#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.Data; using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis; using LibSVM; namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis { public class SupportVectorMachineUtil { /// /// Transforms into a data structure as needed by libSVM. /// /// The problem data to transform /// The rows of the dataset that should be contained in the resulting SVM-problem /// A problem data type that can be used to train a support vector machine. public static svm_problem CreateSvmProblem(Dataset dataset, string targetVariable, IEnumerable inputVariables, IEnumerable rowIndices) { double[] targetVector = dataset.GetDoubleValues(targetVariable, rowIndices).ToArray(); svm_node[][] nodes = new svm_node[targetVector.Length][]; int maxNodeIndex = 0; int svmProblemRowIndex = 0; List inputVariablesList = inputVariables.ToList(); foreach (int row in rowIndices) { List tempRow = new List(); int colIndex = 1; // make sure the smallest node index for SVM = 1 foreach (var inputVariable in inputVariablesList) { double value = dataset.GetDoubleValue(inputVariable, row); // SVM also works with missing values // => don't add NaN values in the dataset to the sparse SVM matrix representation if (!double.IsNaN(value)) { tempRow.Add(new svm_node() { index = colIndex, value = value }); // nodes must be sorted in ascending ordered by column index if (colIndex > maxNodeIndex) maxNodeIndex = colIndex; } colIndex++; } nodes[svmProblemRowIndex++] = tempRow.ToArray(); } return new svm_problem { l = targetVector.Length, y = targetVector, x = nodes }; } /// /// Instantiate and return a svm_parameter object with default values. /// /// A svm_parameter object with default values public static svm_parameter DefaultParameters() { svm_parameter parameter = new svm_parameter(); parameter.svm_type = svm_parameter.NU_SVR; parameter.kernel_type = svm_parameter.RBF; parameter.C = 1; parameter.nu = 0.5; parameter.gamma = 1; parameter.p = 1; parameter.cache_size = 500; parameter.probability = 0; parameter.eps = 0.001; parameter.degree = 3; parameter.shrinking = 1; parameter.coef0 = 0; return parameter; } /// /// Generate a collection of row sequences corresponding to folds in the data (used for crossvalidation) /// /// This method is aimed to be lightweight and as such does not clone the dataset. /// The problem data /// The number of folds to generate /// A sequence of folds representing each a sequence of row numbers public static IEnumerable> GenerateFolds(IDataAnalysisProblemData problemData, int numberOfFolds) { int size = problemData.TrainingPartition.Size; int f = size / numberOfFolds, r = size % numberOfFolds; // number of folds rounded to integer and remainder int start = 0, end = f; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFolds; ++i) { if (r > 0) { ++end; --r; } yield return problemData.TrainingIndices.Skip(start).Take(end - start); start = end; end += f; } } private static Tuple[] GenerateSvmPartitions(IDataAnalysisProblemData problemData, int numberOfFolds) { var folds = GenerateFolds(problemData, numberOfFolds).ToList(); var targetVariable = GetTargetVariableName(problemData); var partitions = new Tuple[numberOfFolds]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFolds; ++i) { int p = i; // avoid "access to modified closure" warning below var trainingRows = folds.SelectMany((par, j) => j != p ? par : Enumerable.Empty()); var testRows = folds[i]; var trainingSvmProblem = CreateSvmProblem(problemData.Dataset, targetVariable, problemData.AllowedInputVariables, trainingRows); var testSvmProblem = CreateSvmProblem(problemData.Dataset, targetVariable, problemData.AllowedInputVariables, testRows); partitions[i] = new Tuple(trainingSvmProblem, testSvmProblem); } return partitions; } public static void CrossValidate(IDataAnalysisProblemData problemData, svm_parameter parameters, int numberOfFolds, out double avgTestMse) { var partitions = GenerateSvmPartitions(problemData, numberOfFolds); CrossValidate(problemData, parameters, partitions, out avgTestMse); } public static void CrossValidate(IDataAnalysisProblemData problemData, svm_parameter parameters, Tuple[] partitions, out double avgTestMse) { avgTestMse = 0; var calc = new OnlineMeanSquaredErrorCalculator(); foreach (Tuple tuple in partitions) { var trainingSvmProblem = tuple.Item1; var testSvmProblem = tuple.Item2; var model = svm.svm_train(trainingSvmProblem, parameters); calc.Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < testSvmProblem.l; ++i) calc.Add(testSvmProblem.y[i], svm.svm_predict(model, testSvmProblem.x[i])); avgTestMse += calc.MeanSquaredError; } avgTestMse /= partitions.Length; } private static Action GenerateSetter(string fieldName) { var targetExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(svm_parameter)); var valueExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(double)); var fieldExp = Expression.Field(targetExp, fieldName); var assignExp = Expression.Assign(fieldExp, Expression.Convert(valueExp, fieldExp.Type)); var setter = Expression.Lambda>(assignExp, targetExp, valueExp).Compile(); return setter; } public static svm_parameter GridSearch(IDataAnalysisProblemData problemData, int numberOfFolds, Dictionary> parameterRanges, int maxDegreeOfParallelism = 1) { DoubleValue mse = new DoubleValue(Double.MaxValue); var bestParam = DefaultParameters(); var pNames = parameterRanges.Keys.ToList(); var pRanges = pNames.Select(x => parameterRanges[x]); var crossProduct = pRanges.CartesianProduct(); var setters = pNames.Select(GenerateSetter).ToList(); var partitions = GenerateSvmPartitions(problemData, numberOfFolds); Parallel.ForEach(crossProduct, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxDegreeOfParallelism }, nuple => { var list = nuple.ToList(); var parameters = DefaultParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < pNames.Count; ++i) { var s = setters[i]; s(parameters, list[i]); } double testMse; CrossValidate(problemData, parameters, partitions, out testMse); if (testMse < mse.Value) { lock (mse) { mse.Value = testMse; } lock (bestParam) { bestParam = (svm_parameter)parameters.Clone(); } } }); return bestParam; } private static string GetTargetVariableName(IDataAnalysisProblemData problemData) { var regressionProblemData = problemData as IRegressionProblemData; var classificationProblemData = problemData as IClassificationProblemData; if (regressionProblemData != null) return regressionProblemData.TargetVariable; if (classificationProblemData != null) return classificationProblemData.TargetVariable; throw new ArgumentException("Problem data is neither regression or classification problem data."); } } }