1 | using System;
2 |
3 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.ProgramSynthesis.Push.Attributes {
4 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.ProgramSynthesis.Push.Stack;
5 |
6 | [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)]
7 | public class PushExpressionAttribute : Attribute {
8 | public readonly StackTypes StackType;
9 | public readonly StackTypes AdditionalStackDependencies;
10 | public readonly string Name;
11 | public readonly string Description;
12 | public readonly int? InExpressionNr;
13 |
14 | /// <summary>
15 | /// Determines if this expression manipulates the exec stack.
16 | /// </summary>
17 | public readonly bool ManipulatesExec;
18 |
19 | /// <summary>
20 | /// Determines the amount of items fetched form the EXEC stack required for this expression. Used for mapping individuals.
21 | /// </summary>
22 | public readonly uint RequiredBlockCount;
23 |
24 | /// <summary>
25 | /// Determines if the expression is visible to the user for configuration purposes.
26 | /// </summary>
27 | public readonly bool IsHidden;
28 |
29 | public PushExpressionAttribute(
30 | StackTypes stackType,
31 | string name,
32 | string description,
33 | StackTypes additionalStackDependencies = default(StackTypes),
34 | uint requiredBlockCount = 0,
35 | bool isHidden = false,
36 | int inExpressionNr = -1) {
37 |
38 | StackType = stackType;
39 | AdditionalStackDependencies = additionalStackDependencies;
40 | Name = name;
41 | Description = description;
42 | RequiredBlockCount = requiredBlockCount;
43 | IsHidden = isHidden;
44 | InExpressionNr = inExpressionNr > 0 ? inExpressionNr : default(int?);
45 | ManipulatesExec = stackType == StackTypes.Exec || AdditionalStackDependencies.HasFlag(StackTypes.Exec);
46 | }
47 |
48 | public bool IsInExpression { get { return this.InExpressionNr.HasValue; } }
49 | }
50 | }