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Custom Query (48 matches)


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Ticket Component Summary
#1087 Problems.TestFunctions Implement multiobjective test functions
#1235 MainForm.WindowsForms Context menu to close tabs/views
#1795 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Gradient boosting meta-learner for regression and classification
#2060 Optimization.Views Hitting the Enter-key in the experiment dialog closes the dialog
#2071 Problems.Instances Refactor TableFileParser
#2221 Problems.ProbabilisticTravelingSalesman Implement the probabilistic traveling salesman problem
#2281 Optimization New parameter type for storing results
#2417 Problems.DataAnalysis Extend interface for IDataset to allow access by column index
#2494 Optimizer NewItem-Dialog should consider Categories in search results
#2504 ExtLibs Transport plugin for SharpDX external library
#2527 Algorithms.ALPS Implement ALPS with Offspring Selection
#2536 Problems.DataAnalysis Dataset should implement IStringConvertibleMatrix explicitly
#2542 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Estimated values view should also show predictive variance for each point especially for Gaussian processes
#2545 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding It should be allowed to create the SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding in the GUI
#2546 Services.OKB OKB run should return the algorithm id
#2549 Services.OKB.DataAccess Optimize OKB Query Service
#2559 DataPreprocessing Decouple DataPreprocessing from SymbolicDataAnalysis
#2566 Operators Improve collecting (Before|After)ExecutionOperators in Run
#2567 Optimizer HeuristicLab Applications do not respect their previous location and size
#2569 Core.Views View for ParameterizedItem
#2571 Algorithms Create a RandomSearchAlgorithm
#2572 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression SymbolicRegressionSolutionsAnalyzer should also add training and test R² values to the scope so that they can be read by other analyzers
#2579 Problems.Programmable.Views Changing Name of a ProgrammableProblem does not change caption in view
#2580 PluginInfrastructure Command line argument handling is too restrictive
#2584 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression ConstantOptimization should be configurable to ignore variable weights
#2586 Hive.Server.DataAccess Reduce HIVE load on downloading jobs
#2587 Optimizer CreateExperimentDialog should show parameter descriptions
#2589 Data Possibility to prevent resizing of ValueTypeArrays
#2590 Problems.DataAnalysis RegressionEnsembles should support weighting of the estimated values
#2591 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Evaluation of GaussianProcessModels should be faster
#2593 Problems.DataAnalysis Add method to convert a Dataset into a Modifiable dataset and possibility to replace columns
#2594 Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions Better axis scaling in scatter plot and related charts
#2595 Problems.DataAnalysis VariableImpactsCalculator for RegressionSolutions
#2597 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Gradient chart view for regression solutions
#2602 Common Enumerable extensions for generating k-combinations of elements from a collection
#2604 Problems.DataAnalysis Retrieve variables used for prediction in data analysis solutions/models
#2610 Data.Views TimeSpanValue Parse
#2611 Problems.Instances Add SARCOS (inverse dynamics) as a real world regression problem instance
#2612 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Regression tree models should support evaluation even when some of the variables are missing or contain missing values
#2618 Problems.Instances Create benchmark problem instances for variable network modeling
#2619 Problems.DataAnalysis FeatureCorrelation should have an option to ignore missing values
#2620 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views RegressionSolution Scatterplots should use semi-transparent data points
#2626 Common Make it possible to exclude fields from object graph traversal explicitly.
#2627 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Non-linear regression based on a given model structure
#2628 Common Population variance should be available as enumerable extension
#2637 Data Conversions from ValueTypeArray/Matrix to standard arrays
#2639 ### Undefined ### Fix build warnings in trunk solution
#2641 Problems.BinPacking Bin Packing Trunk Integration
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