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Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: accepted (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1734 Integrate the DataImporter in the trunk mkommend feature request medium DataImporter branch

Status: closed (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1633 Display column index for columns in a columngroup to simplify definition of programmable columns gkronber enhancement medium DataImporter branch
#1639 Sorting values in a column should be stable gkronber defect medium DataImporter branch
#1858 DeleteColumnGroupCommand should support multiple ColumnGroups mkommend enhancement medium DataImporter branch
#1818 ColumnGroupView refreshes very slowly mkommend enhancement high DataImporter branch
#1825 New Column Command should insert the new column next to the selected one mkommend enhancement high DataImporter branch

Status: readytorelease (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1820 Create Regression and Classificaton problems from the DataImporter mkommend feature request low DataImporter branch

Status: reviewing (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1632 Extend Savitzky-Golay filter command to support calculation of smoothed derivatives gkronber enhancement lowest DataImporter 1.0
#1804 Datagrid update of cells is slow on scrolling gkronber defect lowest DataImporter branch
#1908 Enhance "split dictionary style data" command to take more than one column into account gkronber enhancement lowest DataImporter branch
#1956 All AddColumn commands should take into account if any columns are selected gkronber enhancement lowest DataImporter 3.3.7
#1119 Box-Cox transformation for data-analysis gkronber feature request low DataImporter branch
#1867 Add Command which deletes Rows or Columns with insufficient data mkommend feature request medium DataImporter branch
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.