#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using HeuristicLab.Hive.Contracts.Interfaces; using HeuristicLab.Hive.Contracts.BusinessObjects; using HeuristicLab.Hive.Contracts; using HeuristicLab.Hive.Server.DataAccess; using HeuristicLab.Hive.Server.Core.InternalInterfaces; using HeuristicLab.DataAccess.Interfaces; using System.Data; using System.IO; using HeuristicLab.Tracing; using System.Transactions; using HeuristicLab.Hive.Server.LINQDataAccess; using IsolationLevel=System.Transactions.IsolationLevel; namespace HeuristicLab.Hive.Server.Core { internal class JobManager : IJobManager, IInternalJobManager { //ISessionFactory factory; private ILifecycleManager lifecycleManager; #region IJobManager Members public JobManager() { //factory = ServiceLocator.GetSessionFactory(); lifecycleManager = ServiceLocator.GetLifecycleManager(); lifecycleManager.RegisterStartup(new EventHandler(lifecycleManager_OnStartup)); lifecycleManager.RegisterStartup(new EventHandler(lifecycleManager_OnShutdown)); } private JobDto GetLastJobResult(Guid jobId) { return DaoLocator.JobDao.FindById(jobId); } private void checkForDeadJobs() { Logger.Info("Searching for dead Jobs"); using ( TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TransactionOptions {IsolationLevel = ApplicationConstants.ISOLATION_LEVEL_SCOPE})) { List allJobs = new List(DaoLocator.JobDao.FindAll()); foreach (JobDto curJob in allJobs) { if (curJob.State != State.calculating && curJob.State != State.finished) { DaoLocator.JobDao.SetJobOffline(curJob); } } scope.Complete(); } DaoLocator.DestroyContext(); } private void lifecycleManager_OnStartup(object sender, EventArgs e) { Logger.Info("Startup Event Fired, Checking DB for consistency"); checkForDeadJobs(); Logger.Info("Startup Event Done"); } private void lifecycleManager_OnShutdown(object sender, EventArgs e) { Logger.Info("Startup Event Fired, Checking DB for consistency"); checkForDeadJobs(); Logger.Info("Startup Event Done"); } /// /// returns all jobs stored in the database /// /// public ResponseList GetAllJobs() { ResponseList response = new ResponseList(); response.List = new List(DaoLocator.JobDao.FindAll()); response.Success = true; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_ALL_JOBS; return response; } public ResponseList GetAllJobsWithFilter(State jobState, int offset, int count) { ResponseList response = new ResponseList(); response.List = new List(DaoLocator.JobDao.FindWithLimitations(jobState, offset, count)); response.Success = true; return response; } /// /// Gets the streamed job /// /// /// public Stream GetJobStreamById(Guid jobId) { return DaoLocator.JobDao.GetSerializedJobStream(jobId); } /// /// returns the job with the specified id /// /// public ResponseObject GetJobById(Guid jobId) { ResponseObject response = new ResponseObject(); response.Obj = DaoLocator.JobDao.FindById(jobId); if (response.Obj != null) { response.Success = true; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_GET_JOB_BY_ID; } else { response.Success = false; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_JOB_DOESNT_EXIST; } return response; } public ResponseObject GetJobByIdWithDetails(Guid jobId) { ResponseObject job = new ResponseObject(); job.Obj = DaoLocator.JobDao.FindById(jobId); if (job.Obj != null) { job.Success = true; job.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_GET_JOB_BY_ID; job.Obj.Client = DaoLocator.ClientDao.GetClientForJob(jobId); } else { job.Success = false; job.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_JOB_DOESNT_EXIST; } return job; } public ResponseObject AddJobWithGroupStrings(SerializedJob job, IEnumerable resources) { IClientGroupDao cgd = DaoLocator.ClientGroupDao; foreach (string res in resources) { foreach (ClientGroupDto cg in cgd.FindByName(res)) { job.JobInfo.AssignedResourceIds.Add(cg.Id); } } return AddNewJob(job); } /// /// Adds a new job into the database /// /// /// public ResponseObject AddNewJob(SerializedJob job) { ResponseObject response = new ResponseObject(); if (job != null && job.JobInfo != null) { if (job.JobInfo.State != State.offline) { response.Success = false; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_JOBSTATE_MUST_BE_OFFLINE; return response; } if (job.JobInfo.Id != Guid.Empty) { response.Success = false; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_ID_MUST_NOT_BE_SET; return response; } if (job.SerializedJobData == null) { response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_JOB_NULL; response.Success = false; return response; } job.JobInfo.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; DaoLocator.JobDao.InsertWithAttachedJob(job); DaoLocator.PluginInfoDao.InsertPluginDependenciesForJob(job.JobInfo); response.Success = true; response.Obj = job.JobInfo; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_JOB_ADDED; } else { response.Success = false; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_JOB_NULL; } return response; } /// /// Removes a job from the database /// /// /// public Response RemoveJob(Guid jobId) { Response response = new Response(); JobDto job = DaoLocator.JobDao.FindById(jobId); if (job == null) { response.Success = false; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_JOB_DOESNT_EXIST; return response; } DaoLocator.JobDao.Delete(job); response.Success = false; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_JOB_REMOVED; return response; } public ResponseObject GetLastJobResultOf(Guid jobId) { ResponseObject result = new ResponseObject(); result.Obj = GetLastJobResult(jobId); result.Success = result.Obj != null; return result; } //Requested means: there MUST be a job result which gets sent back public ResponseObject GetLastSerializedJobResultOf(Guid jobId, bool requested, bool snapshot) { ResponseObject response = new ResponseObject(); JobDto job = DaoLocator.JobDao.FindById(jobId); //if it's a snapshot but the result hasn't reached the server yet... if (snapshot && (job.State == State.requestSnapshot || job.State == State.requestSnapshotSent)) { response.Success = true; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_RESULT_NOT_YET_HERE; return response; } //if it's NOT a snapshot, NEITHER request NOR is it finished if(!requested && !snapshot && job.State != State.finished) { response.Success = true; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_RESULT_NOT_YET_HERE; return response; } //every other case - snapshot, job finished or it's requested response.Success = true; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_JOB_RESULT_SENT; response.Obj = new SerializedJob(); response.Obj.JobInfo = job; response.Obj.SerializedJobData = DaoLocator.JobDao.GetBinaryJobFile(jobId); return response; } public Response RequestSnapshot(Guid jobId) { Response response = new Response(); JobDto job = DaoLocator.JobDao.FindById(jobId); if (job.State == State.requestSnapshot || job.State == State.requestSnapshotSent) { response.Success = true; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_REQUEST_ALLREADY_SET; return response; } if (job.State != State.calculating) { response.Success = false; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_IS_NOT_BEEING_CALCULATED; return response; } // job is in correct state job.State = State.requestSnapshot; DaoLocator.JobDao.Update(job); response.Success = true; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_REQUEST_SET; return response; } public Response AbortJob(Guid jobId) { Response response = new Response(); JobDto job = DaoLocator.JobDao.FindById(jobId); if (job == null) { response.Success = false; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_JOB_DOESNT_EXIST; return response; // no commit needed } if (job.State == State.abort) { response.Success = true; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_ABORT_REQUEST_ALLREADY_SET; return response; // no commit needed } if (job.State != State.calculating && job.State != State.requestSnapshot && job.State != State.requestSnapshotSent) { response.Success = false; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_IS_NOT_BEEING_CALCULATED; return response; // no commit needed } // job is in correct state job.State = State.abort; DaoLocator.JobDao.Update(job); response.Success = true; response.StatusMessage = ApplicationConstants.RESPONSE_JOB_ABORT_REQUEST_SET; return response; } public ResponseList GetAllJobResults(Guid jobId) { return new ResponseList(); } public ResponseList GetAllProjects() { return null; } private Response createUpdateProject(ProjectDto project) { return null; } public Response CreateProject(ProjectDto project) { return createUpdateProject(project); } public Response ChangeProject(ProjectDto project) { return createUpdateProject(project); } public Response DeleteProject(Guid projectId) { return null; } public ResponseList GetJobsByProject(Guid projectId) { return null; } public byte[] GetSerializedJobDataById(Guid jobId) { return DaoLocator.JobDao.GetBinaryJobFile(jobId); } public void SetSerializedJobDataById(Guid jobId, byte[] data) { DaoLocator.JobDao.SetBinaryJobFile(jobId, data); } #endregion } }