save will make the modifications permanent
/// zip1.Save();
/// }
/// Using zip As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName)
/// ' remove all entries from prior to Jan 1, 2008
/// zip1.RemoveEntries("mtime < 2008-01-01", "documents")
/// ' a call to ZipFile.Save will make the modifications permanent
/// zip1.Save
/// End Using
/// the string that specifies which entries to select
/// the directory in the archive from which to select entries. If null, then
/// all directories in the archive are used.
/// the number of entries removed
public int RemoveSelectedEntries(String selectionCriteria, string directoryPathInArchive)
var selection = this.SelectEntries(selectionCriteria, directoryPathInArchive);
return selection.Count;
/// Selects and Extracts a set of Entries from the ZipFile.
/// The entries are extracted into the current working directory.
/// If any of the files to be extracted already exist, then the action taken is as
/// specified in the property on the
/// corresponding ZipEntry instance. By default, the action taken in this case is to
/// throw an exception.
/// For information on the syntax of the selectionCriteria string,
/// see .
/// This example shows how extract all XML files modified after 15 January 2009.
/// using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(zipArchiveName))
/// {
/// zip.ExtractSelectedEntries("name = *.xml and mtime > 2009-01-15");
/// }
/// the selection criteria for entries to extract.
public void ExtractSelectedEntries(String selectionCriteria)
foreach (ZipEntry e in SelectEntries(selectionCriteria))
e.Password = _Password; // possibly null
/// Selects and Extracts a set of Entries from the ZipFile.
/// The entries are extracted into the current working directory. When extraction would would
/// overwrite an existing filesystem file, the action taken is as specified in the
/// parameter.
/// For information on the syntax of the string describing the entry selection criteria,
/// see .
/// This example shows how extract all XML files modified after 15 January 2009,
/// overwriting any existing files.
/// using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(zipArchiveName))
/// {
/// zip.ExtractSelectedEntries("name = *.xml and mtime > 2009-01-15",
/// ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);
/// }
/// the selection criteria for entries to extract.
/// The action to take if extraction would overwrite an existing file.
internal void ExtractSelectedEntries(String selectionCriteria, ExtractExistingFileAction extractExistingFile)
foreach (ZipEntry e in SelectEntries(selectionCriteria))
e.Password = _Password; // possibly null
/// Selects and Extracts a set of Entries from the ZipFile.
/// The entries are selected from the specified directory within the archive, and then
/// extracted into the current working directory.
/// If any of the files to be extracted already exist, then the action taken is as
/// specified in the property on the
/// corresponding ZipEntry instance. By default, the action taken in this case is to
/// throw an exception.
/// For information on the syntax of the string describing the entry selection criteria,
/// see .
/// This example shows how extract all XML files modified after 15 January 2009,
/// and writes them to the "unpack" directory.
/// using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(zipArchiveName))
/// {
/// zip.ExtractSelectedEntries("name = *.xml and mtime > 2009-01-15","unpack");
/// }
/// the selection criteria for entries to extract.
/// the directory in the archive from which to select entries. If null, then
/// all directories in the archive are used.
public void ExtractSelectedEntries(String selectionCriteria, String directoryPathInArchive)
foreach (ZipEntry e in SelectEntries(selectionCriteria, directoryPathInArchive))
e.Password = _Password; // possibly null
/// Selects and Extracts a set of Entries from the ZipFile.
/// The entries are extracted into the specified directory. If any of the files to be
/// extracted already exist, an exception will be thrown.
/// For information on the syntax of the string describing the entry selection criteria,
/// see .
/// the selection criteria for entries to extract.
/// the directory in the archive from which to select entries. If null, then
/// all directories in the archive are used.
/// the directory on the disk into which to extract. It will be created
/// if it does not exist.
public void ExtractSelectedEntries(String selectionCriteria, string directoryInArchive, string extractDirectory)
foreach (ZipEntry e in SelectEntries(selectionCriteria, directoryInArchive))
e.Password = _Password; // possibly null
/// Selects and Extracts a set of Entries from the ZipFile.
/// The entries are extracted into the specified directory. When extraction would would
/// overwrite an existing filesystem file, the action taken is as specified in the
/// parameter.
/// For information on the syntax of the string describing the entry selection criteria,
/// see .
/// This example shows how extract all files with an XML extension or with a size larger than 100,000 bytes,
/// and puts them in the unpack directory. For any files that already exist in
/// that destination directory, they will not be overwritten.
/// using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(zipArchiveName))
/// {
/// zip.ExtractSelectedEntries("name = *.xml or size > 100000",
/// null,
/// "unpack",
/// ExtractExistingFileAction.DontOverwrite);
/// }
/// the selection criteria for entries to extract.
/// The directory on the disk into which to extract. It will be created if it does not exist.
/// The directory in the archive from which to select entries. If null, then
/// all directories in the archive are used.
/// The action to take if extraction would overwrite an existing file.
internal void ExtractSelectedEntries(String selectionCriteria, string directoryPathInArchive, string extractDirectory, ExtractExistingFileAction extractExistingFile)
foreach (ZipEntry e in SelectEntries(selectionCriteria, directoryPathInArchive))
e.Password = _Password; // possibly null
e.Extract(extractDirectory, extractExistingFile);
namespace OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic
internal abstract partial class SelectionCriterion
internal abstract bool Evaluate(ZipEntry entry);
internal partial class NameCriterion : SelectionCriterion
internal override bool Evaluate(ZipEntry entry)
// swap forward slashes in the entry.FileName for backslashes
string transformedFileName = entry.FileName.Replace("/", "\\");
return _Evaluate(transformedFileName);
internal partial class SizeCriterion : SelectionCriterion
internal override bool Evaluate(ZipEntry entry)
return _Evaluate(entry.UncompressedSize);
internal partial class TimeCriterion : SelectionCriterion
internal override bool Evaluate(ZipEntry entry)
DateTime x;
switch (Which)
case WhichTime.atime:
x = entry.AccessedTime;
case WhichTime.mtime:
x = entry.ModifiedTime;
case WhichTime.ctime:
x = entry.CreationTime;
default: throw new ArgumentException("??time");
return _Evaluate(x);
internal partial class TypeCriterion : SelectionCriterion
internal override bool Evaluate(ZipEntry entry)
bool result = (ObjectType == 'D')
? entry.IsDirectory
: !entry.IsDirectory;
if (Operator != ComparisonOperator.EqualTo)
result = !result;
return result;
internal partial class AttributesCriterion : SelectionCriterion
internal override bool Evaluate(ZipEntry entry)
FileAttributes fileAttrs = entry.Attributes;
return _Evaluate(fileAttrs);
internal partial class CompoundCriterion : SelectionCriterion
internal override bool Evaluate(ZipEntry entry)
bool result = Left.Evaluate(entry);
switch (Conjunction)
case LogicalConjunction.AND:
if (result)
result = Right.Evaluate(entry);
case LogicalConjunction.OR:
if (!result)
result = Right.Evaluate(entry);
case LogicalConjunction.XOR:
result ^= Right.Evaluate(entry);
return result;
internal partial class FileSelector
private bool Evaluate(ZipEntry entry)
bool result = _Criterion.Evaluate(entry);
return result;
/// Retrieve the ZipEntry items in the ZipFile that conform to the specified criteria.
/// This method applies the criteria set in the FileSelector instance (as described in
/// the ) to the specified ZipFile. Using this
/// method, for example, you can retrieve all entries from the given ZipFile that
/// have filenames ending in .txt.
/// Normally, applications would not call this method directly. This method is used
/// by the ZipFile class.
/// Using the appropriate SelectionCriteria, you can retrieve entries based on size,
/// time, and attributes. See for a
/// description of the syntax of the SelectionCriteria string.
/// The ZipFile from which to retrieve entries.
/// a collection of ZipEntry objects that conform to the criteria.
public ICollection SelectEntries(ZipFile zip)
if (zip == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("zip");
var list = new List();
foreach (ZipEntry e in zip)
if (this.Evaluate(e))
return list;
/// Retrieve the ZipEntry items in the ZipFile that conform to the specified criteria.
/// This method applies the criteria set in the FileSelector instance (as described in
/// the ) to the specified ZipFile. Using this
/// method, for example, you can retrieve all entries from the given ZipFile that
/// have filenames ending in .txt.
/// Normally, applications would not call this method directly. This method is used
/// by the ZipFile class.
/// This overload allows the selection of ZipEntry instances from the ZipFile to be restricted
/// to entries contained within a particular directory in the ZipFile.
/// Using the appropriate SelectionCriteria, you can retrieve entries based on size,
/// time, and attributes. See for a
/// description of the syntax of the SelectionCriteria string.
/// The ZipFile from which to retrieve entries.
/// the directory in the archive from which to select entries. If null, then
/// all directories in the archive are used.
/// a collection of ZipEntry objects that conform to the criteria.
public ICollection SelectEntries(ZipFile zip, string directoryPathInArchive)
if (zip == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("zip");
var list = new List();
// workitem 8559
string slashSwapped = (directoryPathInArchive == null) ? null : directoryPathInArchive.Replace("/", "\\");
// workitem 9174
if (slashSwapped != null)
while (slashSwapped.EndsWith("\\"))
slashSwapped = slashSwapped.Substring(0, slashSwapped.Length - 1);
foreach (ZipEntry e in zip)
if (directoryPathInArchive == null || (Path.GetDirectoryName(e.FileName) == directoryPathInArchive)
|| (Path.GetDirectoryName(e.FileName) == slashSwapped)) // workitem 8559
if (this.Evaluate(e))
return list;