// ZipFile.Check.cs
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Dino Chiesa.
// All rights reserved.
// This code module is part of DotNetZip, a zipfile class library.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This code is licensed under the Microsoft Public License.
// See the file License.txt for the license details.
// More info on: http://dotnetzip.codeplex.com
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// last saved (in emacs):
// Time-stamp: <2011-July-31 14:40:50>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This module defines the methods for doing Checks on zip files.
// These are not necessary to include in the Reduced or CF
// version of the library.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zip
internal partial class ZipFile
/// Checks a zip file to see if its directory is consistent.
/// In cases of data error, the directory within a zip file can get out
/// of synch with the entries in the zip file. This method checks the
/// given zip file and returns true if this has occurred.
/// This method may take a long time to run for large zip files.
/// This method is not supported in the Reduced or Compact Framework
/// versions of DotNetZip.
/// Developers using COM can use the ComHelper.CheckZip(String)
/// method.
/// The filename to of the zip file to check.
/// true if the named zip file checks OK. Otherwise, false.
public static bool CheckZip(string zipFileName)
return CheckZip(zipFileName, false, null);
/// Checks a zip file to see if its directory is consistent,
/// and optionally fixes the directory if necessary.
/// In cases of data error, the directory within a zip file can get out of
/// synch with the entries in the zip file. This method checks the given
/// zip file, and returns true if this has occurred. It also optionally
/// fixes the zipfile, saving the fixed copy in Name_Fixed.zip.
/// This method may take a long time to run for large zip files. It
/// will take even longer if the file actually needs to be fixed, and if
/// fixIfNecessary is true.
/// This method is not supported in the Reduced or Compact
/// Framework versions of DotNetZip.
/// The filename to of the zip file to check.
/// If true, the method will fix the zip file if
/// necessary.
/// a TextWriter in which messages generated while checking will be written.
/// true if the named zip is OK; false if the file needs to be fixed.
public static bool CheckZip(string zipFileName, bool fixIfNecessary,
TextWriter writer)
ZipFile zip1 = null, zip2 = null;
bool isOk = true;
zip1 = new ZipFile();
zip1.FullScan = true;
zip2 = ZipFile.Read(zipFileName);
foreach (var e1 in zip1)
foreach (var e2 in zip2)
if (e1.FileName == e2.FileName)
if (e1._RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader != e2._RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader)
isOk = false;
if (writer != null)
writer.WriteLine("{0}: mismatch in RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader (0x{1:X16} != 0x{2:X16})",
e1.FileName, e1._RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader,
if (e1._CompressedSize != e2._CompressedSize)
isOk = false;
if (writer != null)
writer.WriteLine("{0}: mismatch in CompressedSize (0x{1:X16} != 0x{2:X16})",
e1.FileName, e1._CompressedSize,
if (e1._UncompressedSize != e2._UncompressedSize)
isOk = false;
if (writer != null)
writer.WriteLine("{0}: mismatch in UncompressedSize (0x{1:X16} != 0x{2:X16})",
e1.FileName, e1._UncompressedSize,
if (e1.CompressionMethod != e2.CompressionMethod)
isOk = false;
if (writer != null)
writer.WriteLine("{0}: mismatch in CompressionMethod (0x{1:X4} != 0x{2:X4})",
e1.FileName, e1.CompressionMethod,
if (e1.Crc != e2.Crc)
isOk = false;
if (writer != null)
writer.WriteLine("{0}: mismatch in Crc32 (0x{1:X4} != 0x{2:X4})",
e1.FileName, e1.Crc,
// found a match, so stop the inside loop
zip2 = null;
if (!isOk && fixIfNecessary)
string newFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipFileName);
newFileName = System.String.Format("{0}_fixed.zip", newFileName);
if (zip1 != null) zip1.Dispose();
if (zip2 != null) zip2.Dispose();
return isOk;
/// Rewrite the directory within a zipfile.
/// In cases of data error, the directory in a zip file can get out of
/// synch with the entries in the zip file. This method attempts to fix
/// the zip file if this has occurred.
/// This can take a long time for large zip files.
/// This won't work if the zip file uses a non-standard
/// code page - neither IBM437 nor UTF-8.
/// This method is not supported in the Reduced or Compact Framework
/// versions of DotNetZip.
/// Developers using COM can use the ComHelper.FixZipDirectory(String)
/// method.
/// The filename to of the zip file to fix.
public static void FixZipDirectory(string zipFileName)
using (var zip = new ZipFile())
zip.FullScan = true;
/// Verify the password on a zip file.
/// Keep in mind that passwords in zipfiles are applied to
/// zip entries, not to the entire zip file. So testing a
/// zipfile for a particular password doesn't work in the
/// general case. On the other hand, it's often the case
/// that a single password will be used on all entries in a
/// zip file. This method works for that case.
/// There is no way to check a password without doing the
/// decryption. So this code decrypts and extracts the given
/// zipfile into
/// The filename to of the zip file to fix.
/// The password to check.
/// a bool indicating whether the password matches.
public static bool CheckZipPassword(string zipFileName, string password)
// workitem 13664
bool success = false;
using (ZipFile zip1 = ZipFile.Read(zipFileName))
foreach (var e in zip1)
if (!e.IsDirectory && e.UsesEncryption)
e.ExtractWithPassword(System.IO.Stream.Null, password);
success = true;
catch(Ionic.Zip.BadPasswordException) { }
return success;
/// Provides a human-readable string with information about the ZipFile.
/// The information string contains 10 lines or so, about each ZipEntry,
/// describing whether encryption is in use, the compressed and uncompressed
/// length of the entry, the offset of the entry, and so on. As a result the
/// information string can be very long for zip files that contain many
/// entries.
/// This information is mostly useful for diagnostic purposes.
public string Info
var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
builder.Append(string.Format(" ZipFile: {0}\n", this.Name));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._Comment))
builder.Append(string.Format(" Comment: {0}\n", this._Comment));
if (this._versionMadeBy != 0)
builder.Append(string.Format(" version made by: 0x{0:X4}\n", this._versionMadeBy));
if (this._versionNeededToExtract != 0)
builder.Append(string.Format("needed to extract: 0x{0:X4}\n", this._versionNeededToExtract));
builder.Append(string.Format(" uses ZIP64: {0}\n", this.InputUsesZip64));
builder.Append(string.Format(" disk with CD: {0}\n", this._diskNumberWithCd));
if (this._OffsetOfCentralDirectory == 0xFFFFFFFF)
builder.Append(string.Format(" CD64 offset: 0x{0:X16}\n", this._OffsetOfCentralDirectory64));
builder.Append(string.Format(" CD offset: 0x{0:X8}\n", this._OffsetOfCentralDirectory));
foreach (ZipEntry entry in this._entries.Values)
return builder.ToString();